>Be American
>Be deaf, and father of 3 year old son
>Get pulled over
>try to comminicate with police using sign language
>Get shot by police
Bravo you fucking murrifat idiots
>Be American
>Be deaf, and father of 3 year old son
>Get pulled over
>try to comminicate with police using sign language
>Get shot by police
Bravo you fucking murrifat idiots
I don't know if I should care yet
was the victim black or white?
>Get pulled over
>Exit vehicle
Nope. Also not black so #Don'tMatter
>but the driver led authorities on a brief pursuit
Pic is funny. I can't help but laugh when imaging the incident.
>performing sign language
>cop is dumbfounded
>cop gets scared and shoots
>Jermaine Saunders
Yeah the cop was a nigger. False flag.
he was white. Wouldn't have posted otherwise mate, what do you think this is, Tumblr?
Lucky he wasn't black
Yeah, Muricah is a dangerous place, If police stop you while driving don't make any strange movement, they probably will shoot you in the face just in case.
>led police on a wild chase to his house
>but im deaf so its okay! its also totally safe for me to drive
>get shot
he a good boy! he din hear nuffin
Maybe he didn't hear the sirens, shitlord?
>led authorities on a brief pursuit
>gets out of car waving his hands around after pursuit ends
Stupid games stupid prizes
Cop would have probably been like "shit, this guy is giving a gang sign or something, he's about to signal his fellow gang members for a cop shootout or something"
>"Oh shit dude, he's making gang signs. Shoot him, shoot him!"
oh my bad
this is truly disturbing then, will the cop be prosecuted?
is he blind too? lmao
A deaf man should not drive a car, he cannot hear if the wheels are falling off, he cannot hear emergency sirens, he cannot hear honking, how in the fuck did he get his licence?
>lead police on chase
>don't wait for them to approach car
>get out and raise your hands
Probably thought he was about to shoot them. Just because you're deaf doesn't mean your rear-view mirrors don't work.
I certainly hope so. What is more the cop might be black (purely judging by his name)
If you are deaf you shouldn't drive
Pic related is him, feeding his son (who's now orphaned)
>>Get pulled over
>>Exit vehicle
>Approach officer without being told to
>With a combination of deaf guy speak and erratic hand movements
Why is American police so trigger happy compared to police from other countries?
Least I don't have to see my taxes get used to pay his disability anymore.
>be American
>be deaf
>get shot
is he a shitskin? he looks like he could be a shitskin
>the cop might be black
I am now deeply concerned
>he a good boy! he din hear nuffin
They killed that retarded fuck because he didnt shart in mart as the constitution says. One less traitorous fag, GOD BLESS AMERICA.
>without being told
>implying the average police officer has the intelligence to know sign language
>he cannot hear if the wheels are falling off
I wonder when President Obama will hold his usual press conference following these types of deaths, to scold America and remind us how racist we are?
>Jermaine Sanders
Charlotte area cops are racist niggers
>don't see blinking signal-lights on the police-car
>be allowed to drive a car
niggu wat
We're more diverse than other homogeneous populations like Denmark. You can usually tell how diverse your neighborhood is by the amount of businesses that have bars on the windows.
Why don't deaf people have special license plates?
SURELY shooting him wouldn't have been the only option in a situation like this
>he is puttin the witchin on you
isn't it a disable sticker or someinthg
Cleanse the gene pool.
Niggers with easy access to guns
He should have gone slower and avoided being pulled over in the first place.
>guy starts waving arms around doing sign language
To be fair, most people drive like they're deaf, dumb, and blind too, Magnus.
Ayo hol up mayne.
Dude's white, and you is be tryna say dat we shud giv a shieetttt?
>You're really activating my cognitive functioning, here.
>americans will defend this
fucking police going rampant and obese burgers just inventing excuses why the 13 officers were justified in shooting the unarmed 6yo girl
Because niggers have been ambushing cops for the last 6 months and in general anti police sentiment is at an all time high so they're not giving anyone the benefit of a doubt. The guy probably wouldn't have had anything happen to him if he didn't get out of the car.
