>dude russians are evil
>america just wants peace and communication
Dude russians are evil
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This looks like a remake of some direct to video B movie from the 90's.
I can't remember the name but the premise was similar.
Big weird floating rock thing appears in the middle of nowhere, military stuff, scientists trying to communicate with it, cryptic alien shit.
Someone help me out here.
One of the angels in EVA was like that.
Lois is so cute
Epoch my niggy
It was damn good for a b movie
Why are technologically advances aliens some kind of weird squid creature who can't communicate with us? Alien movies are bullshit.
Godzilla 2000
>schindler's list
They need to appear strange to be believable aliens. You know aliens used to be just people in heavy make-up.
That's not what I'm remembering though.
This was a live action low budget movie, it had an interesting premise but poor execution.
The ship/rock thing looked something like this.
Yes, that's it.
Thanks, lad.
>We open our borders to a religion whose sole purpose is to become the only religion.
>Any politician who'd be at least slightly good for our relations with the Russians is "pocketed" by them
Explain yourselves.
(((They))) are going ham with the indoctrination movies this year.
wtf why does this seem familiar? like that picture, i've seen that somewhere before
>muh ebil russians
can americans stop this already?
they milked it to the point where the cow is dead and rotting for 20 years now
tactical nukes them
Kill all xenos
Asset denial. Destroy the earth if need be
Monsters vs Aliens?
They have to come here LEGALLY.
interesting first half of the trailer... but the end killed it. seems like a shit movie
mars attacks
This was actually one of the best sci fi stories I've ever read. They'll probably ruin the meaning the book so plebs can understand it
Because you probably watched the same movie I did.
I was looking it up and all the buzz seems to be indicating that movie hipsters smug and high on their own farts are referring to this as the smart sci-fi movie they've been waiting for.
I think the trailer gives away too much already.
I prefer vague trailers.
>Be alien
>Arrive on new planet
>Mess with the local monkeys by slapping ink covered tentacles against a glass screen
>They spend days converting it into an alphabet in an attempt to communicate
>Eradicate them all with death ray
Absolutely not
How is Russia evil in this movie?
The day the earth stood still isn't from the 90s.
The day the earth stood still?
>B movie
no it's totally that Epoch user mentioned earlier.
now i'm going to watch this movie again tonight
>intergalactic practical joke
>just finger painting with their own shit
>giggling like cheeky cunts behind the glass
>just leave one day without having any meaningful communication
>through fits of laughter, tells everyone back on the home world about how the pink hairless monkeys thought their shit smears were some sort of communication
we have to invade Russia! They are threatening freedoms n shit
The movie looks cool enough
Movie is called epoch.
looks pretty shit
Is a memory of an event in an alternate timeline. The Illuminati released that shitty movie Epoch to cover it ip.
To be fair, the premise was neat, as I said. It was just low budget and poorly executed.
Isn't this done by the same people that did Sicario? The movie where the strong, independent woman gets backseated and told to stfu or die when dealing with beaner drug wars and CIA?
Could this movie be similar?
>omg the russians are mean
>we need to communicate, lemme talk to them, woman's healing touch
>aliens lock her in
>lel watch your people die, should have listened to the Russians
>strong independent wimin watches from her alien holding cell as humanity is wiped clean for listening to her
I'd cum
Sicario is one of the most based movies to ever have been made.
why dont jews create anything original anymore? just remake old stuff with lot of womyn and minorities in it and put lot of expensive special effects in it?
It's funny now that chinks are taking over (((Hollywood))) China is never portrayed as evil anymore
Oh boy, here we go. The next chapter in the book of anti-military, globalization isn't just an ideal, muh alien studies degree, black people are less than 15% but deserve to be represented in 30% of roles, modern female-overpowered liberal hippy cuckolding fetishism.
It looks ok. I've enjoyed a lot of her work in the past. I'd like to see a movie where the aliens go full bro with earthlings to fight a common enemy though (not Russia), rarely happens.
I always imagine aliens that do come to this planet like some sort of scientist that goes to the middle of the jungle to study ants or some shit.
We live our lives completely oblivious of them like any animal would in the presence of a human being in the wild.
half of the movie this woman will be tripping using the alien mod of time comprehension seeing her son in the flashbacks, contemplating the inevitability of the future and the destructive nature of man
So, what did we do this time?
you were the mean turrorists
>>america just wants peace
It's just because China is fucking huge market for movies, and I've heard they only allow certain number of foreign movies to be shown every year, so yeah, portraying them as evil isn't really smart idea
>who can't communicate with us?
Eldritch abominations, or in this case litterally tvtropes.org
Communication is not necessarily easy or even possible. Try communicate with a cremnium life form with lifespan of million years and time perception intervals of century instead of second, the colony hivemind or transdimensional life form which you cant percieve in your limited dimension, and for whom your existence is merely an illusion.
>aliens come in peace
>Russians, like always, shoot at things they dont understand
Not submitting to the federal reserve like a good goy
Wtf is wrong with you?
