How do we rid the world of nuclear weapons?

How do we rid the world of nuclear weapons?

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shes absolutely correct, but OP on the other hand has a cock in his mouth.
You can come back from a nuke.

Balance of nuclear arsenal and diplomacy allows us to avoid world wars.
>Who feeds a dog and carries a sign like that.

> for now
you know it's only a matter of time before someone like ISIS gets their hands on it

First get rid of Israel's nukes and maybe we'll talk.

We spend them all on the middle east.

There's more than one nuke.

>How do we rid the world of nuclear weapons?
We use all of them on Finland until there's none left

launch them all

Only because right now only civilised nations have nukes. USA and Russia both know that no one would win in a nuclear war that's why the US and the Soviet union both agreed on the MAD policy. North Korea will have a large number of nukes in the not too distant future, how long before they think to themselves "lol let's nuke Japan XD"?

isnt there a planet that has diamond asteroids orbiting it? sounds wealthy to me

Nuclear weapons have kept you safe for over half a century.

The only way would be to remove all material that can be used to make a bomb. So in other-words it is not possible.

Use them


Launch them all at once

this, the only way to be sure

just wait 4.5 billion years, and their numbers will be cut in half

Use them all up, obviously.

But then we can't have world wars, how is anyone expected to get their clay back now?

idgaf she's cute.

Nukes don't kill people. People kill people. Make it legal to open carry nuclear weapons in Walmart and school halls.

>fire them all into space in random directions

>accidentally attack another civilization

>we are the bugs in starship troopers

now were at war with another planet but have no nukes...thanks sweden.

If your government doesn't let you own nukes you're cucked. They are only effective solution to protect yourself from a corrupt government.

We fire them all at the Middle East, islamic Asia and North Africa.

If the USR had their hands on more than we did and nothing came of it, ISIS won't do anything either.

By launching them all at you, just as the Russians should have done when they were making the Tsar Bomba.

Go fuck yourself, Finland. I saw you talking shit in the other thread.

>finnland not sandnigger country
Okay Muhammad

Invent antimatter weapons.

Why would we want to get rid of them? Also I'm sure there's plenty mineral wealth on "dead" planets

Collapse the industrial economy to make and maintain them. The big secret about nuclear weapons is that they work, and that cat is out of the bag. Once that is known, they can be built with less computing power than the average person carries around in his pocket.

>Nuclear Weapons
You ain't got shit so why are you talking?

By using all of them.

We use them

Where would they launch it from? Their backyard?

By firing them at each other, creating the world of fallout

By using them all