Everyone said I was lying, everyone here called me a dumb fuck.
You pot heads got so far into drug acceptance that liberal seattle in considering safe zones for injection, and I bet you dirt bags want a nurse on site 24/7 so these dead beat fathers can do drugs in peace. Also free rigs and foil for druggies.
Everyone said I was lying, everyone here called me a dumb fuck
These comments look familiar?
junkies, this whole board.
>clinics with trained medical professionals are the same as a shitty "legal" crackhouse
We have those in Denmark, its pretty smart us normies dont have to watch junkies inject heroin around us and dumping needles.
>you can't force a criminal to not be a criminal, they have to make that choice on their own
I am now fully convinced that the collapse of western civilization began when we allowed women to vote.
Ya but you guys also buy the heroin for them, or atleast give them the money to do it.
A junkie in America gets a bag, doesn't catch the bus to go to a safe zone to inject, they do it at the nearest spot possible.
This is just enabling, and im not surprised denmark supports this
the penalty for hard drug use should be immediate execution
Ban the use of narcan for overdoses.
Let them die doing what they love.
There's more truth to that than you realize
>addicts will no longer fear the law, and will be more likely to GET HELP.
>This is what blue pills believe
>County funded enabling- what could go wrong?
There is such an epidemic in the Pacific NW right now. Heron is so cheap and easy to acquire. Druggies that can't afford pills, choose heroine.
Seattle and King Co are ran by a bunch of commies, so, not surprised that they aren't offering to administer the drugs to addicts
Check out normies debating over safe zones to inject cut heroin.
Also paid nurse on site 24.7 to use possible narcan if needed.
>This is just enabling
that's exactly it.
they just fall back into it again.
meanwhile they send them out without resolving psychological issues because institutions are constantly assaulting us psychologically
>doc got me hooked on opiates when i was 17
>(after 4 surgeries)
>7 years later
>quit but relapsed (still legally rx'd) and have another surgery coming in a month so idgaf
Drugs are for the mentally disabled who can't appreciate the soundness of a sober mind. Liberals want to condone this behavior because it helps with the PR of pharmaceutical companies who push out opiates to suburban households, then to complicate domestic life with a junkie family member. Drug addiction is not a social problem, and junkies must not have the proviso of tax revenue harboring their selfish activities, because it exploits the better portion of society who would handle drug users with spite and alienation. It's like having kids, if you have a teenager doing hard drugs in front of their younger siblings, you kick them out, call the cops on their friends, and figuring out who's pushing garbage into the towns veins and handle them accordingly.
Nobody cares, I was hooked without a doctor in sight, just like 95% of all heroin users
tired of the "doctor got me addicted"
Shut the hell up, a script of 90 vicodin 5's will not make you fiend.
We had safe injecting rooms here with 24/7 medical staff.
They shut them down because it turns out Junkies were too fucking lazy to catch a train to use them and preferred to just shoot up in peoples gardens. I mean, fuck, who would have guessed that filthy heroin addicts, of all people, would be selfish, lazy dickheads who couldn't wait 15 minutes to shoot up in an expensive medical center?
Honestly I think it's a better alternative than having bums shoot up in the streets
It's a lot more expensive to keep this trash in prison
This is why they shouldn't give you 50 pills after surgery when you only need like 10 max
I like this idea. Anyone who comes in can have as much free smack as they want. Build them next to funeral homes and rent out their crematorium to clean up the mess.
Aaron and Monica are ok
dey duh same ting, mane
but this aids my agenda. heroin users die or go to prison. its basically a suicide center, i love it
>drugs r bad mmkay
Sure is Conservashit in here
Legalise the drugs, provide a space to use them, provide licensing for retailers and then whack duty on them to pay for the administration of such a system.
Give the scumbags an avenue to euthanise themselves.
