How long will internet piracy last? Trump and Clinton seem to be against it and Hollywood is bleeding money.
How long will internet piracy last? Trump and Clinton seem to be against it and Hollywood is bleeding money
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There's no way to prevent piracy without completely redesigning computers and the internet from scratch.
You would have to shut down internet.
Piracy is a human right.
hopefully until modern media is so shit that it's not worth consuming anymore
hopefully until 15 years ago i mean
>Hollywood is bleeding money.
Is it? Good. No fucks given.
>not using open directories
Hollywood is doing just fine despite the fact of "money bleeding". Because of controversial laws of patenting and intellectual property, where some idea or concept "can be owned", existence of piracy is a must.
It is relative how much money they are losing: they always assume when making those calculations, everybody who downloaded the product illegally would have bought it otherwise. Which is wishful thinking.
if piracy is a crime then whites have nothing to worry about because crime is for niggers
The thing that confuses me is when they crack down on piracy for shit that was 10+ years old that they are not making money on anymore.
Normies torrenting the hot new movie will always be under the microscope by those responsible for maximizing income
>torrent sites are dying
>streaming sites are dying
>adblock is letting pass more and more ads, as anti-adblock become more popular and well programmed
>Starting to get difficult to even download a torrent racker program
>Downloading sites are reported as malevolent
And yet we still manage to do the shit and downloand things. Piracy is being heavily
attacked but it just cannot die.
Like senpai said, the only way is to design a Web 3.0 (aka the death of internetz-the birth of user-friendly Big Brother)
>Hollywood is doing just fine
why do you talk out of your ass
If you stop someone pirating content they won't necessarily then pay for it.
I wouldn't have bought a single movie. Ever. Maybe go see a movie couple of times a year. That's it.
(((Wall Street Journal)))
(((Ben Fritz)))
You wouldn't download a bag of dicks, would you?
>Hollywood is bleeding money
Good. Let them die and go away already
I demo shit before buying it. Found out that means I'm a pirate. Sweet
>not using your hosts file as an ad blocker
Literally stops almost everything since almost all ads are served through third party servers
hollywood deserves to die
Piracy will never die. The population at large will always be better at computers than the Jews who want to protect their precious content. There will always be workarounds.
My personal recommendation is to stop consuming media that you need to Torrent/purchase. Stop watching movies, TV, listening to pop music, playing mainstream games, etc. Your life will improve dramatically and you will not have to worry anout torrenting or giving the jews your money. If they want to protect their precious content so badly, then stop consuming it entirely.
I've been downloading shit for as long as I knew how, and I still do. I don't use a proxy or vpn or private trackers. I have downloaded brand new music and movies from the most obvious of places. Why have I never gotten an ISP letter or anything like that?