>This is your average 18 year old Dutch male.
We're fucked.
>This is your average 18 year old Dutch male.
We're fucked.
Other urls found in this thread:
The horse is sexy though
Goddamn Sup Forums
This is your average dutch woman
Bump for cute horse
>Swede posting about women going black
That's a pony, you faggots
Horse riding is alpha
All ponies are horses but all horses aren't necessarily horses
a tall guy on a poney
Because he's a faggot (I know him)
Maybe he's just a horsefucker
There's some culture there. Don't forget, Horses will be transportation again during the war. Being a man and having equestrian skills is not a bad thing.
It dominance over a stupid large, but sometimes useful animal. Just don't ever bother actually owning one. They are not worth it.
>a stupid large, but sometimes useful animal
Are you talking about horses or about Burgers?
ponies are cheaper and tougher
Horse riding is a masculine endeavour and used to be the preserve of the nobility. All white men should be able to ride.
Baguette """banter"""
I love going to the Netherlands, it's a whole land full of fags on bikes where you just feel like you could beat the shit out of anyone. Kinda like going to a video game store, but on a much larger scale.Very good for self esteem.
Take a look at his clothes and posture.
Oh come on America.
At least admit horses are probably smarter than your average nigger
Have a Trump, faggot.
Fucking hell that beauty at the bottom .. Just end my suffering
Now you know how North Americans feel when we visit Western Europe.
>walk up to a German
>start raping his wife
>"Hallo please to be stopping zis! Hallo? You are hurting mein feelings!"
I wish I had a horse
Stupid nigger.
dutchcucks better tell me this doesn't happen often or I'll get triggered
Remove this picture.
Québec is the same thing, but for intelligence. These people are fucking retarded on average and the smartest of them are just normal everywhere else. And for some reason these faggots all dress like skaters, this place should be burned to the ground.
Do normal Canadians hate Québec niggers or are they tolerated? How are their English skills?
It's from a libtard propaganda film made by (((Sunny Bergman)))
I guy I know who's a mulatto has scored 3 chicks. Currently dating a blue eyed blonde whore.
The only reason the whores do this is because of daddy issues and trying some other meat.
I've fucked two of your """""open minded Dutch girl trying to find herself"""" already. One from Tilburg (her brabantese accent with those soft Gs was so cute) and one from Utrecht. I'm currently trying to get one from Friesland but don't know where to start. Advice?
horses are ebin
No it's not. Stop shitposting with bait, fuck off.
Wtf i hate the dutch now
Thats more of a pony than a full horse.
I'm confused. The Dutch are easily the most based European posters on Sup Forums. Are you saying your country is full of good goys irl?
I had a lay over in the amsterdam airport last month, hot dang are the dutch tall drinks of water, but all of you are lanklets, there wasn't an ounce of muscle on your little bodies. You
doutzen is probably the most beautiful woman in the world
It's very common. I'm black and Dutch girls literally eyefuck me on the street. It's almost objectifying desu.
Blonde woman black male is probably the most common couple here in Amsterdam. if youre black i recommend coming here
Kinda like how people stare at gay couples. Because it's shocking and disgusting you can't look away. White women use black men as a bestiality tier fetish.
Her children on the other hand.
I'm from Amsterdam and having a black boyfriend was very popular at my school. They seem cool when you're young and are great dancers, but eventually you'll learn the hard way. I'm glad I never got pregnant. My last boyfriend was from Aruba and he was bettering his life, but he was having affairs with multiple women thats why I left him. Black guys are just fucking dogs and most lack ambition. The media loves to promote multiculturalism. They especially like to target young girls and women. That's why so many 'refugees welcome' people are women.
I only date Dutch guys now. They're reliable and loyal. The sex is okay, I guess. I'm just looking for a more stable life now. I've been reading a lot of Sup Forums and red pill wife. This has inspired me to start a family and settle down.
If lost all my old friends though, because they think I'm racist...
