it's literally nothing, delete your account
Other urls found in this thread:
Been a few threads on this already. Thanks for De-correcting the record though.
>been a few threads on this already
It was posted 4 minutes ago.
It's literall
ynothingdelete your account
It was posted last night too
Now how would that even be possible?
You sure about that friend? I was lurking these threads last night
>tfw an aussie is going to save the world
it's literally nothing, delete your account
It's literall
ynothingdelete your account7485
It's liteIt's literall
ynothingdelete your accountrall
ynothingdelete your account
I saw last night also but keep up work!
Drudge ran it yesterday and I definitely remember people talking about it.
>tow Wikileaks is basically just an Aussie commiting world wide shitposting.
Has anything new developed? Or is this the same stale happening from last night.
I remember it last night too
Link to thread?
You get nuked again?
We do it well user.
What is going on here
Thank you for correcting the record
She simply can't keep cheating her way out of trouble.
Thank you for correcting the record. I agree, we shouldn't be talking about this. We should instead contribute only to the new hilarious shart in mart memes.
Neat, another national security scandal
Even those threads get archived.
forgot pic
>it's another (((increasingly nervous shill thinking this won't have an impact))) post
We sure do need FBIanon now... lets summon him with meme magic
>breaking the law is fine when it's a globalist presidential nominee!
I wish someone would hack hillary's official twitter just to reply with that
Please tell me it's real this time... I'm tired of fake "happenings"
Click the TWO links I posted?
Yes, twitter status is real. I mean the leaks will destroy Hillary this time? or will it be a dump of useless garbage like the previous one?
Only time will tell.
>FBI recovers 14k emails
How would they recover deleted emails that they couldn't get before? Would they have to get them from another source or am I way overthinking this?
friendly reminder that FBI user is real
As I remember correctly what FBIanon said, they can recover them but they were ordered not to? I'm not entirely sure, so don't take my word for it.
They had a choice; leave it be or go further and fuck Clinton over.
you have an archive link to the FBI traitor's post?
I mean a link to our friend the FBI patriot good guy's post?
ctr got japanese proxys
Keep moving. This is all crazy conspeliracy theary. Don't fall for obvious.
Vote hillary 2016!
Reminder do not reply to slide threads
>they keep saying things will happen and that hillary will be btfo
>they never do
jap with 4 different IPs shill
moment later another shill
and while I'm typing this another one
literally no one but Sup Forums cares about her emails.
even is clinton shot someone in new york city, she'd still win the election. THATS how bad Trump is.
gtfo and hunt whales Yamamoto-San
Any idea on what's in these 15,000 emails? Did they purposely lose or forget about them for a reason? I hope so.
So, 22$/h huh?
>thinks I'm a shill
You could get paid for your work.
>FBI interview... have gone missing
Did a nigger write this?
Nah, just more ammo for memes.
>asking questions means you're a shill
oy vey
lotta loyalty for a presedential candidate
Are these emails already released? When will we see this 'bombshell'?
But CTR give more money then whale.
Shit posting take les effort.
Half of them are doctor's appointments, the other half are kill (aka Suicide) orders
sure here's one
>gay liberals upset julian assange leaked out info that included LGBT members in Saudi Arabia
>while they drive around in NYC in their ubers maintaining the reason why Saudi Arabia has so much power
Why are liberals hypocrites? They killed just as many LGBT as Julian did? Julian did nothing wrong.
A fucking leaf
Bitch killed American soldiers
Launders billions of chairity money
Fucked haiti when they needed help the most
Sold secrets and ASAP access and NSA access to investors as an invesment advesement department
Made the FBI lie on TV
Worst then trump?
What did he do so bad that hurt your feelings? Did he said we should protect America? Thats racism right?
>tfw nothing about this in the media
>tfw nothing bad about Hillary at all in the media ever as in fucking EVER!
>tfw even my wife thinks Hillary is better than Trump and should be elected
>tfw I then have to explain what's going on to her
>tfw we are a completely different country and they control what our women think of her
>tfw they told you what was going on decades ago
>tfw you thought it was just a joke, just people trying to be edgy
>tfw don't even know how to fight it
>tfw I don't even feel like explaining how fucked it is to the bluepilled masses
>tfw I don't......I don't even belong
I think it's you that has to delete your account, not even handling the keyboard right does not grant you any goodwill here... Yeah, and btw: 0.01$ added to your account. Have a nice day fuckface!
lol Sup Forums is so butthurt but this is true
nothing is going to stop this decrepit witch
>highlighting ambiguous legal language
>i beleive that narrow interpretation of laws is all that's needed to get hillary
Hillary put those mails in the trash bin icon but she didn't delete the bin.
Are you serious! WOW! I can't wait. You think this weak crazy thing by Hillary is an act so if she ever gets charges pressed against her for corruption and whatever she plays the insane crazy incompetent role?
When you send an email, it goes through other people's servers, they probably found a server at the state department or something that received a lot of them and had them logged (as they were sent unsecure).
Perhaps it's a counter-intelligence operation to verify what exactly was contained within before the information is (inevitably) exposed to the general public.
Which -- if you think about it like this -- means there must be something incredibly dangerous lurking unseen. I fully believe that, once exposed, this entire thing will go down as the largest political scandal in United States history.
It takes one man to start a revolution, they said...
I miss FBI user. We're only beginning to see the truth in his posts. He might still be around. He might be in hiding. He might have been Clintoned.
Stay safe FBI user.
my gad this basement never felt so comfy
>having to interpret laws broken by a presidential nominee
that guy is either a great troll or wasn't lying and was killed for posting that.
Are you all confusing the email drop with the wikileaks tweet?
OP is implying the happening is on wikileaks part, not the FOIA stuff.
She absolutely can unless some sort of official retribution comes. Democraps will just say "oh, well at least she's not Donald Drumpf" unless she is actually arrested.
Identity politics has absolutely destroyed Ameridiot democracy
If this is what gets Assange killed I'm gonna laugh my ass off.
dubs don't bode well for Julian.
But I suspect he knows he's being targeted, which is why there was a push to interview him in the sex assault case. Once they interview him they can clear him (or he can plead it out, whatever, it's sweden so jail is like a vacation) and he can leave that embassy without getting picked up and sent to the US.
I mean she can't keep getting away with things anyone else would get arrested for.
>receiving sanctuary in the embassy of a sovereign nation
>has the full diplomatic and legal apparatus of a first-world democracy standing guard between him and whoever would do him harm
He'll be fine
>slip him out under the cover of darkness
>helicopter takes him away from a random field
He was wrong about Flynn being VP.
Can't be arsed to find a link, but didn't they find some "burglar" scaling the walls of the embassy he's staying in like last night? or the night before?
There was an intruder for sure. Took the fucking cops 2 hours to show up even though there's a station not five minutes away.