This really fires up the ol' neurons
Having 300 copies of the Communist Manifesto doesn't make you smart, dumb cunt.
Wtf I hate right now
wtf I hate books now
hate what right now?
Honestly if democrats are so smart why do they require welfare and abortions?
My neurons are activating on their own, senpai
Really... Corrected my... Record... huh...
Most leftist theory is unfalsifiable bullshit. They want you speaking in their terms because only in these terms does anything they say make sense.
>le I read more books than you meme
Communist Manifesto and LGBT slashfic doesn't make you smarter than someone
They're saying israelis are dumb?
The more you know
woah.. really made me go "hmmm"
This certainly makes me ponder.
This really made me think.
Hmm... This makes sense...
The one on the left does look like a cuck 2bh.
oh holy shit
true left wing thinkers are brilliant people
How ironic when you get fed by the media to be left and to be right you need to prove everything and do your research
>Makes you think
does it matter though ? it's sad how women made us so pressured about it. about not being """weak"""
Fixed for OP, really made my cortex activate.
One of the main criticisms of the left is that it lacks any academic or scholarly history.
>They made the "Right" look like a Jew cum Muzzie
That's pretty good actually.
yeah the library is in the middle and the left's brain is full of SJW bullshit. Educated people try to remain impartial and objective. Dumb people say; I'm this or that... focus on the message not the messenger.
>low quality slide thread
I know this is bait but the word cuck is a reaction to Leftists "bigot!" buzzword
>the right has manlet beard and jew nose
Really makes you think.
Wht is the right's strawman a Jew?
Regardless, this is factually incorrect. Nobody on the left that I know reads anything other than fiction, and if they do not as much as I. Try again. One can use cuck without that being the only word in one's vocabulary. Educate yourself, if you would
That's racist.
Wtf I love cuck now
>lefties have their head literally filled with propaganda
>righties have a brain but are stupid
I completely agree
realist masterrace. we follow neither conservatism nor socialism but follow logic and evidence
haha good one
This is problematic thinking. What can we do to get more women in tech?
Indeed it does
Have women be better