Yea Doutzen has been BLACKED over and over, i've been to many degenerate european countries and NOWHERE do women love foreigners as much as here.
If you're black/brown you can get any dutch girl pregnant because they hate their blonde blue eyed genes and want to get rid of them as soon as possible.
So superior..
Just so you know, most conservative guys will dump your ass as soon as you tell them your ex is black.
>The sex is okay, I guess.
Nice bait you fucking cunt.
Their English tends to be as horrible as their "French".
This is how you red pill, kids.
I don't see the problem?
Wat is de naam van deze Arubaanse jongeman?
This is your average 18 year old Sup Forums poster.
t. Used up coalburner in need of a beta provider
i think thats a horse
You mean PONY.
nice pasta
>Expecting advice
>Blonde woman black male is probably the most common couple here in Amsterdam.
It's 36 year old Moroccan man with his 22 year younger niece.
Daarom neuk ik alleen Japanse meisjes.
He's probably 6'10" and that's a normal sized horse tho so at least you guys have that going for you.
I visited the Netherlands once with a buddy who was half Dutch. We stayed with his cousin who got triggered cause we just ate burgers and cheese eggs every day(not joking we had burgers every day) and he was seriously worried about our cholesterol.
I would fuck the white pony. it would be gay not to want the aryan horse cunt
>Still riding the four-legged Jew
>Denying Jewish slaves built the pyramids
Only with degenerate women who think they are important/interesting
Piepen ze in het echt net als in de porno?
> muscular, confident, knows how to ride a horse into battle
i see no problems
Notice how there's no caption with that one and all the ones bragging about their black boyfriends are fat, old and ugly.
It's misguided virtue signaling by retarded Dutch girls who think they are being so transgressive. It WAS transgressive - in the early 20th Century. Aside from Doutzen (who is Frisian and truly beautiful on and off camera), the rest are just ugly Dutch slags LARPing as German coal burners. Why Doutzen would want to sacrifice those God-given genetics to Homo africanus is a mystery that only illustrates that it's up to men to police their irrational desire to destroy the unique, superior European genetic heritage.
so what about dutch guys? what do they do?
It's unfortunately too late for you. Of course you're going to get red pilled through experiences, but it requires at least average intelligence to get red pilled before them.
At this point it doesn't matter how red pilled, conservative or wise you are, you simply lack intelligence. Your genetics ruined your future before you had any chance to build one.
Amsterdam seems like it's full of people trying their hardest to be as morally permissive as possible. They make it a point to say loud and clear that they enjoy and accept any and all forms of degeneracy almost as if they are trying to convince themselves more than they're trying to convince you.
In reality most Dutch are very conservative and very based and just don't give a shit about degenerates ruining their own lives and want to keep up appearances.
I know a lot of guys who only fuck Dutch/European women.
I also know a few poo-in-loo's but they do not mix with us.
Ze maken wel veel geluid. Meer dan de gemiddelde Utrechtse studente slet. Maar ook weer niet zoveel als de filmpjes doen geloven. En met een andere intonatie, zo gek als dat ook klinkt. Japanese meisjes zijn heel goed in stemmetjes doen om schatig over te komen. Maar tijdens het neuken vergeten de meeste het
This is true.
A lot of people from Amsterdam don't even go to the city centre because of all the degeneracy. they only go there when necessary.
really? but why? I always heard the duch and dannish guys are the most hendsome in europe, why wouldn't they want to date them instead? (I'm a girl also btw)
here in Poland there are also some interracial couples, but the black guys are usually with elder women, divorcees. the young girls usually want to be with a pole or a foreigner from the west.
Why should we give you advice? What's wrong with Salvadoran women? I think you have internalized racist and imperialist standards of beauty and desirability, making you think your own women are too bestial and ugly for recreational and procreational sexual activities. Be strong and resist the European programming - fuck fellow Central Americans and keep that mixed Spanish/African/Aztec/Mayan/Toltec/Olmec race of yours pure, user. When you fuck a White woman, you are saying that your own mother, grandmother, sisters and primas are all unacceptable and ugly. Is that REALLY what you want to do - to disrespect them so?
