If black men have the most sexual prowess of the races of men

Then what race of women fucks the best? It really made me think..

Trick question, women suck at sex regardless of race.

Only had one blowjob result in ejaculation, feels bad man.

Black women, no contest. I know from experience.

Only beta virgins who watch japanese cartoons would want anything else. Also asian bitches aren't shy and timid like in your fantasy

Ive heard that black womens pussys are warmer than usual, can you confirm sven?

Also them spic sheilas are meant to be good at fucking, latin passion and all.

Don't know about warmer, but wetter and tighter.
Also latin passion is a meme. Being "wild" =/= good

Black pussy. Tighter. Good one m8

In my personal experience it goes white>Hispanic>Asian>Arab

Haven't fucked a black girl yet, but want to (a mulatto at most, that is).

t. virgin

fuckin australia lol

Maybe try to stick it into Shaneequa before she has 4 niglets.

Um no


they're all the same

pure black is pretty gross most of the time. mulatto girls are hot though

Which race's women has the best feet?

Definitely not negresses. Dead last

Slav women probably

No, think about it m8s.
Black women are the objectively lowest tier of women.
Every single race is not only more attractive, but statistically receives more responses than black woman. In terms of demand, nobody but outlining fetishists want to fuck black women.
Ergo, black pussies are tighter, since nobody really wants to fuck them.
Of course, you'd have to put up with fucking literal apes, but hey, tighter!
I've heard dog anus is even more restrictive. If you can put up with fucking nigresses, than dogs are the next logical step.

I prefer dog smell to nigger smell, should I migrate to Canada?

I like feet with a perfect curve. Toes that line up with ruler or second toe noticeably longer than the big toe, can all go straight in to the trash.

>wanting a shy and timid woman

You watch Abella Anderson ride a dick like a latina hurricane a few times and tell me that Hispanic girls aren't the hottest fuck on the animal kingdo m

hello justin

Learn to read lard

Don't you ever post those ugly fucking mong feet again.

little brown fucking machines


Why are Russian men in Russian pornos always

>small dicks
>can't get hard
>weird foreskins
>sometimes don't cum

Are Russians the worst at sex?

Have had my fair share, I'm still all about that undiscovered passion regardless of race.

>dry pussy
>spits everywhere

From own personal experience, latinas mixed With White. For some reason these Girls have no clue what a gag reflex is

>sex before marriage
Into the trash it goes

>dry pussy
>spits everywhere
Not wanting latinas to mouth lube your cock. Wtf is wrong with you?

Is this what you fantasize about in your shed?

>second toe longer
>nail polish

I think quadroons are hottest.

Nice meme

Shit, I forgot, Jewesses seem naturally talented at sex