wow so edgy
they should just load up a few boats with very vocal blacks, shit them over to the congo for a month, pretty sure they would be happy to see that flag again
Really caused me to reconsider
Why is her name in latin?
Meet my new gf
What an amazing statement. Will go down in history.
Right after she posted this there was this image with her address, phone # and ss #
Think I may still have it on an old hdd
Night slave?
Isnt nocturnus masculine btw?
Not sure my latin is bad
Looks like you need to wipe your whole body down. You're gonna need a bigger flag.
Shitting on the flag that is symbol of Freedom and Liberty. It symbolizes also the norther states that fought for freedom of Slaves. Yet this ungrateful negus is shitting on it. FUCK HER!!!!
Because niggers like to appropriate other cultures
Then get out.
>where's the CIA when you need them?
Has she considered sharting on the flag?
>Nocturnus Libertus.
No matter how hard she tries, she will never wipe away the blackness with the American flag.
for a month?
if you hate America so much then why don't you move to Africa?
hillary likes this
SHART I... on flag ?
Hey Hanz, that picture is from England. Notice how the prices are in pounds sterling. I miss the
>be American, get shot
At least that meme was based in fact.
>wiping your ass with flag of the country that liberated your race
really fires up my neurons
well danke for that, I will thant shit post it ina /brit/ thread
Then get the fuck out.
>That fucking name
Might as well name your kid "Jamarcus Jaurelius".
Libertus is a freed slave, it's what you become after slavery.
Playing with poop instead of making an argument. Why am I not surprised.
don't like it?
That's the spirit, Karl. On a slightly related note, do you think we will ever see a return to the sense of racial unity that white Europeans once possessed? It seems like we are all caught up in tearing each other down with lousy bantz while the non-white races unify their message through social media. We can make fun of the We Wuz Kangz meme all we want, but the dindus are not arguing over who qualifies for former Pyramid pilot status. Perhaps we are doomed to fall for the divide and conquer shit because our sense of pride does not come artificially, and thus it can be more effectively exploited. Oh well, just a burgerclap's lament on a Nepalese pottery enthusiast forum. God speed with your nation's troubles, Wulfgang. We will die by the same poison.
>live off of government
>try to end government
are black people trying to commit mass suicide?
>haha le shit on flag so funny XDD
>haha le latin name because i'm so smart XDD
>haha umad XDD
This is your average nigger
Oh, and I've seen plenty of niggers but good lord that one is gross, it's almost like it's a man with fake tits. You really have to be desperate to even consider fucking this monkey.
I seriously doubt that that's her actual name, user.
This the sheboy nigger that won the women's race?
revoke citizenship. ship back to africa.
Isn't destroying or defacing the flag illegal in burgerland? Can't you report her to the police?
Great, when are you moving back to africa sheboon?
They wouldn't last a week, let alone a month
>first continental congress wants to ban slavery
>south carolina says no to independence until the dedact slavery clause
>200 sum years later nigger wiping ass with the flag
literally wat
what does he mean
"Niggus Shanniquius Maximus"
lol i bet the nog didn't even shit - wouldn't have to anyway!
she doesn't mean anything the sheboon is incapable of basic cognitive reasoning.
>tfw retard who shits himself in public has a gf and I dont
Hugh Mongus WOT M8
This isn't europe, americans actually have freedom of speech.
>do you think we will ever see a return to the sense of racial unity that white Europeans once possessed?
>racial unity?!
we never really gave a fuck about races, we never had niggers until recently, countries in europe hate their neighbors, based on previous wars, cos of territory dispute, and cos not the fucking same religion
nowdays we hate each other cos of history
also when i say we hate each other, means, i hate england as a country and what they did trough history, i wont hate really every english person i see
>hates country so much that they shit on the flag
>is planning to vote for Shillary
Damn, flag.
*smacks lips*
*gets jiggy wit it*
*spends food stamps*
*collects welfare*
*fails to pay child support*
Austria it was illegal to deface the flag till recently i think it was in the 1990's it was overturned. I'd say they change that back again.. and deport everyone who defaces it. Just zero tolerance immediate deportation of sheebon incorporated.. no discussion.
There are two kinds of people in the world, the people who have it in themselves to behave civilized and want to promote positive things.. And then the rest of the horde of morons who only respects power and authority and punishment for failure to be civilized.. niggers show again and again then when not forced to be civilized they start destroying everything in sight..
It's a mistake to not hold niggers accountable under the law when they break it.. they more than most need very strict laws or they turn their community into a blown up toilet..
>Hugh mingus what
You think these niggers care about any of that? Hell, most of them don't even know about it.
She should be famous, she obviously wants to be. She should star in Trading Places: Venezuela edition
niggers didn't invent peanut butter, just a way to process it differently
Goddamn thats a long middle finger
The only thing niggers respect is EXTREMELY STRICT RULES and punishment/authority/power.. They don't have discipline in themselves to act civilized, atleast not the vast majority of them.
if you give them freedom they don't know what that fucking means to use it responsibly.. they just take it as an excuse to fuck everything up..
To not hold blacks accountable for crimes they commit and things they do wrong, is a very very big mistake..
