Do you think she'll mention Sup Forums and/or Sup Forums by name?
Do you think she'll mention Sup Forums and/or Sup Forums by name?
We can only hope.
No. But maybe "dark corners of the Internet that spew hate" or some other BS
Sup Forums has zero fucking credibility, just makes shitty memes and shitposts.
Literally no threat
I hope so. Hopefully it will get a lot of normal people to visit and drive out the autistic nazi posters and make Sup Forums somewhat sane again.
Oh that's why after the months of shekel shoah and work of getting advertisers to pull out of gawker, they didn't shut down.
IF the stupid cunt wins (no idea who's really ahead at this point), I wonder what her Senate and House would look like composition-wise. Betting they'll be mostly red and they'll heavily fuck with her every chance they get...
If KEK wills it.
Vast alt right wing conspiracy forced me to hire a Saudi agent and topple egypt and place her brother friends in power.
Also the Saudi agents husband is so hard for you right now and he cant wait to see you tonight. Weiner pic attached
Post yfw she has an "episode" while bad-mouthing the God Emperor and Kek
Hillary to the alt right:
lol beta virgin mommy's boys faggots, it's time to man up and take your fingers out of your butt
the alt right:
muhhhh feelings
please don't ban loli porn and please don't deport weebs to North Korea
I'd give a lot if she would mention Milo and some Bernout would behead him.
"These neckbeards praise a FROG for christ's sak--sa- gahh- ugr gurgle..."
>is kill
I don't even know how I'd react if she mentions Pepe in any way.
>That floppy backstabbing waffle-cunt saying any of those things
If it pisses her off, it's the absolute best thing in the world to be.
What does she mean by this?
Isn't Trump the most popular right wing politician right now? How can you be mainstream and alt at the same time?
She wouldn't dare. She'd be giving him power.
memes influence people, and this place is a meme factory
lol it doesn't work that way
it works the other way
do trumpcucks really think that hillary pays ctr to shill on an irrelevant chineses cartoon website?
I guess it's supposed to mean that she knows the hardships you're going through and that she'll fight for you. Which is a fucking Hillary-ous lie on par with the e-mail horseshit.
If she does mention Sup Forums, she'll probably refer to it as a 'neonazi website of white supremacists' or something like that.
>one of the most popular boards on a website that routinely influences media and internet culture and receives over 27 million unique visitors a month
>no threat
Nice try, CTR shill.
I hope she does and I hope the news casters of the world have to explain who pepe is.
If she does we should have a few days of pro Hillary amongst the gore and anti jew posts. Top kek
The "alt-right" is a meme used to disregard new conservatives. Many of whom voted for clinton and king nigger.
why do anti semites support trump when his daughter is a kike of the fullest degree
>What does she mean by this?
She has people that will make you go away if you get in her way.
Spencer posting
I like this
you know what she means.
New Abedin Emails Reveal Hillary Clinton State Department Gave Special Access to Top Clinton Foundation Donors
s a g e
Apparently it's a message to young women, which adds a rapey flavor to something that sounds a bit like "big brother is watching you"
>clinton plans address to talk about her opponent instead of herself
This is why she will lose.
who the fuck cares faggot.
Hopefully she will, so more people visit Sup Forums and become red-pilled.
Possibly, though as a worshiper of moloch and practitioner of the occult herself, she might be hoping to diminish kek's power by drawing attention to him. After all, kek is the Egyptian deity of the unknown, darkness, and chaos. Unfortunately for her, meme magic doesn't work like her secret child rapist/sacrifice cult. It only grows stronger with repetition.
Hopefully she will name drop FTN or TRS, that would be dope.
Ah i see you are a fan of open borders.
Nah. She'll just say "evil white supremacist racist message boards"
it's funny when the internet hate machine makes national news
>It only grows stronger with repetition.
It doesn't grow stronger by mere repetition, but by sincerity of belief in it.
>mfw shillary mentions us on national media
Literally WHAT? I'm not an open-border cuck, fuck off Mini Australia.
That would hurt her if any of her supporters came here and found the truth between the piles of shit.
>red pilled for supporting the jew kike himself, donald trump
>normies will flood Sup Forums
well lads, it was fun while it lasted
>putting more white cloth in a mud puddle makes the mud puddle become clean
You have no power here, CTR scum!
i hate shillary
but if you think supporting kike breeding trump who is fine with a black man fucking his daughter is "redpilled" you're straight up delusional
You're mad Sup Forums is more relevant than tumblr despite tumblr receiving three times as much traffic as us.
maybe for the next few days as Sup Forums gets attention from those that dont normally come here, we should shill hill, talk about how much we love hill and how she is gonna get the nigger and spic vote this year.
