Did they all freeze to death yet?

Did they all freeze to death yet?

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am dead, ama

It's not that fucking bad

-6 C , its like summer

14ºC here, not really freezing to death

-9 C here, nothing special.

-18 degrees Celsius now

>Did they all freeze to death yet?
Nah, winter today is like it used to be when I was a child

it was a bit cold for a week. it's now back to normal -10C

Close to -40 here at night but I'm still here.

No fucking way

Add the wind and tadaa.
Record here is -48.

It's 22C here I'm fucking melting.

I'm ok. Worked outside all day.

Jesus fuck lad. What's it like outside, can you breath? I found -11 in the Alps hard on my lungs

Not really a problem, tourists tough get really messed up sometimes.
I'm used to the cold air but people not from here get into trouble some times.
Seen nosebleeds, people coughing up blood, blacking out etc.

Some of you guys are alright. Don't go skiing tomorrow if you are in Folldal.

We got a tropical heat today of +1°C! Even now it's only -2.2

>Seen nosebleeds, people coughing up blood, blacking out etc

It's nothing really dangerous, simply blood vessels popping from the cold.
The passing out part, well that can be lethal if you are outside (for obvious reasons).
Only time I've suffered similar things was up in the mountains further up north, no idea how cold it was but far below -45 that's for sure.
Had nosebleeds and cramping lungs for a couple hours.

Went running in shorts this afternoon, bit windy though

This is like winter way back when i was young. Kinda nostalgic. Feels bad that this weather is a "fuck up" these days

Yeah, looking at long term data, our low of -10.2 yesterday is pretty average for all winter minimum, just a regular zone 8a thing. As far as I can tell, none of my windmill palms died yet

europe is heading towards a mini-iceage currently

Three refugees froze to death

Breathe through your nose instead. The nose has blood rich erectile tissue that preheats air so your lungs don't freeze.

Of course I breath through my nose. I'm not a gaping retard. However at high altitudes it's a problem, I get nose bleeds badly. I think I might be mildly asthmatic to but I never got diagnosed yet

>varg was right

>blood rich erectile tissue

No. The snow today was absolutely wonderful. You have these half a centimeter wide snowflakes, so the snow is light as a cloud, you can blow on it and the whole new layer of snow flies into the air.
It's really beautiful. And the weather is perfect for my coat. I could use warmer gloves, though.

I have cough variant asthma and what always helped me was using my inhaler and constant hard exercise, eventually the inflammatory response of my lungs just went away

It's fucking 26c fucking central heating FUCK FUCK FUCK

Meant for
Suck my nose whore.

>the trip to uni takes an hour on foot
>walk for an hour in what feels like -30C on Tuesday and Wednesday
you just put on enough clothes and it's fine. The wind is the problem since it blows on your face and you can't cover from it

Why don't you drive or take public transport?

are you kidding? there's other people on public transport

Then sit down somewhere and put your bag on the seat next to you

>tfw haven't been outside in like 4 days now
Thank god for being a NEET, I can't even fathom how miserable it must be standing around at like 6 in the morning waiting 10 minutes for the bus to show up.

That said the heating in my house is on the fritz.

That's pretty taboo. But luckily nobody will sit next to you as long as there are empty pairs of seats.


yep. bag the seat, plugs in ear, gaze out the window into distance, observe the situation on the transport only via reflections in the window. such is life

Even more? I read about that one refuge woman who tried to like kill herself and her children by walking out into the snow or some shit.

>only -20
been worse

That's fucking littering.

5 days a week. Hour up and and an hour back. This is hell.

We could have listened

I wouldn't mind the cold but biking in this weather is fucking annoying. I don't have any other (as cheap) way to get around so i have to freeze my face and balls every morning

Same for me. I like it though. Kinda nice to just have a few hours to yourself, thinking about random shit, nothing to distract you, a bit like meditation but not unbearably dull.

Granted losing so much time every day on what is essentially nothing sucks major dick.

It's like 2 degrees here, doesn't go very far in either direction

I will never question Varg ever again

when i commuted to uni i used to just read lecture notes. now it's either books or listening to new albums. still, the total time spent on transport is frightening

on a side note: anyone else find heating in public transport absolutely useless? i mean, people are already wearing warm clothes

Blease help!


-22 nothing unspecial, i mean we got this -17 least 20 days a year

I had to shovel my way out of my house today

Nice fresh air


Portugal only ever gets comfy cold, not freezing your balls cold.


Hehehe that would be hilarious.