Why are most millennials unemployed or work for low pay when they are the most educated generation?
Why are most millennials unemployed or work for low pay when they are the most educated generation?
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At least I majored in something I love
Because BOOMERS make up 30% of the workforce
and 80% of menagament positions
and will get you fired over bullshit
and will do all sorts of dirty tricks if you try to start your own business
Why are you a faggot? I would love to go to work right now and do not worry about future. Instead, I have to wait until old people die out and some job openings are created
Hopefully genX will be a bit better when they take those positions but who knows how long they'll keep them since they most likely will live longer than boomers
What does education even mean anymore, other than getting a diploma that proves you're capable of thinking and that's mandatory for literally every job nowadays.
You could be a major in any complicated science field, and still be lucky if you get a job in a call center.
>diploma that proves you're capable of thinking
That's not even necessarily true anymore. They have lost value to huge degree due to so many people (mainly women and minorities) who get absolute useless ones.
Outsourcing, downsizing, and straight up screwing over workers because they can get away with it.
>good major, decent gpa, some experience
>was promised 50-60k starting
>look for jobs
>can maybe get 50 if I work 60-80 hour weeks
>looking at 35-40k for reasonable 9-5 jobs
>8-5 becoming more common
>many also want weekends and overtime
>salary so of course this work is just for free
>because you should love your company for providing you the opportunity to slave for them, goyim, be grateful oy vey
Fuckit. Not to mention a lot of the lower work is being outsourced to unemployed remote hipsters and to indians and chinks, who all of course fuck it up.
You get what you pay for.
If everyone has a degree, a degree means nothing.
The workforce expands (think globalisation making it trivial to employ foreigners abroad) just as automation begins to kick in. The jobs that are going away, they're not coming back, and fewer new jobs will be created in turn.
Blame your parents. They wrought this.
Also reminder agenda 21/agenda 2030:
Goal is to get everyone on welfare of some form so they are dependent on the state for income. That we shall no longer be able to bite the hand if that hand is feeding us.
The current state of affairs is intentional.
women's studied and other liberal arts degrees are not applicable to literally anything outside college
Can't get the millions of hours unpaid experience employers demand when your at school getting the useless degrees employers also demand for entry level jobs.
I'm 30 and in a management position with a bunch of shitheads like you for employees. You deserve to be fired.
>If everyone has a degree, a degree means nothing.
also this
cuz no jobs and risk aversion so no new jobs
Because the federal reserve has ruined this country's economy.
Educated in what? Engineering? Medicine? or Arts? and Liberal social bullshit?
Also you're more likely to be a good placid little wagie if you're $50k in debt.
many reasons
>modern education is SJW shit
>rapidly changing job demands
>inflation due to economics practices
>boomers living longer don't want to retire early and save up for medical bills
>most educated
Getting what amounts to a completion certificate doesn't really mean much anymore.
Being educated in underwater racial/gender kickstarter embezzlement doesnt exactly prepare you for the real world.
Because they're depressed and lazy. No principles or sense of direction. I know a few in person who are absolutely dreadful to be around.
>Get 2 year Paralegal cert
>Paid internshipright after
>Get a job 2 weeks after the internship finishes
Try harder
yet you come to talk with us for political discussion, odd.
I am an engineer in the manufacturing sector. The company I work for is a smallish local place that pays very well to start as well as great healthcare and retirement benefits. They are constantly looking for people to work down in production and I am constantly hearing from my freinds that they need to make more money etc. Not a single one has applied here and being hired is almost garunteed. Millenials my age (27) mostly do not want to actually work. They want jobs that pay well but wont work them becuase it takes effort. New hires here make $17 an hour and the labor is simple but its repetive. They would rather keep their shitty min wage jobs and bitch about being broke than come make some real money doing real work. Most of us are lazy entitled shit cunts. Theres more baby boomers that get hired here than millenials becuase they will actually work. Boggles my fucking mind boyos. I would have killed for 17/hr when I started my career but I moved up from 15/hr as a draftmen and 6 years later I make double that as an engineer who worked my way up. They just dont want to climb the ladders and put the time in.
