What did Hillary mean by this?
What did Hillary mean by this?
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Hillary is gonna call Trump "Hitler" then go over some mean tweets from /pol users.
Will she name the nazi frog?
She's going to create a straw man for a loosely defined group and claim that it represents trump supporters
It means that summer is about to last a lot longer around here
>How dare they insinuate that my health is bad?
She says sitting on a stool with her caretakers visible just off stage, before erupting into a coughing fit.
>left has been calling trump literally hitler since day 1
>guys he's supported by the alt right, more literally hitlers!
This is their same tactic with new words, only thing this will do is get normies to look into the alt-right and become redpilled. Stupid.
will she show dank memes?
it's always summer on Sup Forums
We are aware of Trump's dog whistles to this board and have been tracking it for some time.
We can not prove that all Trump supporters are racists. But we can prove that all racists are Trump supporters, and that it's the platform of racists. Sup Forums has made that trivial to do.
"Alt-right" is such a vague as fuck term that not even those who call themselves alt-right can properly define it. What's she gonna do, complain about Sup Forums and twitter shitposters?
you say it as if racist is something bad
too be honest, she wont name Sup Forums or le meme kek. She'll be talking about his recent Breitbart hire.
Then she'll call him Hitler, a bigot, the usual. There is no no material here anymore. Shes desperately trying to brand him a racist despite that not working for over a year.
Wow the lefties are going to begging for the neocons once the beast awakens
>Hillary is going to call Trump Hitler
Democrats always amaze me with their endless creativity.
>Her only campaign rally this week
>propped up on pillows or leaning on a stool
>Trump is literally Hitler and everyone who likes him is a bigot
So more of the same tired add shit then?
It's not even a strawman though. That's what makes it so funny.
She thinks by "outing" Trump supporters as Sup Forumstards she's going to hurt Trump.
All she's going to do is unwittingly send normies down the red pill path.
This is like when Fox News tried to Shut Us Down.
She's going to Gawker the Democrats if she's not careful.
Sup Forums is a board of peace.
>Everything is racist
>Everything is sexist
May as well get on board.
It makes more sense to say that his followers are nazis and he's retarded.
This is going to be like that time Sony tried to make money by annoying Le Gamer Gate Le Alt Right with that stupid Ghostbusters movie.
I'm sure this will go over just as well.
they're afraid of naming kek because doing so on national tv would make you look like a fucking lunatic.
so now are people unironically going to legitimize the "alt-right" meme?
How is being racist a bad thing?
This is like black science man doing his bullshit with flat earth stuff. It makes you look retarded if you address a meme seriously.
its the meme magic. we are too powerful to stay behind the curtain
>Look, just to show you how crazy Donald Trump is, he, uh, well, his followers...They worship a "Rare Amphibian". If you repeat numbers, like 666 I guess, he grants you powers
The funny thing is you have entire states of Mormons.
If she mentions this, she's going to unwittingly convert a few million mouth breathers to Kek for real.
And I don't think it's fair to hold Sup Forums responsible for whatever happens.
Only if they arent educated - sourceless youtube vids and infographics only work on the uninformed.
I'm a bit worried famalam.
First Brexit, now Trump.
What if we accidentally Kek into existence?
Fucking normies need to calm down.
New Abedin Emails Reveal Hillary Clinton State Department Gave Special Access to Top Clinton Foundation Donors
Let all come to know the joy of serving the One True God
This. Expect a "Mean Tweets: Hillary Edition"
If an ugly cunt with a British accent emphasizing every word Really. Strongly. saying uninformed, idiotic bullshit manages to sway millions of proto-Marxists who are nominally educated, then Sup Forums has got this shit in the bag.
>the alt-right is going to be declared KKK 2.0
Just you wait.
I'll die laughing if she has a PowerPoint of rare Pepes?
I don't know where that question mark came from.
Alt-right = Conservatives with internet access.
The left will never get it right. Good thing reddit is getting blamed for everything.
It has been working. Everyone i know that isnt a trump supporter calls him a racist. So its clearly in their minds
Her argument will be easy: that Trump is drawing on resources and expertise from the far right. Breitbart is easy to portray as a place for conspiratorial nutcases and antisemites and bigots. She can also argue that Trump happily hires sexual harrassers (Ailes) and himself likes to attack vulnerable people (that disabled parody was a very unprofessional mistake). Trump also mismanaged the KKK endorsement.
