Wasn't this guy's followers supposed to start a revolution or something?
Whatever happened to that?
Wasn't this guy's followers supposed to start a revolution or something?
Whatever happened to that?
Other urls found in this thread:
>dude weed lmao poor ass college kids
>starting a revolution
I bet they'll shit themselves at the first gunshot
>but the leaf says it's over
Who ever made that was autistic and had no idea how the delegate system worked
They did the same thing he did. Fell in line like good goys to do exactly what Mama Hillary says to do.
Hillary happened.
The revolution was adding DUDE WEED to the party platform.
Have you seen the sort of people that talk about revolution? It's the last thing they need. We could finally kill the traitorous fucks and they'd be utterly destroyed.
Short attention spans. And Pokemon go was released.
Same thing that'll happen to Trump
They managed to change the Democratic platform and state that their revolution will go on through Hillary.
Bernouts hate Trump.
Bernie supporters are mostly cowards, even after hillary stabbed them in the back they still follow her, because otherwise they might get called sexist
They're all secretly voting Trump out of spite but they will never ever admit it.
Hillary promised them the handouts they wanted
weed and free college
NPR, ironic tattoo, barista, lesbo, cuck revolution.
>I want to fit them all in a locker and wait for the Internet school bell to ring.
Clinton will buy him a shitty looking house on an island and limited access to a private jet?
Trump could buy both of these things, though?
All just a meme. What's being said isn't as important as what really happens. He was always meant to be Hillary's bitch.
expecting a revolution from dildos? I guess you're a dildo also.
Platform is like word pasta.
They got rolled by old hags with wealthy husbands (pelosi, clinton, ...)
The modern socialist is just a faggot who complains about capitalism on their school campus or on the internet. They're a far cry from Lenin or Che
they did get a revolution. all their money was used to buy bots to fill reddit with. now reddit is just one big DNC bot site. bernouts got rekt.
>poor college kids who took out loans and complained about having debt
Maybe they grew up and got a job?
It's all of the black peoples fault for voting for Shitllery.
Fuckers are too stupid to know what's in their best interest.
I remember when that happened. I thought it was a bad omen so I stopped supporting Bernie right then.
One does not vote against Massa.
they did it! it's a new flavor of drink at starbucks called "pood in ur food"
>Good work Madame Clinton. Once again you've saved our fair country from those vile miscreants
>>They were no problem, Chairwoman! For as we all know Sanders voters are:
>A super-stit-ious and cow-ard-ly lot
>They plan and plot but they al-ways get caught
>A superstitious and cowardly lot