Hey Sup Forums, is it true that vaccines cause autism (in)directly? Lately I've been worried about the future of our race, since in many parts of the world you can't choose whether your child receives a vaccine or not, except if you use your religion free pass maybe.
Its not true, the only thing that causes autism other than genetics is Sup Forums.
No and to be honest it's quite insensitive to actual autistic people to have this mindset. You are born with autism or you are not, it cannot be developed. Not saying you are insenitive OP by the way.
Anything you introduce into a developing body and mind has potential to fuck everything up.
Its like 12 year olds that start smoking and doing coke, next thing you know they are 16 and bipolar.
Like the effects of male circumcision on the minds of young children all research into the matter is being suppressed.
You might be thinking of Sonic the Hedgehog.
Avoid vaccines made from aborted fetal tissue.
No. Read The Panic Virus for full detail of the myth.
Yes, it is true. Anyone who has gotten a vaccine since smallpox has been a fucking Autismo spergball. Luckily we all dodged that fucking bullet, right pol?
Child walks into doctors. Gets pumped with massive dose of vaccines. Doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!
Bull-shit. You can quite easily develop autism for watching too many childrens cartoons (anime, MLP, Adventure Time etc.) as an adult.
>thinking vaccines are inherently safe or couldn't ever be bad
>thinking vaccines are all the same
Can't remember what the virus was, but they once basically spread the virus through vaccines.
surprised the Norway shill hasn't posted yet
I would be very weary of anything that government pushes this hard.
That's not autism, that's just becoming a manchild.
My bro in law's niece got narcolepsy from a vaccine
I'm not making this shit up
The girl's life is ruined forever
It's a bullshit theory invented by andrew wakefield
I don't know how people can deny that the mega vaccines you get in the US can be damaging, it's just too much
You know the people that watch that shit are already autistic, right Nige? You can't blame the cartoons for making you what you are.
No, there is absolutely no evidence that vaccines cause autism. There was one shitty study from the 70s that just implied there might be a correlation which turned out to be false and Jenny McCartney got a hold of it and morphed into (((Paranoid SuperHelicopter MOM Level 484994))) and spread the misinformation with her dumbfuck powers.
In fact, every fucking scientist and doctor agrees that not having your vaccines can put everyone at risk because you become an incubator for virus evolution which may render the current vaccine ineffective.
Dont know about autism but you are basically injecting a virus into your body, it cannot be 100% harmless. Like always, we think that we found a cure for something and in 20 years it turns out to be cancerous or worse
I honestly completely doubt it.
I feel like what happened, is as we developed better medicine and technology, not only did we have more vaccines, but we also got better at recognizing and diagnosing autism.
False correlation, and besides, nobody wants their child to suddenly come down with a case of autism, or on the flip side, they would rather blame their child's autism on vaccines.
Why would a very weak, essentially dead pathogen be able to cause a permanent change in the brain anyhow?
Just take the perma vaccines already
The shorter effective period ones is up to you, check with your doc if and when you really really need those
Vaccines cannot cause autism, but some can cause poverty, a condition worse than autism
you're right, so recently there was a thread here about mind programming and somebody wrote that it's often done on very small children by inflicting horrible pain, so that their personality splits as a result of it. don't know really how much truth there's to it but it made me think - circumcision is performed on tiny little babies, with no anaestetics, on the most sensitive organ of their bodies. the pain must be excruciating, unbearable, It pains me to even think about it. what's wrong with this world? how do people still let these things happen?
>t. anecdote
I got diagnosed with Aspergers a year ago, and I've wondered for a while now... Do some of you believe that vaccination intentionally is causing autism?
Nothing is 100% harmless but the results speak for themselves you stupid fucking shitskin. Probably still butthurt that a bunch of ragtag Australians managed to beat you in the qualifier nearly a decade ago
It's not the virus that causes it, it's the heavy metals and other chemical compounds used as preservatives in vaccines.
No it's not you stupid nigger. Why are Americans always crackpot conspiracy theorists?
It is mercury derivates you piece of shit, not elemental mercury.
Go inhale some oxygen derivates like carbon monoxide. FUCKING RETARD.
Of course they don't cause autism you freaking retard.
Read up on it, the guy who wrote the original paper was trying to discredit vaccines so he could market his "autism-free" version. He is essentially a criminal.
no, it doesn't. There's atleast no shred of evidence as for now. Maybe it will later turn out that the conspiracy is actually true and when i look at my autisic kid, i will just say fuck, but for now it's unreasonable to not get your kids vaccinated.
Actually good that you remind me, because i need to refreshen all different types of vaccinations.
It will become a real problem once tons of immigrants who were never vaccinated, bringing all different kinds of shit with them start infecting the normal population, who has no protection anymore, because of this stupid conspiracy and because they've just forgotten how important it is
There is something called the broad autism phenotype which means you have autistic features but not full blown autism. Kids with autism tend to have relatives with more of these BAP features.
Basically, borderline autists being able to meet people like them and date selectively cause their kids to be full blown autismos.
>I was vaccinated
>I'm autistic and nobody loves me
Those are metal derivatives, though, not the element mercury. This derivative does not act like the element.
For example, the pure element sodium or the pure element chloride will fuck your shit up if you swallow it, but sodiumchloride is beneficial to our bodily functions.
You already have autism when you are in the womb developing.
I was blessed with this condition.
Even if it did, which is not the case, it would still be unreasonable to not vaccinate your child