Is Sup Forums more libertarian or fascist?

Are most people on here libertarians or fascists?

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I'm a Libertarian, and I fucking hate fascists.

But Libertarian Nazism!?

Yeah, we could work it out..

But socialism isn't libertarian

fascism is needed for now
libertarianism is the ideal

>libertarian, authoritarian collectivism
I'm not sure how that works

I'm a libertarian. I don't know if the fascists on here are being ironic or not.

Sorry socialism requires more government, lol.

Fascist/NatSoc here.

Used to be a libertarian but turned when I reached the bottom of the rabbit hole.

Ancap is the ideal for now, the free market will fix it.
And if any Arabs come poking around trying to rape your daughter just hit them with a TOW missile

Probably neither because they're not ideologically pure enough to be accepted by either camp

That depends on whether dropping communists from helicopters violates the NAP.

What made you break ranks, brother? If it was the 'hurr durr open borders' aspect then I agree that is retarded, but most libertarians are for border control.

Give me national socialism or give me national libertarianism
Or just give us or country back from ((them)))

Neither. Currently it's populist. The worst of all worlds.

Libertarians can be quite autistic when it comes to their ideology.

I like what I call sandbox libertarianism. You are free within the box but that freedom is protected by strong borders..

I don't know what I am, I don't like arbitrary labels, but could someone try and give me one?

I like laissez-faire capitalism, but I'm not a libertarian because I don't want people to fuck goats or kids. I love my country and am very patriotic and I believe in Christian values but I don't mind fags or anything. Does that just make me a generic cuckservitive or what?

Racial libertarianism.
Society of free patricians the plebs belong in chains.

I notice Europeans use this word a lot. Why? Eiroscepticism is called populism by cucks in Brussels...they just can't handle that no-one likes them.

no reactionary anarcho primitivism

I lean towards libertarian but feel that we need fascism to undo the shit we have gotten ourselves into at this point

No, Sup Forums is definitely one person and he's a Jew.

I'm a fascist.

classical liberal m8
not to be confused with socialist liberals in americuck

That describes me too, but I do call myself a libertarian and I'd say that's what you are too. Libertarianism isn't anarchy: people won't go round fucking kids lol.

Patriotism and libertarianism is what Margaret Thatcher symbolised. If you were in England you'd be a Thatcherite like are Nige.

I used to be libertarian. It's a bit of a cop out ideology though. It doesn't preserve your national identity, culture, or values. It is too individualistic. Nat Soc now.

Ah, thanks for that Fambourghini, sounds about right!

The American national identity is limited government.

Libertarian with focus on borders. We are too full of people already.

I am libertarian but I recognize, like our founding father's, that liberty must be gained through the blood of patriots and tyrants.

>inb4 roads

Limited govt not anarchism

>Currently it's populist.

Please elaborate.

Yeah, but you talk to some people on Sup Forums and they do genuinely argue for this kind of shit and it's revolting.

We haven't had small government for at least 100 years.

Open border libertarians are as idealistic as communists. I hate that strand. Libertarianism can only last if borders are secure. Us Brits and you Americans are seeing how freedom disappears when leftist foreigners grow in number and power.

national communist

Well I was Libertarian, but on reading up on Burke that's sort of in review. I'm still definitely FOR less government and lassiez faire (?) social and economic policy, but have to read more into the role of the government

I still have time for fascism though, at least as a protest

we are right while everyone else is wrong

Modern day you'd be a Tea Party conservative who is light on social restrictions.

>implying free helicopter rides aren't the epitome of the charitableness of the free market

Most people are fascists because that's the only realistic solution to the problems we're facing in our countries.

This is important.

Libertarianism would work (and did work) in a place like the US, Australia or other Anglo countries because individualism is a part of our culture. Libertarianism would never work in the Middle East because of their controlling Islamic culture.

This picture hurts me



I support freedom within our walls.

For me it was "tort law can handle environmental issues" and the realization that libertarianism leaves too many openings for parasites and subverters.
Like Hitler said, "Kapital rules these nations. "

I'm a libertarian, but I have a lot of sympathy for nationalist ideas.

