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i am pretty sure charlie sheen net worth is much more than his dad one.
Yeah, but he has HIV
not a problem when you are rich.
That was one of the worst South Park episodes ever
I am not referring to south park. Top notch HIV medicines literally reduce the virus to the point of making it undetectable in the blood.
Nice try, Barbosa.
Argentina is actually an Italian colony fyi
Barbosa is jealous.
who are the people in the bottom right and upper left?
bottom right
Lawrence Fishburne (the guy from the matrix movies) + daughter, but i have no idea why she is disappointing
upper left
you don't know Martin and charlie sheen?
Lawrence's daughter stars in porn
>you don't know Martin and charlie sheen?
who would? Charlie yea he was all over reality tv back in the day but seems to have faded out unlike the kardashians.
Thats the matrix guy? wow he is old.
really? kek
If i was the porno producer, having her under contract, i would make a matrix porn parody, make her dress up as trinity, find a guy who looks as close as possible to her real father...
I think i've just written porn-oscar material
incest is illegal you sick fuck, LEARN THE LAW!
Are you sure?
>looks like
>not her father
>not incest
learn english
>the matrix guy
you must be doing something wrong if your child becomes a porn star
this will never happen to me but hypothetically if it would I would immediately disown this child permanently
did you just say "learn the law!"?
you sound like that psycho from that movie 10 cloverfield lane
he did
Not in Rhode Island
Good luck with your sex life
According to the UN Human Development Index, Argentina is more developed than Portugal.
Don't be butthurt Barbosa.
He didn't deserve this daughter
she has one spotty ass
Want to hear a joke?
who the hell would want to be a porn star
she might have mental illness
what the kid of the other black person did?
So sad.
She wanted to imitate Kim Kardashian
damn. you can tell at the first answer that it bothers him so much.
>king of new york was an awesome movie