Crackers BTFO
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>When Murica starts a shart war
Daily reminder that murrica never won a war, even with its own citizens
we want a race war
you want a race war
You seem confident.
Why don't you just try it and see what happens?
Well yeah but the real race war need to happen in Europe.
America suck at war, the only wars they won are the ones were they join later while Europe was the real deal.
I don't see anyone elses flag on the moon
>America suck at war
Well you south american crackkkas suck at Falklands
I see Tex-mex's flag on your ass though
I'm not saying we want a race war
but we want a race war
True but that's the only war we lose and we fight more than 15.
America in the other hand lose almost all war they fight alone
They won this one
and these pant shitting degenerates could obliterate your penal colony in seconds if they so desired.
so what does that tell us about you, you fucking idiot?
>so what does that tell us about you
We're fuckin hectic
No kidding.
Australia exists because the United States allows it to. The U.S. could wipe that shithole off the face of the Earth in no time if ever motivated.
We don't see yours either :^)
Don't forget Chris Dorner.
Swedish cucks know how to make good memes. Isn't that right, Swedey?
Btw, enjoying the riots in your cities tonight fuelled by Mohammedans?
prove this even happened muhammad
Do you enjoy it in the US?
Now that's just fucking shipped, you can see the lack of feathering on the brush stroke this guy used
Tactical shart
Not really stoked for Mafia 3 to be honest
Jews want a race war to further the division in American society to justify further stripping if the legal protections on our inalienable rights and Sup Forums morons have swallowed this Serbian Jew double bluff hook line and sinker.
A race war needs to be avoided at any cost and instead we need to be focusing on actual issues.
Such as a foregien country ((((a)))) training our police forces to not be there to serve and protect but to act as an occupational military force for the government against We The People.
Figuratively a mexi-shit.
Riots in America have exclusively been in black parts of cities where the cops allow it.
They know most whites in suburbs have guns so they don't go there
kek, 313 dead, Destroyer heavily damaged?
>watermelon flag
If you know anything about the region you'd know the Aleutian islands have extremely low visibility when there is fog.
There's plenty of examples of troops confused by the metaphorical and literal fog of war and accidentally their own troops.
It is one of the reasons that Napoleonic tactics dictated fairly bright colored uniforms as to easily distinguish allies in an era where camouflage from the enemy was deemed useless.
Imagine playing a Battlefield game with no HuD or IFF and the other side could be anywhere or even not there at all.
Add dense fog and allies coming in from multiple directions all of whom are expecting to also run into the enemy and maybe you can see how things like this happen.
>Aussies only think about shit
>literally shitposting ITT
Sea mines. Crafty fuckin' Japs.
the white be all civilized and shit fighting wars with words like pussy-ass bitches and sheeeit*
*translated from English to Nigger for OP's benefit
Prooves white people are smart enough to equip themselves against their enemies.
You can't take on the whole police force with one gun.