Choose one continent that you believe should disappear.
Choose one continent that you believe should disappear
Africa obviously
Asia obviously. Too many people in the world.
Africa of course
really hard choice that makes you think
Asia because Muslims
african birthrates are outpacing asian ones
chinese birthrates are actually stagnating and the indians are going to overtake them in a few decades
American education everyone.
Europe is the only continent without resources and vast nature. Rest of the world would do fine without it.
Noo, not my chinese cartoons!!
Man, fuck Antarctica.
Canada isn't a continent
Islam rising just fine in Europe. If that's your game, you should pick North America.
My own continence. I'd like to shart anywhere, not just the mart.
Stop oppressing Africa and they will fly away in their spacecrafts fucking white people
North America
>calling out ANYONE for their education
Yeah, but net game here. Africa is, what, a little over 1 billion people and Asia is over 4 billion.
Imagine it
Every human in south America, Africa and Asia (except Japan and South Korea) disappear over night. Just imagine it.
How much fucking simpler would the world be?
I would pick Europe. Simply so America can finally rid the world of Mudslimes without Europe crying about it.
North America
>I just want to remove Muslims for my greatest ally :(
Can i include the middle east along with Africa? Is so I'll take option A
If it wasn't for Europe, progressivism and left wing bs would no longer persist. Take out Europe.
Antarctica, too WHITE for my taste. I feel being oppressed just by looking at that continent.
North murica coz fuck you bitch
North America. Clinton lives there
>should be self explanatory
North America.
Reason? Simple. The entire rest of the world would collapse in on itself without The United States. I mean, you really don't need us anyway, do you?
You are now aware that Africa is projected to have between 4 billion to 6 billion people by the end of the century, totaling nearly if not more than half of the entire human population, and that nearly all of this growth is projected to occur within Sub-Saharan Africa.
No user, net game is Africa.
Asia. Niggers are easy to deal with.
Asia. Those chinks have gone too far
You should be forced to live here. Or in Detroit.
American education everyone
The UN projects the population of Africa to multiply 5x over in the next 50 years.
Just at it did over the last 50.
Wrap your head around that.
>Implying that the Jews won't be next
Fuck off.
Europe, because most of the (((Cultural Marxists))) responsible for the death of Western Civilisation and the ongoing genocide of the white race are based there.
This. And at least Asians are smart, self-sustaining people. Africans are only capable of surviving because the West supports them with charity. Literally, without Western-supplied medications, the population of Africa would be a fraction of what it is now.
And here it comes, the second Dark Ages.
yeah fuck spiders
what did we do to you ?
I never want to see another ( ( ( Britain in Space ) ) ) flag again.
America. All of it.
Australia obviously
Asia obviously, they breed like rabbits and are screwing the world for the rest of us
Asia. Africans are too backwards to ruin society. Asians on the other hand are doing a great job of it. Plus we get rid of a giant chunk of mudslimes
I want to be invisible
Everyone who said Africa is stupid. Its overflowing with resources.
While I would be tempted to get rid of Asia (to get rid of Russia, most of the mid-east and China in one shot) We need them too for resources, high IQ and Russia's based (they have been the best ally in world wars).
The least useful continent is Oceania.
>being backward
>not ruining society
Everything surrounding Australia.
Good news bro, we're Americans, we can shart wherever we want!
Too stupid and backward for any of their countries to have influence.
Yeah but what about when those countries collapse and Western governments decide to take in millions of refugees?
Imagine ayy lmao looking at this thread.
I imagine they'd be pretty flabbergasted.
there is no humans in Africa
>American """education"""
Whichever one hosts Sup Forums
>they're smart !
>but i have to be the only one who's smart !
which continent do you think india is
it's a lost cause
Let's move all the white people to Antarctica and establish a new civilization. After a hundred years or so the various languages with segenate into a new quasi-language like in the Cajun south.
Asia, honestly. This way we get rid of most mudshits and kikes. Also, the chinks that have fucked like rabbits for a long time will now be gone.
I'd make Africa disappear, but niggers aren't as much a problem as mudshits yet.
There won't be any shitskins or liberals because none of them will be able to withstand the cold, and we can ban liberalism in our constitution.
Speaking of which, I'm thinking a constitutional monarchy would be excellent. Our king can sit in a throne similar to the Throne of Peter, but maybe ice themed.
Asia, gets rid of mudslimes, poo in loos, chinks, anime, and russians all in one hit
i would let all Britain bogs come to Murcia the make Europe go away
that's a completely waste of an entire continent.
Western Europe
Obviously Australia
Why isn't Antarctica an option?
I'm not a greedy man, an entire continent is not necessary, just webm related
Obviously Asia as it is depicted in the picture.
>middle east gone
>China gone
>India gone
>most of Russia gone
India and China gone means the overpopulation is gone. Russia and China gone means cold war 2.0 can end. Middle east and SEA gone means most muslims are gone.
Fuck off sandnigger.
>no more animu waifus
I would kill myself desu
Too tough of a choice. Just remove population of Asia and Africa instead of removing population and landmass of one of them.
North America, minus Mexico. They can stay.
>Russia, China, North korea, Middle East
>all in one big swoop
>people choose Africa that despite having much bigger issues, barely cause trouble to everyone else
Only downside would lose Japan, but there's a lot of japanese people in other places.
> that's a completely waste of an entire continent.
Thats what a lot of people have been saying to their Govs for the last century but here we are.
Asia. Israel, Islam, Russia and the growing power of China provide far more threats than Africa.
North America, the rest of the world destroys itself.
Everything except Istanbul and Thrace is in Asia.
fucking penguins, man...
American "education" everyone
Clearly we must remove Mexico. Worst continent
Asia, no more competition for the white man, and Africa is full of shit slinging apes that rely on whites to do anything anyways