That's BS, to get a white girl as a non white male the standards are very high.
Good. Cities are degenerate in and of themselves. I have no concern with the city lowlives.
As long as people outside of the cities reject degenerative behavior, i am still a fan of the Netherlands.
No you don't - we Americans owe the Dutch as much, if not more, than the French for who we are as a nation (and we owe France A LOT - the World Wars don't even begin to repay our debt). Our very flag is basically that of the very capitalist Dutch East India Company. One of George Washington's great-grandfathers was Dutch. New York was Dutch clay, as were the US Virgin Islands.
Welkom in Zwarteland
More bitches for me
Think of Amsterdam as a completely off the rails Dutch version of San Francisco - would you want everyone in the world to judge Americans by the people of the City By The Bay? No, you would not. Most Dutch are based and - along with Dutch and French Belgium - we need to help them and encourage their defense of their native cultures from ethnic, political, and religious invaders.
Thank you, shartbro
True story:
These two brothers from Amsterdam were like foreign exchange students at my high school, they were both over 6'5'', and even though they were scrawny and goofy-looking in the face, they dated the two hottest chicks at our whole school, the older brother got the hottest blue-eyed blonde with perfect golden skin and the most lithe, supple young body God ever made for breeding, and his little brother was dating the hot, nerdy half-Japanese girl. they bonded over their love for Metallica.
I fucking love Metallica. (sniff...)
Also, they were both so cool, you couldn't hate them. They were based, very proud to be Dutch, but not shitty about it. Fairly restrained, well-mannered, but when everybody cut loose, they were the MOST boisterous and loud.
Good guys, would be friends-from-school again.
So jealous about that half-Japanese girl, though. MOTHERFUCKER!
And you could tell he had a huge cock, because she stopped dressing nerdy and started wearing DRESSES to school. FUCK! FUCK!
The further north you go, the more gorgeous they get. But, they (like the "Dutch" Frisians) have that English/West Germanic tendency to extremes on the Bell curve of looks (i. e., most are average and solid 5-6s, but the uglies tend towards 2-3s and the pretty ones are mostly 8-10s by US standards, in my opinion of course).
It was a ruse, friend. I still like the dutch.
I was a different person a few years ago (partying, drinking, etc), but I've changed a lot. I don't think its fair when I get judged for things in the past. It's not like I never shower or whatever. Guys get jealous very easily for no good reason at all. If I'm with a guy I'm with him not my exes.
I never got pregnant and I'm STD free. Everybody deserves a new chance.
I'm only 27 asshole
I found black guys very attractive at the time and all my girlfriends were doing it to. It's probably because I went to a VMBO school, because I'm dyslectic.
god damn you're a faggot.
make a vocaroo to prove your gender
God dammit, don't encourage that shit, especially on Sup Forums. Degenerate. Do you want an all-mulatto Netherlands? Because that's how you get all-mulatto Dutch people.
Don't you dare wear orange.
This. It's being sold to women everywhere, constantly, through the media and the "entertainment" industry.
It has brainwashed women by the millions around the whole planet, as well as many "males".
>what's wrong with Salvadoran women?
SAD! Just like Seal's ex-wife, what's-her-name German coal burner/model.
>Everybody deserves a new chance.
Anyone who says this knows they are incapable of redeeming themselves, and therefore expect others to just ignore what they did.
once you go black we don't want you back
>Select all images with construction equipment
cool, a coal hauler
>Only 27
>All my girlfriens were doing it too.
>Everyone deserves a second chance
En dat gaat in de afvalcontainer.
Your "friends" are killing Western civilization. Fuck them, go fuck a good White Dutchman and make lots of little Dutch babies. As for sex, if you get into bed thinking the sex with a White man is not good, you should look to your own assumptions before blaming him. If you tarted yourself up for him like you do for African and Arab invaders, Fritz will up his game guaranteed.