Red Ice Radio give a redpilled review of Imperium (2016)
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Bump. You cunts would enjoy this review.
Watching it now. I'm somewhat shocked Red Ice doesn't get brought up more often on here considering their views.
God damn goyim, always questioning everything.
>(Hollywood White Supremacy Neo-Nazi Entertainment)
Why would I want to watch this?
This film is basically a spin off of Islam right?
>defend your nation
>become your enemy
What did they mean by this?
They have gone pretty far right as of late. Every other show is about how the jews are destroying the white race now. Surprised the can still broadcast being Swedish and all.
It's ironic you dumbass.
Daniel Radcliffe plays a cop who infiltrates some neo Nazi thing.
Is it actually worth seeing or does it just focus on kill whitey?
Even though they started in Sweden, I think they moved their HQ over to the States.
Boring movie that's mostly about how white people are evil. Even if they changed it to niggers or Muslims it'd still be boring as shit. Just re-watch American History X.
*people watch this movie in America*
Hillary cheats in the election, starts gun confiscation raids 1 year later.
*people see white families killed in raids on tv*
They must have been extremists like in that Harry potter movie.
Thanks Hollywood.
It's worth watching once.
Its about how dangerous patriots can be.
And why do they believe the things they believe? Because they are racist, not because certain groups are playing out plots or conspiring.
Wtf i love harry potter now
It's meh. KKK, Neo-Nazis and skin heads are idiots. The one guy who seems the most sensible turns out to be the biggest wacko but you can see it coming.
I was hoping he would start getting redpilled and take part in a race war or he fails to stop a happening. The most exiting thing was a little fight with protesters (they actually show the protesters starting it) but they spend most of the time running away
find a flaw
Fuggg I'm a Nazi now.
Great video.
How does Red Ice avoid Swedish censorship?
He turns out to be a fake.
Nah, he's just smart enough to stay out of trouble.
They paint him as a loser living in his mums basement though trying to get money to leave
>35 minutes
What the fuck
Any highlights/TL:DR?
Implying you have something better to do.
Vegans are the enemy. Wholesome ppl are the enemy. Love of european culture is Nazism. Proud of heritage is nazism. You don't support Israel, your one of them (nazis). People like you and me are sub-human. Nazism is victim-hood.
Isn't that for the film? I meant the review
The movie. The review is pretty based and spot on
you guys are aware that Harry Potter actor is Jewish irl
Oy vey! Don't let the goyim know!
My brother has met him a few times in London, says he is a huge faggot and really weird too
i've heard you Brits have a live tv show about white women picking up big black cocks?
Naked Attraction
please explain this
I have no idea, I never watch TV.
Enough with the divide and conquer bullshit, Schlomo
>Naked attraction
I've heard of it but it's not about black dix. It's like Take Me Out sort of but with nude women and people have lambasted it, calling it degenerate and trying to get it taken off the telly.
He has a foreskin Harry.
>Enough with the divide and conquer bullshit, Schlomo, I don't have time for this I have to go prep the bull
>KKK, Neo-Nazis and skin heads are idiots.
sounds like an accurate movie.
The amount of cringe in this movie is dangerous
does this movie stay objective or does it have a message in it?
I want to watch it but I don't watch to watch "this stuff is really bad" for 2 hours
I know it's gonna be a topic but does it atleast make sense within his character arc?
Just watch the video. There are some scenes in there.
Dude, it's really really horrible
They have a wedding with 2 burning swazstikas and a cross in the middle.
Pretty cringe
Fucking jew jeans.
I never understood why KKK retards burned crosses?
How do you avoid not choking to death
since all spanish are retarded
Emphasis on blacks leaving, dramatics.
I didn't watch the movie. The review told me all I need to know about the movie. So it's basically just a rundown with them telling us what we are seeing. I learned nothing new.
We are aware that everything and everybody close to Hollywood is Jewish
Are you retarded?
Lazy cunt, probably unemployed (cause slavs) living with his parents collecting wellfare sitting on the internet all day
doesnt have 35 min to watch a review
>We are aware that everything and everybody close to Hollywood is Jewish
even Melanie Laurent and Eva Green?
"Shining the light of God/Christ" on its members
And you slavs do have 35 minutes to watch a review right? Because you're hard at work right?
Shut the fuck up Vladislavofskipolskisklepskiskiskiskisisiksisisksis Thomaszzyzyzyzyzyzyzyyz
Red Ice Radio is the best. Been a fan for years - based, ahead of their time.
Yeah for sure - very right wing now lol
I dont get it
The good nazi guy suddenly become a terrorist and the build up with the skinheads and the church nazis were pointless because they just dispeared from the movie, then it ended with a former kid ex-nazi preaching to class about bad nazi things and said something to happy potter then the mvie ended
what was the point of it all?