>INB4 it becomes a gang controlled rape station stocked with fresh rapeable employees
>Eventually a negress that is affiliated with the gang will be hired there
>Become heroin den
>Charge more for premium heroin experience
>Get injected, have nurse and standby
Oh but thats not how it works
see if they overdose, we now have a nurse that can use narcan and bring them back to life, giving them a second, third, and fourth chance.
consider the amount of money they as a group costs if they do provide their own gear, which they will. they are very likely to commit robberies or other felonious acts which in turn costs insure companies, law enforcements and other state branches millions. the drug itself isnt what causes the crimes to happen, but the search for the money for the product.
How is this a bad thing? Its not your business what someone puts in his/her body. We're all ok with you taking dick, why cant you be ok with some people taking drugs?
I've never robbed somebody because of my love for boipussi
I've came up on thousands worth of gold when I was deep in my heroin addiction.
I'm not exaggerating by the way.
They would literally buy their shit less than 100 meters from the injecting room, but just sit down in a fucking doorway and shoot up because;
>naaaaah m8 fucking hell m8 it's too far and I already got my spoon here and shit naaaaah m8 the ambos and their narcan are just stealing my high anyway m8 fuck them cunts
Druggies should be constantly and publicly humiliated so much that the mere though of getting close to them is met with complete social ostracism. Anything else and you'll just clog prisons or end up with stuff like this retard proposed
>Here are five epic images that will make you say, "Fuck laws and life and shit."
They then smack the nurse in the face for ruining their high.
I genuinely can't understand how drugs are so popular.
It's a problem without a cure. Any system you use will just have people abuse it.
Because their taxes pay for it, dumbass
I think this is ultimately the right decision. I just wish governments weren't turning towards more socialism so the public health system has to pay for all this shit.
People who've died in injecting rooms across the world: 0
People who die from accidental overdose each year: 1,500,000
I only inject 2 marijuanas every 6 months, grandpa.
I've seen somebody wake up after narcan nasal spray and it was pretty scary.
Its crazy how upset they can get after saving their life
Drug users surviving and draining more resources from decent people isn't a good thing you retard.
>People who use injecting rooms across the world
>People who shoot up behind the injecting room purposefully to avoid being "ripped off" by being revived
>hypothetical points of failure
>not valid oversights of naive enablers
Shiggy diggy
It would be cheaper and more effective to give each and everyone a hot shot.
Heroin itself is benign, besides overdoses. Lab grade heroin will not harm any organs or part of your body.
The reason heroin causes so much health problems is because of tainted heroin and people sharing or reusing needles. The closest needle exchange from where I live is 45 minutes, but people still reuse a needle 25+ times because they can't afford to get there.
Making it so people can inject without risk will only reduce the cost we have to pay for drug addicts. They're going to cost far less if they're not constantly getting HIV, MRSA and Hep c from injecting.
Option 1: Herion addicts shoot up everywhere and litter needles everywhere. Walk around fucked up.
Option 2: Addicts are all corralled, and pose no threat to the general public.
You cant stop them from shooting heroin, arresting them takes them off the street for a month or 2 and they are right back on the street shooting heroin
You can control where they do it or don't.
Maybe they should stop trying to save overdoses?
Who cares if some shitty addict dies?
>advocating for the life of druggos
>he really does this
>You can control where they do it or don't
No you can't...
If i was doing smack and dopesick, i wouldn't bus back over to safe site to do drugs
i wouldn't even worry about my rig if its clean or not,
have you ever been that low, mother fucker?
No. Fuck off.
I don't give a shit about criminals.
The law exists to protect the innocent from them. Everything else is secondary.
>People who've died in injecting rooms across the world: 0
Yeah, that's the problem.
this kind of policy has cleaned up the streets in many places. the idiots are gonna get and use their drugs either way. might as well let them do it in a place where it can be supervised by medical staff.
misunderstand me right here, addicts are still human trash, like turks and swedes. but at least addicts can be helped.
>t. worked out in streets of oslo both before and after they started something similar.
But, didn't you hear? Canada started doing it a few months ago and nothing bad has happened yet. Therefore, it is proven to work and have no negative repercussions.
So you'd rather pay for their hospital bills, funeral services and prison time then?
Because the vast majority of that is payed for by our taxes, since addicts never pay it's left to the hospital or whatever to increase prices to cover it.
