I know most of you here are just supporting Trump ironically, but for those of you that actually like Trump...

I know most of you here are just supporting Trump ironically, but for those of you that actually like Trump, I just want to remind you that a vote for Trump is a vote for


If Donald Trump wins, this country will be destroyed forever.

Other urls found in this thread:


Obviously I meant Hilter, but yeah hurlers can go fuck themselves too.

Are you still here, or have you already abandoned the thread?

I thought CTR ran out of money.

A consolation prize is that you will hang on the day of the rope

hello buzzwords

>Election day
>Evil devil-lord Trump wins by 6.66% over Angel-saint Hillary
>The shockwaves from this Hitler-like event immediately poisons the country with evil
>Everybody is suddenly racist, sexist and other buzzwords
>Trump pushes the Hitlerâ„¢ motion through congress
>People start lynching minorities in the street
>Police starts wildly shooting anyone not wearing visible swaztikas
>Trump says nigger on live TV
>This sends out a massive shockwave of hitler-like magnitude, destroying the democracy of America
>The country implodes on itself, leaving a giant concentration-camp shaped hole
>Double-evil nazi lava splurges forth, engulfing the world

I hope it is also a vote for executing OP by firing squad.

Turn off your proxy swede

>falling for a 'pol is meme' meme

but seriously, fuck off CTR shill.



New Abedin Emails Reveal Hillary Clinton State Department Gave Special Access to Top Clinton Foundation Donors



nigger do you know where you are?

>if you don't vote for my candidate, you're all of these BUZZWORDS
CTR, are you even trying?

nice vagina

It's beautiful.

Nice bait faggot!
Now fuck off

Its been a while.

I don't see the problem with this

Not sucking my dick is intolerant you nazi bastard! You must go to Moscow and suck it!


>implying any of these are bad

>If Donald Trump wins, this country will be destroyed forever.
But our country is built on hatred, racism, sexism and a healthy hatred of Islam ever since they kidnapped and ransomed our sailors (the first time).

Why are you such a shitty American?

Hurling?! I fucking love hurling!



Rolling stones

Op no body cares... Roll for this.

> White genocide
> White male genocide
> White hate

Right back at you OP. Vote Trump!

> a vote for trump is a vote for ....

Non of those buzzwords are bad, fuck if anything they would make me vote twice as hard and determined.

I wish CanINDIA had a Trump.

let's go

I love every single one of those things.

ur elections are a joke, gerrymandering and everything.

> >destroying the democracy of America

wtf am I reading.

>calling someone racist
>be taken seriously
Pick one.

>I know most of you here are just supporting Trump ironically

Where the fuck do you think you are, shill?

Please provide sources.


>muh CTR lies
Fuck off Carl


I've seen this exact thread posted 5 times now. Word for word. Kys CTR shill.

>Implying that Hitler was bad

Why should anyone care about abstractions. A war with Russia is what you burgers should most be worried about.

Sounds like what Gilgamesh was trying to do in unlimited blade works.

Wow this really made me think. I'm a #Cruzmissile now!!!

I am for all those things though.

responding for easier checking

People still talk like this? As if the world wasnt filled with all these things everywhere you look. I think this is probably the most retarded point in the history of the world.. No one is in control of this ship.. Its a superficial battle between groups of people for reasons other than the mud-flinging descriptions.

Oh god pls no tumblr

Good. BLM niggers are getting uppity. Time to remind them why we're superior.
Only legitimate political system. Good.
Put women back in their place. 1919 worst year of my life.
My hobby is putting bacon in the halal section at supermarkets.
I hate you.
This is why I hate you.

i don't know what that one means but I unironically support all the rest

TRUMP 2016




hi mum.


You forgot Hitler, are you a pro Trutmp shill? You are a fucking racist and a bigot!


If Hillary Clinton wins, this country will be destroyed forever.

Lets see what i get

I want a refund.

You dumb dumbs

The OP left this thread by the second comment.

Well holy mother of dogshit, look what we have here!