Our airforce was renamed to "aero COSMIC defence force" - this has to have some meaning.
Can someone tell me if this is right?
>strange floating rocks show up in murica
>murica gets strong empower womyn to try and communicate with them
>more floating rock things who up
>womyn makes progress with communicating with them
>russia is evil and nukes their rock thing or something
>this annoys all the ayy lmaos so they fight back
>it's up to the strong empowered american womyn to save the world again
>russians so powerful they can shoot down aliens and sheeeit we gotz to stop the ebil ruskies
can this jewing stop already?
Stop shilling your movie Paramount.
>murica gets strong empower womyn to try and communicate with them
its funny how they get her. they dont call her with a phone, a General showed up in the middle of a night
>Strange floating rocks show up in murica
No user. It was a shart in mart.
>aliens and humans cant communicate
>tensions arise
>on the brink of war
>Russians are not very helpful either
>suddenly the woman has an idea
>'it all makes sense now. only a true american can save the day'
>takes off the suit
>pull down her pants
>shart a circle on the floor
>aliens stop attacking earth, nodding and leave Earth
Ha Ha! Dats funny! Did you just come up wit dat?
We, a retarded mammal that recently established a functioning civilization, are about to create full-metal androids with detachable limbs, but FLT-capable aliens who have mastered control over gravity are still some distorted biological blobs of flesh
Sometimes I really hate how the modern Hollywood works.
this has potential
That's a pretty good sketch user
Should check out /ic/
its all freedom and democracy until a general shows up at your house and says 'get in'
Way to be douche and ruin the plot
Alien was liberated.
russia has central bank.
Fucking garbage,
The first thing attempted to be communicated would be mathematics and geometry
Even in a different base system like base 2/8/13 have the same underlying principals and are required to have advanced technology
How did submarine get in sky?
lol they just showed the whole movie
>why dont jews create anything original anymore? just remake old stuff with lot of womyn and minorities in it and put lot of expensive special effects in it?
Here you go m8, straight from Mein Kampf
"In order to form a correct judgment of the place which the Jew holds in relation to the
whole problem of human civilization, we must bear in mind the essential fact that there
never has been any Jewish art and consequently that nothing of this kind exists to-day.
We must realize that especially in those two royal domains of art, namely architecture
and music, the Jew has done no original creative work. When the Jew comes to
producing something in the field of art he merely bowdler-izes something already in
existence or simply steals the intellectual word, of others. The Jew essentially lacks
those qualities which are characteristic of those creative races that are the founders of
civilization. "
Why the hates on Russians, burgers? They are not even commies anymore.
Also there are no good alien invasion or investigation movies.
>Fucking garbage,
>The first thing attempted to be communicated would be mathematics and geometry
>Even in a different base system like base 2/8/13 have the same underlying principals and are required to have advanced technology
No, first we have to warn them about AR-15s, it is feared across entire galaxy.
is easy, comrade
There has to be a "politically correct" enemy.
Russians are, indeed, white. So America hating on whites is acceptable.
If we made Muslims the enemy, that would go completely against the "cultural enrichment" and "open borders" that Joollywood and the LibDem regressives have been pushing.
Posting the true patrician KINO first contact ayylmao movie. Jodie Foster a best.
Contact is way better then this fucking shit
Gave them Adidas tracksuits as a peace offering
>Dude only a woman can save mankind
>Dude let's through in an insult to russia somewhere in there
I'm getting really tired of these memes
>is easy, comrade
This would make a better movie, earth is attacked by some alien threat that isn't overly advanced, every country scrambles to make a viable space combat vehicle. America and EU are fighting them with modified fighters and space shuttles, towards the middle they bemoan russia didn't contribute anything in the end. Then the next battle they begin fighting only to discover russia has launched an entire reactivated typhoon into orbit using nuclear rockets, grafted t-72 turrets all over it, rails filled with grads, firing nuclear tipped smerch out of the torpedo tubes and any other russian weapon that works in space.
Yeah and even the trailer looks sleepy.
Really boring. Gonna defeat the aliens with my feminsit dance therapy.
>one out of every thousand movies has female protagonist instead of male
>all the special snowflake alt righters get assblasted
They're just upset over the e-mails, brown people are off-limits, and when it inevitably flops in the states, they'll try to get some money back from China.
Good stuff
I'd go watch that movie
>Yeah and even the trailer looks sleepy.
It does doesn't it
>Gonna defeat the aliens with my feminsit dance therapy.
Not just movies but video games too. Off yourself plebbittor
>IT WAS JUST A PRANK BRUH: Intergalactic Edition
You executed one of your own boo hoo America woud never Do this evil commies
Imagine a version of the movie when she opens the Door and the nigger rapes her
Is there a scifi movie more redpilled than this?
Sounds a bit like Space Battleship Yamato.
It sucks balls
Another alien movie with a heavy globalist agenda. Hollywood is just the left's propaganda machine.
best movie this decade.
dunno why all the hate