The real question is, will she poop herself this time?
A better question is.....
Will she shart?
You are correct.
/Pol is a board of peace
Or we should just do what we've always done and bait them into arguing with us, then drop redpills.
Fight to survive baby
>All the normies pouring in shitting up Sup Forums
>Usual posters jump ship
>Major leak or habbening
>Goes unnoticed by the majority, drowned out by newfags
We should tell people about our Hillary board /h/ and our Donald board /d/.
if she blames reddit or 9fag it's fucking proff of meme magic
Good, inform your boss at CTR to fuck off already then.
>who cares about treason
Man CTR is trying hard today.
I'm so jaded I don't even know if you are being sarcastic.
Pol is feared because it does not give leftists a clear target to swing at.
It can spread information that mainstream sources would never dare touch. (White demographic decline is one of the most feared topics.)
If you want to gain some real understanding of the world, start exposing the Central Banking Scam at the heart of all first world societies. Watch how quickly shills crawl out of the walls to distract from it or defend it. (If they drop the ball and don't challenge such exposure, keep up the pressure.)
A good place to start spreading the word is working class men of all colors, or low level bankers who know the score but are just as stuck in the system as everyone else.
Perfect, she is going to make herself look tin foil tier and we can use this against her.
I got a full clip in my AK-15 and I'm ready for anything.
The vast majority of the alt right's media presence comes from The Daily Stormer and The Right Stuff
Unapologetically fascist, not the cucky pro-Milo nigger dick shit that Sup Forums is.
We should copy what Germany did for the 1936 Olympics.
I disagree. This board influences alt-right youtube commentators who in turn influence hundreds of thousands of people. We also heavily /r/the_donald which has +200,000 subscribers and has the second highest traffic of all subreddits on reddit. Also mentions to nazi frogs on the MSM is pretty kek worthy senpai
man nice ar-47 you got there, can i fire 50 BKHR )baby killing homing rounds)
I wonder if there are CTR shills here screen capping all the racist stuff posted on Sup Forums?
slow and steady wins the race yeb!
those were ebaumsworld trolls
9gag collaborated with them to further their sick twisted alt-right worldviews
We got her scared boys. We're her cyber Limbaugh.
I can't hunt with it because it would blow the animals to pieces with it's military grade ammunitions and assault weapon stuff.
let me predict her speech
>Donald is racist, vote for me! I'm a woman!
If anything we are cyber Savage. Because we have become the Jew, we are supporting the God-Emperor Donald J. Trump and because whe REEEEEEE every 5' just like Michael Savage.
>27 million
>unique visitors
>a month
What...I had no idea that Sup Forums was so popular. In hindsight over half of all the Sup Forums users I know IRL are Sup Forums
>CNN asks Trump to disavow the happy merchant meme
>yfw we could make a decent-sized country
>Sup Forums: the country
bad idea
Even in the best case scenario (everyone being not a spergy pleb) it's still a bad idea, if we ever did such a thing the kikes would be nuking us a few weeks later. And they would be thanking us for being concentrated in a small space
Deep down all white people feel that there's something wrong with the world of today, but they don't know what. Until they start to dig. We're somewhere halfway down.
You called me?
>mentions to nazi frogs on the MSM is pretty kek worthy
at this point I just want to find out if there really is some kind of subconscious hive mind of humanity and if we really managed to breach into it and influence it by shitposting green frogs/ebola-chan really hard. I mean, I don't think it even has to be real magic, but we might influence millions subconsciously with our entertaining memes, entertaining but at the same time with extreme fringe messages. How do I know it works? It worked on me, I used to vote socialist back when I was a fucking beta, but it also works because it's the harsh truth.
People make lots of decisions, but not all of these decisions are 100% based on logic, hell probably the majority are based on feelings with most people, people start to subconsciously pick options that aligned with our mind bombs called memes, right wing parties are on the rise in the entire west, there is no western nation where they aren't winning, they are censoring the shit out of facebook in Germany to stop this and can't, Trump gets memed into the GOP candidate position AGAINST the GOP's wishes, memes are beating their weak propaganda, Brexit happens against the wishes of the entire British and foreign elite, nobody seems to know why, but I do, memes did it, Trump might become POTUS, Happenings are increasing, are we a wildcard nobody in power could possible see coming? Are some unwashed Nerdlingers pulling a fast on everyone? Can we even be stopped now?
You really almost had me
the meme squad has power.
you know, "kek werkz in mystireonous wayz n sheit" and all that.