Niggers can't into law and order.. to them they are oppressed and "enslaved" if they aren't allowed to chop someone down with a machette which they don't like..
The only thing they respect is someone stronger than them beating them down.. They need extremely strict rules.. if you tell blacks they don't have to obey the rules you've effectively turned the neighbourghood into a warzone.. just look at the way they opportunistically take any excuse to loot businesses etc. Basically take things that don't belong to them for no good reason.
If you want to keep nigger neighbourghoods crime free you need some judge dredd type shit.. till they're pissing in their pants of committing a crime. That coupled with changing their mentality.. basically by force, towards focusing on their job and studies and being nice to eachother, it's not something they do automatically you can fucking forget that.. it's something they need to be indoctrinated into doing.. And the moment you no longer instill that in them.. back to fucking warzone ooga booga..
This is the same problem with middle easterners and many others.. failure to recognize this major difference is a disaster for nations aswell as local communities.. Different strokes for different folks instead of some empathetic idealistic brush that doesn't address these issues.
>Be nigger
>Angry that white people see them as animals
>shit outside
Have niggers figured out that they can leave the county yet?
Or would that disrupt their welfare payments?
Your are absolutely correct.
The only time niggers act civilized is when they are forced to.
Typical ASDA shopper.
All about Based Morrisons
How the fuck do you even invent peanut butter?
It has one ingredient. It's peanuts. If you grind up peanut butter for long enough it becomes peanut butter.
It's not even a difficult or secretive manufacturing process. Take peanuts, grind them up (or throw them in a blender) for long enough and eventually it becomes peanut butter. Wow truly genius great BLACK invention
These niggers are so poor they have to beg for money so they can afford to buy a flag to wipe their asses with!
kek this
Before I moved to the states I did feel bad for blacks, after living around them for 12 years I wouldn't care if you shot all of them. I have more respect for that flag then someone born here, its sad
drug war was tailored made for you nignog population. reagan said so himself, he knew it would involve mass nignag incarceration
they rebel it, they dont cease taking drugs. they cant behave
They wuz romanz n shiet
English is basically an US state anyway
You lose
>american flag
>flag symbolizing the north
>the north fought so niggers could have freedom from slavery
>literally shitting on those that died to free your ancestors
Wew lads. Its almost like blacks are subhumans that are artificially injected into our society. Its almost like they don't understand anything about history or the country they have the privilege to be living in.
If blacks hate america, why do they accept welfare from it?
I fucking hate niggers like this. They hate America, they hate White people but do they get a boat ticket to the mudderland? Nope. They know they wouldn't survive without gibs from White people.
It used to be legal to make a "citizen execution" when someone got caught 'black-handed' doing something like that.
By and large I believe we should move forward in our ways. But a few old-ways might be worth picking up again
Anyone that doesn't like the flag can GTFO because either
>America FUCK YAH!
>or supporter of terrorism
There is no grey area in these matters.
Is sHe a confed?
Vid related
This is an example of what africans look like before indoctrination to be civilized..
Underneath the exterior of an indoctrinated black lurks that thing.. Which is why you simply cannot say to blacks that rules do not apply to them, they must be held accountable at all times or they don't follow it whatsoever.. that they act civilized is because they are indoctrinated to act civilized it's not their natural state.. sadly..
Would i wish it were different.. Yes!!! it would be sooo much easier..
Whites/europeans tend to gravitate towards civilized behaviour and these values.. blacks and middle easterners etc. not so much.
It's not that we shouldn't be nice to eachother and equal opportunity based on merit and all these things, but it's important to understand that rules are necessary, not for people who find it in them to understand why they are there and would obey most of them if they weren't even enforced.. but rules and law is there because there are those that would turn civilization upside down if the laws WEREN'T enforced..
The law exists for the sake of the lawless, not for the people who have the laws and values of civilization inside of themselves to so speak.. because they already know ofcourse that you don't burn down your neighbourghood and loot stores and these things. Nor wipe your ass in your nations flag etc.
The "invention" part is pretty much a patent that takes off. That stuff's been around for centuries or longer, and similar versions could have been patented too, but the stuff we use today is the only thing that counts when talking about who invented the modernized item
the north did not go on a crusade to free salves, it was a straight up conquest/reunification war. Muh freedoms was only used as a justification for war, so that they would not look like war mongers
>for the sake of the lawless
So, law exists for niggers and sandniggers. That makes perfect sense actually. Imagine how many less law-breakings there would be in a white only world.
not even. Carver just propagated the methods and shit and popularized it.
or you could just leave them there.
Today I read that "racist white people" in Baton Rouge iz only madz at da Prez cause he is blacks. This fine citizen forgetting, of course, that half of the people that lost homes in that flood are black.
I hate black people more and more every day.
I can't wait to watch them all freak out in November.
They are a harem that is about to be cut off.
I know you are correct. Either way, the north freed the slaves, whether it was their main intention or not.
I hope that whore gets hatecrimed.
> I too
> too
what did she mean by this?
Gross and offensive. Especialy that this is nigger. People should be beat outta shit for this.