Every time I watch WW II in colour (a documentary on neetflix), the fascists in me wakes up

Libertarian and anarchist in ideal but realize anarchism would not work in real life so a state is needed.

Libertarianism is globalism for rightwingers. That's the end goal of the idealogy. Free movement of labor drives down wages and allows shitskins to outbreed everyone. If you value free enterprise over a national identity, you are a globalist.

If national identity and closed borders are more important to you than globalism, just call yourself a right winged nationalist. Don't associate with (((libertarians)))

this, until Mussolini and Hitler continually disregard their generals and fuck up towards the end

welp, they had a good run

So do I. Libertarian Nationalism is the way to go.

Fascism is more of a leftist ideology so no pol isn't fascist. Nationalist yes. Libertarian leanings yes.

Globalists want global government. Libertarians the that idea. There's a reason it's libertarians who talk about globalists more than anyone. Fascists just say it's the Jews and then lose any listeners (even if they are right).

Libertarians hate that idea*


The argue to fuck goats and kids? Sorry my man, but you were trolled.

I became redpilled on the Jews.

Libertarianism will eventually go full circle and end up were we were in the 1990's

It's more reddit than anything. Ever since the reddit bottom feeders from /r/fatpeoplehate, /r/european, /r/coontown migrated here it's been the most reddit board.

silly statists, leave economics to us

Partisans were Jewish-controlled anti Serbs who "collaborated" with chetniks and killed 10-14 low-rank German officers right after the notice that ofr every killed german they will kill 100 Serbs and for every wounded they kill 50.

A woman working in the First Kragujevac Gymnasium said that she wouldn't even know there was a war untill October 21. Basically the only reason those children had to die was because to jews a 100 Serbian lives matter less than 1 German life.

Not even man, never seen anything for goats, but there is are a lot of pedo advocates here. Some may be joking, but there is definitely a contingent of us who thinks this kind of thing is acceptable.

Sup Forums is Lawful Evil

Fascism is a stupid meme that went on for far too long. If you want to be ebin Hitler eigeniscist than the free market does it far more efficient than a government program ran by some fat guy.
Stop the welfare state and stop subsidizing stupidity and high time preference and you will end up with your perfect society.

I'm libertarian only in the defund welfare, public healthcare, public education sense. I'm for a strong military, strong sense of patriotism and strong attachment to your heritage and culture. It's one step away from fascism, but I don't know if there will be a genuine fascist revival in the near future.


More like neutral good famalam

Your Almost Christian conservative ...just have to adjust your views on Homosexuality .

I highly doubt that there are libertarians who's main reason of support is kiddie fucking...

If so, they are just trying to subvert the ideology or turn people against it.

Maybe you should all brush up on your libertarianism...
Right wing Christian Conservative is best though!

Yes, the free market does allocate resources very (((efficiently)))

>A lawful evil villain methodically takes what he wants within the limits of his code of conduct without regard for whom it hurts. He cares about tradition, loyalty, and order but not about freedom, dignity, or life. He plays by the rules but without mercy or compassion. He is comfortable in a hierarchy and would like to rule, but is willing to serve. He condemns others not according to their actions but according to race, religion, homeland, or social rank. He is loath to break laws or promises.


Don't know about everyone else, but I'm a libertarian with a nationalist bent.

Former ancap, but realized that
>Nuggets aren't rational actors, 52nd themselves cause market distortions

>Summing all human action into market transactions is foolish

>Heritability of behavioral and cognitive traits

>Market failures do exist but not nearly to the level the Left thinks

>The government is needed to step up solve problems - in some cases this means repealing problems caused by them prior

>We can't roll over to external threats

>Free trade agreements and corporate operations are largely based on government intervention

>The Libertarian party has either been pozzed by open borders globalists or taken over by fedora

Long story short, libertarianism is what you got now in USA and Europe. Problem with a too free society is that it's easy to abuse the system.
There will always be a dictator on top, even today we have (((dictators))) running.
Only difference with nazism is that you know who they are.
Pay attention to that it always happen. I don't care what system. Why? Because it's natural.