"Spent the most time in school" does not necessarily mean "most educated", burgerbro.
Would you sincerely call pic related "educated" because they are in their fifth year of undergraduate classes?
so much this.
also companies avoid payments for people who are freelancing or pay below what is agreed, it happens all the time
where's that can you hire me
Sounds like a shit job, I'm not surprised nobody has applied, and who knows what you're not telling us about it.
educated? ohhh you mean (((educated)))
t. fat NEET
>majoring in liberal indoctrination studies = educated
wrong pic you fucking nigger
state and town?
here is the automation meme again.
factories employ more people than ever before. problem is factories don't exist in first world countries unless the owners actually care about the community and proud of local produce
news flash: most jobs are shit because if every job was exactly what everyone dreamed of then nothing important would ever get done. thats a huge problem with millennials, they dont look at the big picture and only want instant gratification via the easiest of means. you could go be a dock worker or a shipping worker right now and make like 20 an hour but thats hard work and millennials would much rather avoid that and bitch on social media about how they cant find a job that pays them to get blow jobs
Lmao just wait you STEM cunts. It's not just the retard party degrees that are becoming useless. As more and more people start to realize that STEM is their only option you can expect more competition for that comfy engineering position. And if Hillary gets elected you'll probably be replaced by Pajeet and Ming
Education does not create jobs, demand does.
if you can plow fields 10 hours a day including weekends and stay healthy more power to you
So are you going to tell me where you live and where are these jobs?
>dock worker
>shipping worker
this is a dead field that has already been replaced by automation in my city
Oh sure, ruining my body by the time I'm 30 for $20/hr, probably without healthcare or any other benefits, sounds fucking great! Where do I sign up so I can tell you to eat shit?
Such exploitative industries need to go under.
>As more and more people start to realize that STEM is their only option you can expect more competition for that comfy engineering position
the thing is though STEM peoples worth is easily measurable and result based. it would eliminate competition just by its very nature because the vast majority of people who would move to it are either just not good enough or too lazy to be successful in the various fields
I can't find permanent work, only temporary stuff, there are too many old people with experience and immigrants competing for jobs.
t. wimpy millennial
Problem with online/freelance work is the bloated market. Just look at fiverr. People are willing to work for $5 what got paid $50 ten years ago. Including inflation that's like 5% of the former pay. Fact is there's just too many fucking people. There are fewer companies than ever before due to monopolization (not including 2-staff-member indie startups.) The companies only need so many workers because shit scales efficiently. There's only so many jobs. Sell your people out by outsourcing, automate, then cut jobs...mass unemployment and more worryingly underemployment as a norm was inevitable.
We are rapidly becoming a third world nation. The time of milk and honey is over. We can expect "equality" at last...with philippine sweatshop workers, indian outsourcers for $2/hr, and mexican day laborers for 12 pesos a bucket.
t. not an argument
I wouldn't take such a shitty job and I think anyone else should.
This. Education is bullshit these days. Today's educated people are yesterday's illiterate boomers. Everything is gated behind a shitty degree that takes from 2 to 4 years to get.
>owners actually care about the community and proud of local produce
This. My local area is notable for the produce of tomatoes, but many of the workers are immigrants from Poland etc. who become paid lower wages, from which employers love.
this. if you go to school for the right thing youll be able to find work.
i got a bio degree and fucked around during it so my gpa is too garbage for grad school
yeah im an idiot
The smart thing to do? Don't have kids. Get a partner who works. DINK is the lifestyle least likely to screw you.
how much of the 20$ are you allowed to keep? or is that the hourly net rate?