Worst right wing movie ive seen
Truth hurts brits deeply
My work alows me to watch garbage on yt and sit on Sup Forums
stfu McCuck
I've got a feeling that Daniel is shilling his movie on here, after all he said in an interview that he lurked on certain websites. No doubt Sup Forums was included.
Go pick some fruit or clean a toilet you boggly eye'd slav shit.
>projecting this much
No pwryczczczski, I actually do have things to do.
Dude, you're so edgy, I want to be like you now.
Well i dont want to be like you
Edgy shit inc:
European culture is nazi.......... :(
Yep that movie is pretty bad, worst propaganda I've seen so far.
No you want to be a toilet scrubber, first one in your village to get such a prestigious job, I'm sure your family will be very proud on graduation day when you get to pose with a plunger.
I aint worry bout nuttin
soon you will be replaced by african nignogs and other shits skins
God bless the queen
czyste toalety
It really is an underwhelming movie tbeh.
At least Green Room has some music.
I watched this movie last night. It sucks ass.
The Nazis are hardly developed at all, you really don't see a whole lot of their "inner workings", just a bunch of talk. The overarching moral of the film, to refute the pol-esque arguments made by the Nazis, is basically "OMG but these guys are just so evil!"
There was also, frankly, a severe lack of "niggers" or "kikes" being said for a movie about white supremacists.
>shitty pacing
>INSANELY shallow undefined characters
>no character development anywhere at all
>most of the nazis are the 1980s British version for some reason
>Radcliff doesn't ever come close to sympathising with them
>Movie ends with him talking shit about facism with some dyke in a bar
>Implies that facism is always a product of a false sense of victimhood
>All of this to paint Nationalists as terrorists in a time where most terrorists are muslims
I give it five bags of popcorn and no sodas. Not redpilled whatsoever and did not experience the AHX effect. DO NOT WASTE TIME WATCHING
My work is pretty far away from scrubing toilets
And i dont have a family so yea unlike you i have to work for a living instead of leeching off parents and government
> Mélanie Laurent
Eva green don't know
When non jew become successful in French cinema they convert, check Dany boon
Why do most posts end up in two countries shitposting at each other?
Were flags a mistake?
>An Ameriblob giving up his bags of popcorn and sodas
No fucking way.
I can see I'm getting you a little fanny flustered jestes pęk.
>Eva Green
>Green is Jewish, as is her mother (of Sephardi Jewish heritage).
>Melanie Laurent
>Born in Paris to a Jewish family
fuck you fag :^)
>jestes pęk
can you stop trying, you make yourself look silly
Post more memes mr McWellfare
y u mad tho faggot bitch? Not long until you get your toilet scrubbing license, then you can scrub away!
Did they all die of liver failure?
>something something scrubbing toilets again
>faggot bitch
Im mad?
>Well meme'd
wont even touch that one
He also has racist friends
>fuck h. post
bump for red ice
That's pretty beautiful.
The kikes are against this. They're the obvious bad guys.
>Hire a Jewish actor to play a neo-nazi
>all the neo-nazis in real life are just Jew shills trying to poison the well
Love the self-awareness of the Hollywood kikes.
Youtube no-names do ''nazis'' more justice than Hollywood
THIS is what ''neo-nazis'' and ''right wing extremists'' are all about.
Stop culturally appropriating us, we want proper representation.
I would marry that bird desu.
In American History X, they at least gave the white nationalists a somewhat sympathetic frame. Derek became a Nazi because his dad was killed by a black person. He stopped being a Nazi because he made a black friend.
Imperium isn't sympathetic to white nationalists at all. It just looks like propaganda by people who either don't understand why it exists, or actively oppose it.
>inspired by real events
Yeah right
>don't understand why it exists, or actively oppose it.
It exists because we are growing and the Jews are scared
>stay asleep goys. Remember white=evil
>Nose peircing
kek. Nice Jew worshipping, cuck.
all part of the plan goyim
This is a good thing.
We're the bad guys again, like the good old days of Hollywood when every villain was British.
Everyone remembers the villain, they are usually the one with the motivation to get shit done. We remember what they did and why they did it, even if they are doomed by the plot to fail.
This could backfire gloriously.
There was another film recently, The Green Room. Better than this one, but similar-ish themes of an impossibly well-organized white power org.
based red ice, they have some pretty good stuff. Sometimes they get a little cringey but overall their message is spot on.
Steamy Bumpkin
>2 triggered white people get so upset about a movie they spend 30 minutes talking shit about
Wow, really showed them!
>red ice radio
Damn. Really made me think.
I hate /po/ now. Thank you for opening my eyes.