Here's a good video on why cops are so "trigger happy" they have all of half a second to make a decision
because they get away with it. Consistenly.
The question you should be asking is why they are getting away with shit like this
Shouldn't have gotten out of the car like that. What a retard
Darwinism etc etc
a white male gets shot, why should I care? everyone is taught white people are the scum of the earth in school because their filth.
>cops should wait and verify whether they are facing a warlock casting dark magicks or a follower of the light invoking a protective rune or just some deaf faggot before pulling the trigger
This is how retarded you sound
this made me kek
blasting your shitty death metal has the same effect
As long as he was black or brown I dont give a fuck
>guy gets out of his car
>better smoke this fucker
nice logic there
this is the kind of shit that will happen everyday is trump get elected.
>Shouldn't have gotten out of the car like that.
Easy to assume that he not only left the car like a dumbass, but immediately failed to follow instructions because LOLDEAF.
I guess you could say, there was some miscommunication
But wouldnt he had a sign at his windshield? because deaf drivers dont hear signals they need signs.
>BREAKING: Obama caused illegal crime surge
What threat did he even pose?
Guy wasn't armed and only waved his arms around.
Worst thing he could do is punch you
no. he feared for his life. he thought he was moving to attack. he saw a gun. he thought he was mentally deranged. he knew he would get away with it
in the USA, where everybody is armed? I'd shoot too.
>Amerisharts unironically defending this ITT
>be black yute
>wear headphones on the subway
>rap is so loud that riders at the other end of the car can hear it clearly
>fast forward
>cannot hear siren
>cannot hear officer instructions
>cannot hear bang
>ran from the police for 7 miles until he was rammed off the road
>"several minutes" after he was taken off the road he was shot
I'm sure this perfect citizen do anything at all during those minute. No way.
kekked hard
The real question is what was a deaf man doing driving?
I thought they couldn't because they can't hear horns and sirens and shit
This sucks.
"got out of the car after being pulled over" first and last mistake.
>immediately got out of the car
Actually they supposedly drive better than most people with no hearing impairment.
>Europoors have to listen for the sound of the wheels literally falling off their Peugot shit boxes
Can't make this shit up
>illegal crime
Truly the worst form of crime
>stay in car
>get shot
>get out of car
>get shot
Lose-lose situation
>be american
>don't get shot
>muhhh, respect our traditions
Except he wouldn't have gotten shot if he stayed on the car
>don't be in car
>be in open square
>look after autistic brother playing with toy
>get shot
there's no escape
That's very sad. Normally I approve of cops but they should fucking know better. Granted, we should see the dashcam video and all available evidence, but cops should be trained to deal with the mentally ill and the disabled of all stripes.
Why would anyone think Police can understand sign language?
Just pull out your license and registration and pantomime like a choking Italian.
What about that nignog that was filmed getting shot in his car
>Just pull out your license
Everything you do is wrong. In the states u will get shot for even the dumbest things. Only burgers are capable of finding excuses for all the wrong doing of the uneducated trigger happy police.
All governmental employees are supporting a lawless treasonous government for a paycheck
That makes them complicit in treason
A d a p t e d c a r s
You deaf? Did I trigger you?
>Just don't lead the police on a high speed chase requiring them to ram you off the road to stop you, then run out of the car and force them to chase you down and then once cornered turn around and run towards the police while shaking your hands at them.
Bonus points: guy was white, cop was black.
You do that while sitting in the drivers seat and keep those items in your right hand, wait for the officer to approach your vehicle and have both of your hands at the top (10 and 2) of your steering wheel.
Usually a good idea to remove your keys and put them on the dashboard. You never turn your body away form the officer unless you've told the pig what you are going to do and you know they understand and don't object to your movement.
Deaf people have always been allowed to drive, what the fuck is everyone ITT on about. When you get a license, do you take a hearing test?
Their accident rates are actually very low, and deaf people have special panoramic mirrors that helps them drive better, infact deaf people have a better sense of vision than normal people