Collapsing Global economic Growth
We're living at the end of Rome 2.0
Fucking phone, I meant to say I don't think anyone else should.
where do you live?
ill apply right now
You would be surprised what morons can accomplish when their desperate. You wait, idiot. Keep walking around with that elitist 'I'm an engineer' attitude as the mediocre and less-than-great see less and less opportunities and start putting their face to the grindstone and working their way to more engineering degrees.
It'll be the gross pay, it always is. How much you keep depends on the state you're in.
"experience" for entry level jobs is a meme.
Boomers that get hired to work along side of me get paid more than me, but I'm the one helping them if they "can't open their email" or have no idea how to make functions in Excel.
>most educated generation
Well I guess this is technically true, but seeing as higher education has been completely fucking devalued that doesn't mean much
We're in a weird time because lots of people are starting to realise this and aren't going to university, but most jobs now require a degree
I'm interested to see how this all pans out, I'm lucky because I inherited a large house and rent out some rooms for extra cash, I will never have to be a wageslave
Education is a meme
Nowadays, you need to spend four years and fund universities with 60k fees to get typing monkey jobs once it's all done unless you do STEM. It's all a scam.
Nepotism and real experience will cut meme shit like diplomas.
> if you go to school for the right thing youll be able to find work.
Right now, at least, but the way things are going right now that's not going to be the case in the near future.
Sure thing gramps
Your point..?
You should refuse to help, say you're too busy with your own work.
>Be me
>Always want to be Historian
>Major in History (Yeah What of it)
>Took of Dual History degree program (Ancient Mediterranean and American)
>Want to be State Archivist and work with the actual Historical Archives and record
>Be assured repeatedly this is the right course
>Graduate top of class/Summa Cum Laude/Phi Alpha Theta Member/Phi Kappa Phi Member
>Apply for Historical Archivist positions all over country
>Everyone rejects
>>"But user, we only want people with Masters in Library Science and 5+ Years of Experience to work in the State Historical Archives
Been contemplating the Military ever since
>wahh i have no job
>i won't do a job i don't like
Wow, it's almost like life is hard sometimes
I want this slut to bully me.
if this is where we are heading. what will happen to the tech/housing markets? the collapse will drag the whole world with it
>manager at Wendy's
I do have a job, user.
>most educated
And thus the white family is destroyed forever. Thanks obama!
Well, after the gummint takes 20% and the state another 10% and your local gummint 5%, and you pay your rent of 1000/month and food bill of 200/month and medical insurance (mandated, thanks obama) for 300/month and car insurance (car being required by the employer, on your dime) of 60/month and gas of 60/month and your utility bills of 200/month...
Somewhere around the nil to nothing. But you managed to stay alive another month and gain nothing to show for it!
This. The most whiney, victimized generation ever to grace the earth.
>Most educated
I wouldn't even give them that much.
I'd say they're more likely to be educated because of the opportunities/resources available to advance scholastically.
Healthcare, it's one of the few jobs that can't be automated yet, or in your lifetime
If you act like a dick to your coworkers in an office, your life is hell. Workplace gossip is real.
>I can't get a job because old people need to die
What a cop out
Because Jobs are given to those who deserve it and sometimes companies higher cheaper labor.
Tell them you don't know how to do what they're asking, then.
But you've already made it clear even if you were unemployed you wouldn't take manual labor positions because they're too hard
Wow. Man, that's just sad.
>be assured repeatedly this is the right course?
By whom? I know a lot of people have sued itt tech and art institutes for false promises lately
Because they either weren't educated about the work force by their parents or they just simply thought they knew more than the really did and didn't listen.
Also even though you absolutely love doing it your degree in fingerpainting or underwater basket weaving has very few real world applications outside teaching a class on said subjects.
>Doesn't even have to been in STEM
It's not that they're too hard, it's that they don't offer anywhere near enough compensation.
>those who deserve it.
I don't think affirmative action is based on merit
>someone with a new degree will totally beat my degree and experience
lmao k, i have forgotten more about my field than some new hire out of college will ever learn
That sounds awful man, sorry that happened and hope shit works out.
