Holy shit, and there are still faggots on this board who support the EU
Juncker calls national borders "Worst invention ever"
I thought that meme about "fuck borders and laws and shit" was a joke.
You mean to tell me there are actual people who think that? And they weren't quietly removed from authority positions?
They're not voted in, just appointed by a handful of high-level bureaucrats. The EU is an even bigger echo chamber than Sup Forums
Stalin agrees.
>he thinks the EU is an elected body
It's the same semi-hereditary bureaucracy that has always run continental Europe. After WWII they got together and came to the conclusion that the reason Europe had fallen to tyranny and war and had to be rescued by *shuddering intensifies* anglos was because of nationalism. The EU and it's predecessors are an explicit attempt to prevent another European war by uniting Europe under one flag. Anyone who loves their country and not Europe is basically another Hitler waiting to happen.
Holy shit, the Daily Mail is garbage as always and your thread dumb as fuck.
Watch his speech you moron. He wasn't referring to external borders. Plus borders as barriers instead of bridges are the worst.
when did politics turn into a facebook post ?
Yes they're elected and voted in and the ultimate decisions lie with the national governments. You obviously have no idea what you're even talking about.
The medium is the message.
The man is wearing Good Will clothing.
His whole life on the government dole and he can't wear a tie correctly.
I'd agree if all humans were intelligent and cultured, but that is not the case.
>nationalism is bad
>be massively nationalist for an EU superstate
These bastards must all hang. Fuck the EU. Fuck everyone who supports the EU. They are criminals and traitors, and nothing more.
>Plus borders as barriers instead of bridges are the worst.
Don't you have a country to ruin, Angela?
The stupid, it hurts, but worse, his stupid audience will be nodding in agreement.
Literally there is nothing wrong with removing borders and ushering in a post national society.
Stop clinging to stupidity.
I bet you guys were the same idiots who didn't support the unification of Italy or of Germany.
EU officials are not elected nigger
>his stupid audience will be nodding in agreement.
Pro-EU cucks are some of the most infuriating people you could ever hold a discussion with. They argue almost exclusively with strawmen and selective outrage. Whatever you say, they make up some hidden reason for you saying it, and proceed to argue against that. Surprise surprise, it's always because you're a cryptofascist. Pic very related.
At the same time they're also HUGE nationalists in their own right. Did you see that pic the Euro Parlement posted about how the EU would have won the most medals, if you add up all European medals? They even included Britain, of course. Immediately EU shills were out to say it's about being strong together, or the EP just trolling America/China etc. etc. Because when they are doing it, it's suddenly not nationalist chestthumping anymore.
I fucking hate them. They're so far up their own asses that you'd need a deep sea drilling rig to look them in the eye.
Thank fuck my country voted leave.
Then why does he keep moving NATO soldiers to protect their """borders""" from a Russian """invasion"""?
Shouldn't Europe be righteous Russian clay for them to march on if borders are not a thing anymore?
I could live with no borders WITHIN europe but not a completely borderless landmass
Well, I could live with it a couple of years ago and kinda did
Juncker the biggest dipshit in whole Europe,
wait that cuck was from Luxemborug
They generally are. Do your dumb local populists tell you otherwise?
Too bad it falls apart the moment a foreign dictator invites millions of violent, backwards immigrants in the biggest immigration event since the fall of the Roman empire.
I mean he's right you know, it would make tourism easier for people and it helps economy
We can only hope for a domino effect very soon.
You elect peope for the parliament
not any official
you dumb nigger
Yes good goy it's all about the amount of shekels your government can make. Don't worry about the everyday man, the culture, national identity, or safety and security for your peoples. Big Brother needs his shekels and he needs them NOW! Open up your borders you bigot.
They are rapidly trying to fullfil Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi's vision for Europe. The spiritual father of the EU wrote this:
>The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals. ...
>Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation.
They are doing all they can to create one mixed race, easy to control by the Jewish elite, this "new nobility".
It's disgusting, and they don't even try to hide it anymore.
And those elected members of the EU parliament elected Juncker.
Either you're dumb as shi and don't understand representative democracy or you're one of the direct democracy weirdos because you hate on the EU.
Plus who cares about Juncker? It all comes down to the national governments anyway.
>muh race
You dumb racist fuck.
Well we did warn you Europe, but you never listen do you?
Well you're just going to have to lube up I'm afraid, you've had your warnings and your chances to pick a side, you've picked Merkel's side, you have fun with that.
Don't come crawling for help, you had your chances.
Go get raped Merkel
>muh country
>muh heritage
>muh safety
German shitposting is the worst.
Russian is not EU, in case you didn't know.
EU diden't have internal border, we were supposed to have strong borders to non-EU countries.
We all saw how that went.
I sometimes can't believe this guy actually said shit like that because people knew very little of genetics to just make the assumption that you can make a "slave race" by mixing everyone together. The ability to force that is also incredibly tedious, people mix but never in mass unless you deprive one group from their females and one group from their males, like in south and central America when Spain sent over mainly men with no access to women.
Outside of this, the majority prefers to sticks to their own with a few hybridizes just like other species will do in what is known as hybrid zones.
The greater threat isn't being "combined" it's literally being genocided once said culturally incompatible people reach a majority, much like in south Africa. Like south Africa, there is no reason for them to assume they as a noble elite minority would sustain control, especially not without a middle arm group of loyalist people, a middle class of sorts that would keep them in power like today.
I guess the biggest fallacy of the idea would be that it assumes people don't take note of the differences between their leaders and themselves. A bunch of pale skinned Ashkenazi jews ruling a bunch of african and middle eastern people people with a deep cultural hatred towards one another? A war could start simply by a bunch of west africans hating the idea that pale skinned people are ruling them. If they didn't have an army of essentially middle class loyalists (which in todays world would make up white people) defending them they'd be fucked, if their army was composed of these "future men" then what would stop a coup when the future men decide they don't like being ruled by them?
The way I see it, white men, the good goy, are the middle arm and seat in which the jewish power sits upon, they need us because we're the only ones with the compassion to protect them and because most can't really see the difference between a white man and an ashkenazi jew.