No system can work unless it's natural. And the most natural system is the one with the strongest and best morals. Not the one who can perform the best dance.
I'm not advocating facism, but that all info gets free and that we stop kidding ourselves. Eventually you'll have nazism, because it's built on natural order and science.
Not wishful thinking.

i'm a libertarian but i wouldn't be so autistically dedicated to the free market that i'd let my country be flooded by third worlders and destroy my culture/nation's sense of identity

i would want a libertarian country that is exclusive to whites with minimal immigration

And the most natural system is the one with lieaders with the strongest and best morals***

Libertarianism is an inherently fragile system that requires 2 things
Closed Boarders
No welfare state

>Libertarianism is what you have now in the US and Europe

Stopped reading there

Oy gevalt the typos!

Using my phone at work, though.

>Stealing time detected
>Your daily compensation has been reduced for the infraction
>Have a good day, and buy Mountain Dew

It's the truth, clown. It's what it's built on. But the end result is that it gets abused and you lose it.

If you bothered to read the rest you'd know.

so you want taxes you statist scum?

You got to be fucking kidding...the problem in USA and Europe is socialism, not libertarianism. Why do you think muslims flood our countries? Because they get FREE stuff! If they would have to work hard and learn language/culture of the country they would stay in their desert shithole. Only valuable people would bother coming here.

>It's what it's built on
>Therefore it is what the regions currently are

Some taxes are necessary such as for infrastructure.

this. 2/3rds of our immigrants used to go back because we had no welfare state.

mexican low wage labor is subsidized by the tax payer through social programs. over 70% of them are on it

Again. You don't understand. Why do you have socialism? Because it's not what the founding fathers had in mind.

It is because the system is too easy to manipulate. What you have isn't socialism, what you have is a dictatorship in disguise of democracy.

It get's abused because it's not a strong enough system. And it can't ever be.

Name for me any government system in the world that has lasted indefinitely and not been subverted

Name for me any government system in the world that has lasted indefinitely and not been subverted



American Nazism (american nazi party) would have worked.

That's why we need to limit the power of the state. That's what libertarians want to do.

Full blown fascist. The entire world has swung so far to the left that when the pendulum comes back we will go so far to the right that everyone will wish the holocaust, as it was preconceived, was the worst thing possible

Again. we had that. it gets abused. You MUST have strong leaders.
You are tribal either you want it or not.


You're trashing a system that created the most powerful country the world has ever seen and propose to replace it with a failed political party that never accomplished anything

You have no evidence, just feels

>We need better government guise, like the Constitution.
Oh wait, the US has grown from a small State to the most cancerous and out of control government.

So what do you propose if the best try (the US consitution) has not worked?

>Long story short, libertarianism is what you got now in USA

The country where the markets are being kept afloat by the Fed's low interest rate policy and holding toxic assets in its balance sheet, after a bailout of the banking industry from a crash partially caused by the government pushing lenders into the subprime market?

Where the drug war leads to a massive amount of our prisoner population?

Where millions of people either get fucked by The compounding of city state and local taxes or live off welfare?

Where the Pentagon State Dept and Intelligence Agencies meddle around the world causing power vaccums to be filled with radicals that later bite us in the ass?

>and Europe.
I'm going to try buying a gun in Italy, Sig Heiling in Germany and covering up my girlfriend in France. Let's see how that goes.

>Problem with a too free society is that it's easy to abuse the system.

As if the society was less free, those who had the power wouldn't be corrupted or be hidden.

As if the society actually is too free.

Do you know who the leaders of the Euro Working Group are?

Who from leader to functionary is leading migrants to Europe?

Who at the IMF and ECB are directing European monetary policy?

The bureacracy that controls you and us is not free access.

>There will always be a dictator on top, even today we have (((dictators)))

Yes but today we at least have a chance of rising up to their levels or of opting out of their system.

NAZIsm brainwashed the populace to hate competition against the party, and hate those who drop out of society and go galt.

just delete democracy. nothing to subvert

>Dude just get perfect leaders lmao


Kek Turkroach