28 years old
No Debt
68k a year
Run my own business doing contracted consulting work for tech start ups
Not exactly a ton of money, but you can suck my dick for being retarded.
I work remotely, don't even need to go into an office every day like your faggoty generation.
Our generation is the only segment innovating in America right now. You're a dumb old faggot OP.
>What does education even mean anymore
I thought the same thing when I did my GCSEs years ago.
>Normally just a case of walking into sports hall and doing the exam
>Maths GCSE the teacher said we have to meet him in our class before the exam
>Well known alcoholic who shouldn't even have been near children let alone a school
>"Well I'm sorry to inform you all that for the last year and a half I've actually been teaching you from the wrong chapter, so everything on your test today you won't have covered before"
>People start unironically crying
>Wonder why it's even in the book if no one is going to be taught it/serves no real purpose
>"So is the exam being cancelled?"
>"No of course not I just thought I should let you know. Do your best and good luck"
>Entire class fails
>Our fault and not the teacher's
That was when I started to really question "education", it was just a shame it came as I finished school.
Holy fuck it makes me so mad. Everyone over 40 needs to be fired. They just can NOT function in a modern office. Fucks type with two fingers and can't figure out why the internet is "broken" but act like they're big shit. Not to mention NONE of them needed the degrees we do to get into the job. They just walked into it out of high school with eye contact and a firm handshake. Now you have to go through ten different recruiting services, a personality and IQ test, two cover letters, five interviews, need 10 references, and three years of internships at a top 10 company just to get your foot in the door to work 60 hour weeks for 30k.
Fuck I want to murder all the boomers. Imagine, all the problems would be solved. No more incompetent dumbass workers who can't into computer, all damn sorts of job openings, rent plummets, real estate becomes affordable again, probably the food is cheaper, doctors are no longer so swamped in work that you need to wait three months for an appointment because Mrs Boomer has 900 conditions and refuses to stop shoveling down burgers and cola. Oh, and the huge load of medicare and social security takes which takes about 15% of every dollar you earned (every $100 you make, you hand over $15 of that to boomers for their golden hammocks). suddenly no traffic congestion, way lessened pollution, no more team color politics where you just blindly vote red or blue like always. Oh suddenly everything is fine.
Please god let a plague come that will wipe out the old and weak. Influenza is a good attempt but we need a stronger agent. Superfluenza. Another black plague. Please lord.
Millennials are more likely to have been put through a state-run indoctrination school that taught them nothing of worth, while extracting a shitload of value from them and wasting their time.
The reality is that far too many of you guys just don't have any fucking skills, and those of you who do have skills are usually too lazy to bother using them.
I'm 28 and work in a law firm... law is in a very bad market right now, so our firm has the pick of the litter. Even after rejecting thousands of applicants, putting people through the rigours of an internship, picking the best 5 interns from a group of 10 to become graduates; even after all of that you cunts are still almost uniformly useless.
What the fuck.
That's mainly an issue for new-grads, but don't worry, Chang will do your job for 30k a year.
Wow what a cunt
You can say that the experience red pilled you on modern education I guess but he still fucked you over big time
Well, just notice the wages go down, the employment goes down, everyone is underemployed if they're lucky to have anything at all, and the food cost and rent keep going up. It's inflicting a slow, creeping poverty over the nation. Everyone is broke all the time, no one can afford to buy shit or do shit, no one ever has money. It's intentional. They want us to be the serfs in the new feudalism. Serfs who feel lucky to get to shovel shit for ten hours a day for two meals and a bed. An empowered, thinking, financially independent population cannot become tax slave serfs. So they erode our ability to resist by shutting and locking all other doors.
>chang can do a job that he must physically be at the site to preform
lmao, k
I'm a manager at a global consulting firm (10k+ US employees) and I'm 27. Nothing to it but hard work and being intelligent.
>what are work visas
You're pretty stupid aren't you?