>Government grade heroin at the state Heroin house
I think i know where im going
>Sings verse 5 of the Everlast song.
For a board that raves on and on about degeneracy, subhumanity and decaying moral values in today's world, it's amazing the kind of delusional mind hoops you jump through to satisfy your self-masturbatory need to feel superior. I hope this simplistic, colorful video with language accessible even for children isn't too much for your minuscule pea brains. You might learn something.
this is what people want when they say they want drug liberalism/libertarianism
we offer them methadone to try getting them off the heroin.
I'd rather not take care of them to begin with. Just let them die in their own filth. Have you ever met a heroin addict. They are pure garbage. Not one redeemable quality.
In either one of your scenarios, we have to pay. So what's your point? In my scenario, the solution problem solves itself in a few years.
Reminder to the normies
Functioning addicts won't use these places, neither will the homeless. There wont be any less needles on the streets.
Maybe a few 'regulars' like the ones that get coffee at Mcdonalds before the smack man comes by to drop off a point or two.
kicking methadone almost killed me.
>We offer them heroin to try getting them off the heroin.
Yeah, how well does that work?
if you want free drugs then just go to one of these places, knock out a few addicts and take their drugs. Not much of a safe place if you ask me.
>I'd rather not take care of them to begin with
That's not possible. Do you not understand how our hospital and prison systems work?
You're already paying for their health problems and jail time. You should want to reduce that so it costs you less.
It doesn't matter what you want because you're already paying for it.
Not an argument.
There is a 24/7 cop, and nurse on all safe sites.
We already have some kind of program like this in Quebec City. It doesn't work at all because junkies are complete fuck-ups. They still catch AIDS, hepatitis, etc. They still OD in parks and school playgrounds. They're still a burden to society.
You haven't explained how this is supposed to cost less.
We have a similar system in Germany. We give them enough to calm the shakes but not a high.
It's pretty great actually.
All drugs should be legal.
Laws banning heroin made it more prevelant.
Laws banning weed did so too.
The force coming out of the state makes the situation worse.
When heroin was sold in stores for pennies and used in Coca Cola, was there a drug epidemic? Did cartels, gangs and violence take over cities?
It did not.
The free market can handle the few odd addicts. The states forcible transfer of wealth and idiotic "solutions only made it worse.
Its not. Most of the larger dealers just pay the RCMP off if theyre smart.
>Living in Seattle
You brought this on yourself. Don't like it? Move
I read somewhere that when hard drugs were legalized in portoogal, addiction rates actually fell
I live right next to Mt Ranier, far from the liberals
You've opened my eyes. Let's follow Canada's lead in this, and everything else. Give me a moment to light 80% of my country on fire and I'll get right on establishing druggo clinics on the remaining 20
From actual experience.
Option 1: You pay a fuck ton of money for an injecting room junkies refuse to use. They continue to shoot up everywhere and leave their shit everywhere.
Option 2: Same as above only you save your money and instead put more cops on to go around towing stolen cars away from the train stations where the junkies dump them after doing a burglary spree and heading down to pick up their day's supply
you guys are stupid as fuck sometimes
as long as the war on drugs continues and government policy makes criminals out of addicts, the only constructive policy available is harm minimisation.
as another user said, addicts WILL use their drugs if they have a habit. it's best to provide a safe place for them to do so rather than have them reusing and sharing needles, shooting up in public and dumping needles in the park trash can.
it's a public health risk, and providing safe injecting centres minimises this risk. every country and city that has built these places has experienced an immediate and significant decrease in blood borne diseases, overdoses, and significant increases in the amount of addicts diverted to rehabilitation and other health services.
and before someone wails "muh degeneracy!", the only alternative is iron-fucking fist authoritarian policies like duterte's in the Philippines. ypu may think that's a good idea, but think like an adult for a moment. think that would fly in a first world western country?
i'm an ex-addict. I was addicted to fentanyl for a few years. I was extremely grateful for these kinds of places because it meant that i didn't have to reuse or share needles (which i would have hated to do, but perhaps would have if i was forced to) and also exposed me to a huge variety of treatments and inducements to quit and get help.
sympathetic government and community attitudes decreases drug use in the community. this is a fact. heavy-handed prohibitive policies have little to no effect and serves only to increase the incidence and severity of crimes related to drug-use
I already explained it. The vast majority of health problems with IVing would be avoided with those programs.
