Wtf i hate duterte now

wtf i hate duterte now

Other urls found in this thread:–Laban

>killing drug addicts solves drug problem

We should kill the poors instead

I saw the press conference where he said this. He was just using it as a rhetorical example to btfo some cocky BBC journalist fag.

God I hate this cuck. Was raped in school for the poor or something by a druggy and now he needs to ruin everyone's buzz.

This is a good tactic to shut your critics up

How can manlets even compete with King Kerry?

It'should work desu
Demand removal

>tfw pol unironically thinks theres a living man more based than Manny Paqiao's evil twin
I bet your all druggy degeneratea

>>"black people"

how? we don't have state sanctioned nigger hunts like the flips do. we shoot them when they pull guns on cops. this guy is being disingenuous

Actually killing drug addicts is working wonders:

>proof is a government shill
I rest my case, we should kill the poors

He is a fucking commie shill–Laban

Drug dealers, m8. They are killing the dealers and gangs.

He can have all the nigs and protect them

The entire world is acting like white cops do, so he may as well take advantage of it.

He is pointing out the hypocrisy of westcucks meddling in the affairs of sovereign nations while leaving their own countries to rot under the exact same problems, even trying to cover it up

He's our most productive president over the last 14 years or so, commie shit? B)

wtf ilove duerte now

based Duerte

America belongs to brown people

>Be nigger chink with mexican name
>Hillary can't call on you for being literally Hitler or associate you with Trump

Translation for those not understanding this beautifull and elegant language: Dürfte calls us Ambassador a gay son of a whore