These points will win over undecided votes to Hillary and motivated left voters to fight against rising fascism, nativism, and white separatism in the US.
I live in Reno. If I could find where this bitch is going to show up I could go and raise hell. Unfortunately, all searches I've done to try to find where she's holding it have failed. If anyone can get me that location I promise to deliver on this and disorganize her "organized" meeting.
Also, please share suggestions on what I should shout out/ask at open question (if there is one) for maximum lulz and max chance to stroke hillary out.
But who will be there to watch it??
Live in reno too. Buddy works at unr and heard something about a candidate coming
lol close to none if any. Like I said, I made a conscious effort to try and find when/where the event was actually taking place (which killed me a little inside) and couldn't find shit.
Nothing on any local event sites, nothing on any of her sites, its like she doesn't care if any locals actually even see it. I suppose when you have guaranteed, bought news coverage anyway you don't have to worry about actually meeting with the peasants face to face.
Oh nooo the alt-right... Bitch murdering babies is main stream for your people
And yeah she's pissed that Sup Forums has this much pull
What are the main ideological differences between alt-right and conventional right?
Is alt-right code for Sup Forums? Does it mean anything besides Sup Forums + breitbart? Who else would it include? I heard from one person, not sure how true, that running the data, Sup Forums gets over 1 million unique viewers a day so maybe we really are a movement. Its certainly changed my views. I never thought in a million years even 4 years ago I would be voting for a Republican.
oh my god. my sides
The alt-right has existed longer than Sup Forums fuccboi.
Alt means alternative. In this case alternative media. As in not the mainstream media. Which means anyone not controlled by the 6 different billionaires. Which means, any right wind media outlet like Infowars, Caravan to Midnight, Breitbart, etc.
Which as I just realized in the other thread is incorrect because that implies there is a right wind media outlet in the mainstream, wihch there is not.
But have you seen those pole numbers? *hillary unzips her dick* "heh. Nothin personnel, kid"
Ailes, obviously. He's a Trump supporter and he made Fox News the biggest news network in the country. This is right-wing media -- and further right than most of the Republican Party. Why is this not crystal clear to you, user?
She's going to do what she does best lie.
Ailes was forced out. What rock have you been living under?
He wasn't forced out on political grounds. He was forced out because he couldn't keep his dick in his trousers. He made Fox News what it is and it continues as his ideological legacy. This is the far-right part of the mainstream media in the US.
Hillary and the mainstream media can't openly link to alt-right stuff, because it makes sense (with the appropriate prerequisite knowledge).
Instead, they'll build up a strawman.
Who fucking cares why? Forced out is forced out. Fox news is done for. Anyone who thinks overwise may as well believe what CNN tells them.
More of this """""logic""""":
>David Duke supports Donald Trump
>Therefore Trump supports David Duke
It feels like somebody is stabbing me in the buttcheek when they try to use this logic in the MSM. Education is in the shitter but this is just common sense, right?
Everything said here is backed up with facts. Nigger crime, immigration, everything. Our memes work because they are true. Anyone that comes here (or a similar place) with an open mind will understand they have been lied to their entire lives.
Rupert Murdoch is too wily to let his showcase network be done for. It's not in the parlous state of News of the World. He'll simply keep it moving in the same direction. Breitbart will try to set up a nationalist, white supremacist network, but this will always be to fringe to take off in the majority of homes.
It's worth reiterating that the meme that "there is no right-wing mainstream media in the US" is a terrible meme. Trump is trying to go outside mainstream and is going to be pilloried for his questionable associates. Just look at the trouble Manafort got him into for being a Putin stooge and then being forced to resign before the scandal took over the campaign.
maybe she'll just cancel this like Trump cancelled his big immigration policy speech.
on the other hand, her campaign isn't a shitshow like his, so probably not.
obongo gave less speeches than romney. same thing with hillary. you cant compare absolutes
We have seen the beast, and it is Trump.
>8% in the polls
>3 points behind both 3rd party candidates
>not a shit show
Am I being memed?
