Sorry im late to the party. I've seen pictures of this posted but never got around to reading it. I can't believe that we've made such an impression that it's on the front page of TIME magazine. This article should be titled "Oy Vey: The Goyim Know." What a fucking joke. Who cares what people say on the internet? I love how fucking biased it is, painting the words of Leslie Jones in green and then Milo in a dark orange. Very subtle. The verbs he uses show his hatred for the truth to anybody that isn't a complete moron. What a kike.
Other urls found in this thread:
It's blown up in frank circles if you think the 'alt-right' is big on english forums translate a few comment sections from local papers. We have people straight up calling for revolution german guy has 1400 ups 5 downs for saying to overthrow merkel today which is so very rare. I bet most people here don't even know about the identitarian youth movement because americans aren't allowed in it but its much bigger than anything in the anglosphere.
rallies much bigger than trump 5x the size of largest stadium all across europe and canada just two weekends ago but no real reportings except rt and other jokers.
What pisses me off is the fact that I remember how the internet used to be.
No "SIGN UP WITH GOOGLE/FB", no "flag this comment", no "upvotes", no shilling...
I think the thing I miss the most is the outright hostility I remember so fondly.
Then suddenly fb becomes the vagina internet pioneer and more women start using the web.
Then smartphones come out and even people without a pc can shitpost and complain about "abusive language".
Then finally comes the last straw:
>Youtube, Twitter, FB
The holy trinity of victim mentality.
>Then suddenly fb becomes the vagina internet pioneer and more women start using the web.
The Internet of 2005-2010 was the fucking Wild West. I miss it so much. The piracy and free flow of information and discourse. Everything has been co-opted by corporate interest now. The Internet has been bought and sold.
Pol is like the last bastion of that sense of freedom I first had online. That's why I come here.
Is this shit real?
Holy kek HAHAHAHHAHA they are scared af.
>2005-2010, web 2.0
>wild west
But yeah, today the filters have become even worse.
I love this meme
Well, for me that time signifies the start of high speed internet, at least where I'm from. Obviously the net was cool before that, I just wasn't really able to fully enjoy it.
What I mean, you have been socialised with subverting search algos, were people on the net before '98 know ways to avoid those filters. But being on chin shows you are not the typical web 2.0 user.
Anyone got some screenies of this essay?
Hillary is adressing Sup Forums in Nevada for her next speech to (((explain))) what the alt right is
>by Joel Stein
all you need to read, right there.
TIME is overrated. Fagmagz and television is going the way of the radio. Good riddance.
thank you for fixing the cover
Youtube is old and was once not owned by (((Google)))
((( STEIN )))
It started going to shit the moment corporations discovered how much money there was in datamining the internet by forcing persistent IDs and attributing everything you do back to your name and face instead of meaningless pseudonyms and avatars. This was sold to us as "providing a more personalized experience", but it also opened up a plethora of attack vectors for trolls and hackers to exploit with much more devastating consequences than before. Suddenly you didn't just lose your credit card, but your entire life was laid open and tarnished for the whole world to see, forever.
This is why there is such an increase in anti-trolling initiatives lately. These poor idiots willingly put everything about themselves online and are shocked to discover how easily it can be used against them.
You're preaching to the converted dude. But, still, it's worth hearing anyway. I can remember when Google bought YouTube and they forced everyone to verify their accounts. I don't want my YouTube searches to be tied to anything in my real life. They wanted a fucking mobile number. My real world fucking mobile number.
why are his tears flowing upwards?
Nope. When my copy arrived, I threw it in the recycling bin so that the paper would have another shot at life. Hopefully it's recycled into something worthwhile.
I can remember a time when words like "troll" and "meme" weren't said out loud.
What really sucks is that we call the author out for being a jew with an agenda and he calls us out for calling out jews that have an agenda. We're both right but for different reasons. At the end of the day the average guy is flipping a coin to pick his side.
Lol, I was on the net in the 90s, TIME has no idea what those faggoty little cucks are talking about. The internet has always been full of hatred, and porn. And hateful porn.
Hell, Usenet made this place look like the fluffier sides of tumblr.
this guy knows what's up.
>flash animations use to be ultra-violent disturbing messes of gore, torture, sex, rape, homosexual rape, shitting dick nipples, and a level of hatred for niggers and Jews that would make Sup Forums blush
>now most are done by tumblrmales and their fat hogzilla girlfriends
>I can't believe that a failing magazine which just laid off dozens of employees just mentioned something vaguely related to us
I can't take twitter bloggers seriously.
the jewish media is trying to shut us down because they know we know their secrets
and yet we'll still get people on here saying
>Sup Forums isn't important enough to get people on it who are paid to shill here
...even though I worked for a BIG Ad/PR firm in NYC that had a team of people who did nothing but that for our clients on any site with a certain Alexa ranking .
NEVER EVER (ever... I'm dead serious) reply to:
>Hey Sup Forums just curious to see who I'm posting with on here... list your Age-Race-Job-Education-Yearly Salary
>NEVER EVER (ever... I'm dead serious) reply to:
>Hey Sup Forums just curious to see who I'm posting with on here... list your Age-Race-Job-Education-Yearly Salary
why? don't get me wrong those threads are pointless and fishy but it's impossible for them to find your identity
I read it, it was pretty silly. I think it's funny how the writer seems to think this is something new to the internet.
I imagine that information is more valuable for mass-profiling purposes than triangulating individuals.
The same guy has an article in the same issue titled "Why older people shouldn't vote"...
why mass profile?
Also, note the millennial titles trope appearing twice in a row: "Why [insert clickbaity remark here]?" In a few years, the cover of Time will be "The top 10 reasons why your wife's son will be better than you."
Targeted marketing/advertising. A lot of companies will pay high prices for that data.
1995 - 2003 were the wild west days.
Raiding Bulletin Boards and IRC was the first shitposting.
Usenet. Flamewars could go on for weeks.
I kek'd heartily
As if it were theirs too begin with. I want Normies to unironically fuck off.
The year is 2020 and Hillary signs the "Internet Hate Speech Act".
What do ?
>Disagre with the degeneracy brought forth by cultural marxist shills and their shitty left leaning ideas that are meant to break down society.
>damn hater racist bigot white male shitlord patriarch
>notice that there is another leftist shill article coincidentally written by a (((Stein))) and think its weird that Jews push these ideas on western societies while keeping Israels borders closed.
This is fucking bullshit and normies have been brainwashed that anyone that disagrees with the leftist agenda is inherently a bad person because "muh feels" and propaganda made to appeal to the lowest common denominator.