Where the hell are all the god damned risk threads?!
Starting City
Where the hell are all the god damned risk threads?!
Starting City
Fourth Reich
I will add myself for bumpings the thread
Rome, Purple
game will start at 5 peoples
Iberian Empire
just need 2 more guys then game can start
Semitic Empire
added, just one more player now
anybody, pls
Grand Principality of Moscow
Dark Green
I changed netherlands bonus to 1 cos people who start as london and sail to netherlands then paris annoy me.
Head towards Cairo. Then towards Jreusalem
Fill Italy northwards, taking cities.
Take that city in Jordan, spill city in Lebanon
Fill Spain, Take Valencia
Grab that Potato to my left, then head up and get St. Pete. Anything left goes to Helsinki.
Yes! Post-National Safe Space
Light blue
Spill to take barcalona
Want an Alliance? I don't want Israel
Indebted Empire
I want an alliance ISIS-senpai
>Red Or White Or Red&White. Or random color
Will you take my "refugees"?
Room to join?
Great Britain
If we need to pick a city, I choose Bern, Lausanne, or Fribourg
If by "take" you mean "nail to crucifixes and line the borders with them" then yes
OMG are the poor refugees okay?
of course!
You can roll
it's getting pretty busy in here all of a sudden :o
Expand and take more area around my capital.
Thx mane
Expand toward Copenhagen, spill toward Gothenburg
>Switzerland »Take All Swiss Cantons «
>»Defend Borders«
I will choose this action for every turn from here until all other societies collapse and we mine their corpses for the carbon content
>If by "take" you mean "nail to crucifixes and line the borders with them" then yes
Alright we'll have to get a NAP though as only 1 ally per player, also don't you dare Jail my people for their culture eg. rape and child marriage
You need to add your name and bonus or I don't count you, you get away with it this once because it is only the first roll.
Am I in? Can I roll too?
that would be intolerant i'm not a nazi ^.^
Sorry, I recall adding a name and tripcode, must've put it in the options field.
Start in Paris
Carolingian Empire
some kind of golden color or blue
If I can roll roll to take wheat
People's Republic of Duckia
sheeeeeit updated with bonus
KEK forgot to put a hashtag
Well, if I can roll,
yes roll
sorry for the wait this turn guys, theres a lot of players keep join lol
same for you, roll
Well, if I can roll, take Birmingham, Cardiff, South Hampton in that order
Shit, didn't meant to send that
roll to take wheat and lyon
Ok then, take Petrograd.
Good name
You realize of course, this means war.
So, was my roll counted or do I need to roll again due to me not having a name prior?
what borders can we agree on?
Well, if we have no choice, then war will occur.
did not realize someones already in stockholm
I wish only to take the land which is formed from the 26 cantons of Switzerland. If we can agree to this I am happy to form a NAP with my neighbors the French and German.
NAP it is then
whatever color is left
Kekist Horde
Any Color
Holy Empire
Constantinople (Istambul)
sorry later new players but i wanted to mupdate before everyone thinks im dead.
I will let you in
This is gunna be a slow game methinks
Now finally get Cairo and head towards Israel
Can i has muh rol?If so bonus +3
Go to the balkans to greece
Bizantine stronk
Use sea to get to Istanbul, annex it and the territory around it.
Kill the child before he grows into a man.
>»Fortify Borders«
>Offer NAP to Southern Neighbor [Rome]
Take Birmingham, then Leeds. Spill sails to Dublin. More spill up to Glasgow
take erevan go for the oils in russia
Stop Moscow.
take monaco, lubljana, and fill croatia, spills fill italy.
March to Baghdad, spill to Aleppo
Continue march on Gothenburg, take Oslo if I can, then north toward timber resource
>Trips wasted on fortifying borders
take Lyon, bordeaux and nantes
Ok thanks
Please go east instead
Greece has a player now and i dont seek war with orthodox friends
take cagliari on Sardinia, spill for Constantine
NAP Rome?
Kill yellow, cities first.
Late joining cock blocking Finnish dog.
Hory shet
420, use my roll to take all of france, and expand into germany
So long for orthodox friends...
Forgot to update my bonuses.
I think I got the math right. The numbers are small.
Rolling trips on »Fortify Border« Should let me build some 400m tall 30m thick walls with laser defenses
Oh, if you don't want war, we don't have to have war. I assumed you would take an aggressive playstyle and attack me later.
Retract this command and just spread north instead.
fill belgium spill netherlands
I'll think about it, I have to use my last NAP wisely
please do, kekism is, as islam a religion of peace
Ok thanks
I'll keep going east, protect yurop
Orthodox stronk
Okay, these dubs are an obvious message from Kek, we may sign a NAP as long as you go north, the only exception being Armenia
Take Barcelona, Andorra, Bilbao and fill spain
dealio mi familio also i just seen holy empire is gonna go east, we could gang up on him
sorry, I don't do rerolls, you will have to sort it out via ceding next turn.
K :T
Crimean Goths
Ukrainian Wheat
Spread towards Odessa
Dumbass site thought it was spam while linking to mupdate, sorry OP
Kekists, the Safe Space of Yes extends its hands in friendship and desire for non-aggression
Don't be racist now, your privilege is really showing
I will remove fourth reich if he doesnt roll this turn.
France makes some scary gains.