Sup Forums held responsible for destroying the Trump campaign would be Social Justice.
Alert the SJW's and CTR's and sick the Lesbians on Trump. Quick guys, before it's too late.
They are to busy finding new and creative ways of being oppressed to do anything constructive.
Hillary is going to call him racist.
This is because he's going after the black vote.
It will be an obvious ad hominem and seen as such.
Everyone will hate her more.
>>How dare they insinuate that my health is bad?
She says while lying in a hospital bed with IV's hooked to her.
All she needs to do is quote him and let Trump's words speak for themselves. Trump is destroying himself.
Was that part of the plan?
>references one survey of 500 students
>calls it 'the polls'
It would appear I am the one being memed
Post examples wile keeping to the context.
Prove it. I never heard about it until like 2 years ago, if that.
>give nation-wide attention to the alt-right
Why do they keep doing this?
Same reason they cant even host a convention without every aspect of it going wrong.
Yeah, it's hard to top Scott Baio and that Duck Dynasty dude or that chick from The Bold and the Beautiful.
can't wait, can wait for all the normies that will flood here afterwards though
>Look at my African American.
Damn you ctr
take a shit on the floor and film it, or drop an empty backpack or one with a clock in it and yell allah akbar then run see which racists run
What, you saying he was Australian-american? Would be kinda a lame story if it was a white guy that punched a hillary supporter dressed as the KKK.
Ayyy we're going to be on TV again
Alt-right just means bad goy.
>If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.
-Some fagola
You're complaining that he used the politically correct term to describe an individual in the crowd whose name he didn't know? He was pointing out someone who he remembered from events at the previous rally.
Please explain how this is controversial.
So they're going to associate their opponents using a term they created to shame their opponents.
nice joke
lol no one even watches her speeches or cares about her
she's going to speak to an audience of a couple hundred for 10 minutes and then sit down
Clearly, she means that nu/pol/ social media attention whores have hurt their candidate almost as much as they have hurt this board.
It's too late to do anything about either.
Funny how the worst possible thing she can do to jeopardize her chances is interacting with people.
>Best guess for this image: Gentleman
>What did Hillary mean by this?
yeah do this dress arab and shout allah akbar and see how many people run
>tfw Hillary will never have your rare pepes
>ctr calling anyone but Hillary a shit show
None of these people are going to go down the "red pill" path.. They dont care about truth.. its all a war being played through politicians on a superficial level.. a game.
Ive been put in this spot for the stupidest reasons.. because i questioned someone i am now a sick fuck.. These people are very violent who are caught up in this battle. I have spent most of my life being very serious about being fair, non-violent, and staying out of social or political war and violence and all it takes is some superficial move and they will attack you. This has seeped into the core of the government. Ive had blacks want to kill me just because i dont respect their ego and desire to kill whites.. Ive been threatened directly by the government.. Im affraid to speak in a non-superficial, dishonest way even if i am truly not involved in bias or the politics of this. I honestly would take action against this if i could.. Workplace corruption and judicial corruption is not something that should be accepted, although i would only do this from a perspective of complete selflessness.. I am afraid to talk, i cannot express myself.. i am not racist.. Every part of the society now thinks that someone who is not in conformation with this modern movement of liberalism is stupid/evil/worthless.
If you are being put in a spot where you are not allowed to communicate and then you are beaten, then you are being oppressed systematically.. and this has happened to me.. it is not just the society but it has taken the government also.
This is an absolute trainwreck.. very stupid. And the people involved.. massive, massive fuck-ups. To me it is a red flag when they take your communication.
Sup Forums is satire
>all racists are Trump supporters
>not the MOST racist
They actually treat non whites as though they're inferior and need to be coddles to succeed. Which in fact hamstrings them just like coddling children all their lives.
>Older women
>not almost entirely NIMBYs
They're all about social progress, but they might have an emotional meltdown if their grandson comes home with a black girl.
Literally THE most overtly racist group of human beings on the planet.
And their racism translates almost directly into violence whenever they think they can get away with it.
And I do believe Hilldog herself refered to young black men as 'super predators'.
you burgers should go to a Hillary rallys dressed in muslim clothes and hold signs saying "thanks for supporting our brothers in Syria"
?pol? is garbage