Praise Kek, the bringer of haps.
Kek wills it.
She is DONE. They are doing it early so they can find a "hero replacement" early enough.
oh fug
This was posted last night but no link was provided. Do you have a link? If not this is nothing.
Nice very Nice
>doublet of dubs
Hillary is finished.
>A French study yielded similar results and found that for missions of about 24 hours, modafinil for soldiers is preferable to naps.
Maybe read the last part too, retards
>Modafinil is in a class of medications called wakefulness promoting agents; it works by changing the amounts of certain natural substances in the area of the brain that controls sleep and wakefulness.
Hillary has to keep drugs to stay awake it seems
So they were just talking about it. She could just say that it was just a consveration. Anyway we should be waiting until September because the democrats have until then to Put anyone else in
It's modafinil you stupid fuck.
Every teenager in the world takes it. It allows you to focus and get work done and not be sleepy.
if you future president is even talking about taking medicine grade amphetamines, you better buckle up.
this shit will fuck you up
this is not "muh jet lag" vitamins
this is the purest form of stimulants you can get your hands on.
Thank you. Insightful.
modafinil is actually in fairly common usage, especially in politicians, soldiers, students, etc. Helps focus, even without sleep. Like the college kid staying up all night cramming/writing a paper. So would def be useful for a politician. But given how few events and rallies Hillary gives, it's actually pathetic she would need this. If this is her drugged out energy, then goddamn
said all the crack addicts, ever.
you gotta be kidding me - are you defending amphetamine use among children ?
goddamned degenerates
Once more the pol echo chamber starts up.
This is nothing and it's getting sad to watch you Trump fanatics persecute an innocent old woman.
She was totally cleared and it isn't like Obama will let his Justice Dept prosecute Hillary when she's running against Hitler 2.0
Wait, I take modafinil too..
Don't have parkinsons though
I use it to code for long hours, its better than caffiene (no jitters)
Well time for someone to send it to Alex And Ghost
Based kit
It's not an amphetamine you stupid nigger.
It's a nootropic.
Yea, most teenagers on America take something's that. It's very very easy to get and provides loads of benefits.
Modafinil is a wonderful drug. It makes people more intelligent. It is the highest regarded nootropic. I don't blame Clinton for taking it.
Nootropic maybe, but its really not the highest regarded m8. Just more accessible.
Try noopept if you want something better.
As much as I want the old crusty cunt to die a horrific death, Provigil is pretty common senpai.
2/3 of the military takes provigil...
Noopept makes me incredible sleepy, and you can't get it from the UK anymore. Really sad
I'm an Engineer, I use an Adderall-like (legal prescription).
Hillary is just trying to cope, not ill.
She's a junkbox, popping pills for energy or they realize she needs a boost. The email is from a while ago, wonder why she is still low energy, the pills can't help her maybe?
Hitler used amphetamines, Hillary and crew are looking for alternatives. So it's Hillary who is like Hitler, too bad we've never seen her give an energetic speech in a long time and she walks like a tard all slow like.
Trying to cope with being gravely sick and near death, maybe.
sounds like bullshit did 12 years never once hear of it till now. calling bs on that one big time.
Nice try shill. Provide documentation that the military provides/uses it, because this is the first time I have EVER heard such a thing
Hey man she opened a pickle jar all by herself on Jimmy Kimmel. Drumpf BTFO
I've always been skeptical of the shills on this place, but damn. Shills saying it's common in the military, as a service member I can honestly say that neither I or anyone of my personnel or anyone in my chain of command takes this drug. As a former student I can say adderal is common, but something that is used for prkinson's. NO WAY. The shills are real. WOW
Pretty much everyone has talked about drugs. Doesn't mean you have actually used them.
Nah bro I'm pretty sure everyone just drinks huge cans of monster and is constantly dipping/smoking.
Thou woffle have been checked
Is this the best you scum can come up with? Your candidate is going to lose and die and you can't help but go down with the ship
Trying to cope, always low energy, eyes half shut, yea the meds are working for her alright. Slowly walking up ramps, hands open like a tard, eyes half shut like a junkie, nodding with head tilted, barely speaks for than a few sentences.
She probably had to do therapy afterwards. As she was trying to open the jar her whole face turned red, then stayed red, yea, she's fine shills, just fine. She's just fine.
She literally cracked her head open
This kill the Hillary KEK may bless it.
>no dubs
Please, user, how will I believe you?
Not a hill shill but most everyone in a demanding position takes uppers nowadays.
Doctors, military, lawyers. Not saying it isn't degenerate but it's the truth
Yeah how about no
That's a nice fuckin kitty
The shills are real
It's not an amphetamine.
Here's a Norwegian source on it:
See? It's merely a "stay awake and clear minded" drug.
She's still low energy though, I'd hate to see her off the uppers.
Praise our glorious Kek!
The military is pretty much sponsored by Monster, Marlboro, and Copenhagen. If you consider those uppers.
Modafinil is used by some people as a nootropic.
I hate to say this, but we can't yet be certain of her being ill
Right, she's just low on energy or something and hit her head and naturally acts all retarded.
The e-mail itself proves nothing.
Please save getting hyped up for actually happenings.
This is just a waste of time unless you turn up something saying she's taking it. Whether you like or not people generally like solid proofs.
military drink rip its you pleb
Don't get me wrong, I do think she has something wrong, but modafinil is quite commonly used as a nootropic, and given how she probably doesn't have much sleep, it's probably why she takes it.
I don't think she has Parkinson's or Alzheimer's or the other things modafinil treats. If i were to guess, I'd say she has epilepsy or something like that
>be campaigning
>take mild drug to stay woke because you probably miss a lot of sleep
>this is a bombshell
I feel like these emails were almost released strategically to keep certain people busy with absolutely nothing.
Choline depletion
Take choline supplements and go back into beast mode
That is a Marine thing, and more accurately, and enlisted thing. Too much Rip Fuel over too long a period and your liver enzymes will go through the roof. It also fucks with your kidneys and heart.
In short, its perfect for door kickers who dont expect to live more than a few years anyway
Bernie 2016 incoming
she almost definitely has narcolepsy
I dont understand
Maybe while deployed. Pic related was the standard because it turns into a very acceptable dip spitter.
I'm reasonably sure military grade consumption of any energy drink is not healthy.