The reduction in MRSA, Hep C and HIV alone is going to vastly reduce the amount of taxes we have to spend on them. Needle exchanges prevent the spreading of diseases and thickening of veins, the two biggest costs associated with addicts.
You should actually learn about a problem before you so confidently state your opinion.
If you don't know anything about the subject, which you clearly don't since you don't even understand how we're spending our tax money on it, you shouldn't speak up.
Heroin and other hard drugs are basically poison to the body you know? You dumb fuck. Allowing or not allowing these rooms is bad either way, it's showing that their habits that are killing them are fine.
I need hard numbers, buddy. Not conjecture.
>you guys are stupid as fuck sometimes
Good. Harm reduction is the future. People will do drugs no matter what because they are poor or anti-social or crazy or whatever. Might as well make sure they are doing it as safely as possible. I don't think needles cost that much money. I don't use opiates but they have become such a scourge that I don't think its prudent to just lose more lives because its an antisocial behavior. We know, we are just trying to cut our losses. Like some people gamble so we are handing them one dollar bills rather then letting them bet the house.
>Australia with the sensible posts
I dont know how to feel
>hurr durr what are incentives and disincentives
Welcome to the downfall of the west. Hope you keep your taco niggers fed.
I'm not spoon-feeding you, do your own basic research.
Here's just a quick overview, showing we're paying $193 billion annually for overdoses and health issues, and that's not counting the cost to insurance (which raises the rest of our insurance).
If you want something more specific find it on your own.
>implying dopesick fiends give a fuck where they shoot up or how dirty their needles are
$10 says these people have never been around hardcore addicte
So look it up for Switzerland. They allow it. They pre-dose your heroin and you do it a couple times a day at a safe place with sterile equipment. So far the country has not collapsed.
Actually heroin, short of overdose, isn't really bad for you at all. We process it pretty well/easily in the liver. Alcohol has more toxic metabolites, benzos ruin the immune system. The issue is largely the Therapeutic Index is low, that is the ratio of an effective to a lethal dose is small, something like 1:8, I believe.
People who use hard drugs like Heroin, Crack, Crystal meth and such should be given a choice to stop and get help, if they refuse help let them die, or better yet euthanise them.
Weed, psychedelics, mdma and speed can be used in moderation avoiding any harm to the body and mind.
I wasnt even hardcore, and i regret a few times throwing rigs out my window, or re using my shit over 10+ times.
I've even given a bum 10 of my used rigs with dry blood in them, he didn't give a shit.
Are we also going to require that these addicts get their tubes tied? I mean, if we're shelling out all of this money for (((safety))), then we should be 1000% safe and make sure these addicts can have multiple children that we have to pay for.
it reduces the spread of HIV/AIDS you retard
Thousands of dead useless junkies or no dead junkies, I know which one I prefer
The worst part is going to be the made up, twisted "statistics" that show that it "works". I fucking despise them.
>I'm not spoon-feeding you, do your own basic research.
ie. I have no numbers even though I pretend to be an expert on this subject
>so far the country has not collapsed
That is such a bullshit strawman. Glad to know you have no actual arguments. Just another junkie wanting an excuse.
No this is harm reduction, not eugenics.
Heroin is actually pretty much just morphine, it's just that heroin is absorbed about three times better/more quickly by the body. They're medically interchangeable, you just need to adjust the dosage.
I gave you the numbers. It's not my fault you refuse to read them or do your own basic research on a subject before you speak out on it.
Do they sit there with you for 45 minutes and re fill the rigs when they're blood clogged? also, are we allowed to keep our cottons?
This is good, everyone gets rid of useless people, money is saved and they die in the same place to recycling their bodies forward gets easier.
Why should I feel bad that these people remove themselves from the equation? They are no use for anyone, but instead, a heavy weight on their families, friends and welfare