White women

Sup Forums, why are you even bothering with white women? They are more likely to cheat and make you a cuck than any other race, the least likely to marry, and the least likely to have children. You can scream your "but muh race mixing" but in the end you will end up a cuck with a black baby. The best option is Asian or some form of that. They are the least likely to cheat and have a high rate of marriage.


>why are you even bothering with women?

FTFU you stupid fuck

im only attracted to white women

Do you not want to keep your blood line going?

Fuck humans, ALL HUMANS!

beta who cant keep a basic woman in line

I heard the UK won't let you leave?. Claims you as EU territory? specifically for the Olympics?.

Why are you talking about anyone keeping anyone else in line faggot?.

Only the biggest cucks in history date asian women.

You are so beta that you can't even be a cuck. You're literally below betas.

This, Also they're the only race I want to breed.

>tiny dick Chink is against white men ploughing his women


Denmark?. Is that you? talking shit?.

I will just drop a nuke on you real quick.

Save the next 1,000 for China and Russia.

When it comes to nations how cucked are you?

honest queztion

>Slovakian non-white mongol horseman slavshit rape baby think i care what he thinks.

White men are talking here, boy.

Did you have some stats to back up these claims, or are you just making shit up?

Thats Canada
Oh shit you guys have computers now?

I heard if you sprinkle the word cuck throughout your post you absolutely cannot be refuted.

sage for shit reddit-tier bait thread


>meaning shit

Give me 10 minutes and I can come up with some states if you're interested u fucking fagot

>instantly triggered

Everytime. Nothing triggeres the leaf Chink more than comments about his tiny dick.

Oh look, Elliot Rodger whiteknighting his fellow Canacuck Chink friend.

noooo, don't give up on us! there's a lot of young, beautiful great women that only want to meet a great guy and start a family. from our perspective - all the guys are players, immature or lacking ambition. do you think it'd be fair to judge the whole collective by a poor sample? I didn't think so. so go and be the right guy, don't lower your standards, and eventually (hopefully) you'll find a girl as rare great men are.

America was trying to stick up for you, I guess you're so dumb from eating old preserves and eastern european grown crops that you can't figure out when someone's on your side.

>stick up for you
>called you "Canada"

Tiny dick Chink with tiny SJW brain too huh.

The incidence of unwed mothers in Japan is literally 100x lower than in USA. They gud girls

>so go and be the right guy

What have you done to be the right guy?. Serious question nigger.

>inb4 bitched on Sup Forums about being a virgin
>inb4 bitched on Sup Forums bout bitching bout ho's

I don't even look at white women anymore. When I take my dog to the park in the mornings I don't even say hello or good morning. Only too the Asian, Persian cuties, or Latina's.

You're retarded, slovakia. I hope your mother and sister gets raped by some japanese man.

*statistics, oh cantankerous one.

white women
>western women

European whites are still traditional and good

I'm a girl

You know the rule, right?

I rest my case victorious.

Me too, Wiktoria.

to wykurwiaj

slide thread is my thought

You can't even speak english properly. I tell you that america was trying to stick up for YOU (not me!) in that last post and you go full out retard and start talking about asian penises. I guess that's why slavic girls are leaving you guys for western men.

I'm browsing Sup Forums, what makes you think I'm degenerate? besides, I wouldn't come out if it wasn't related to the subject. I wrote about our perspective, which I think should be heard.

>You can't even speak english properly. I tell you that america was trying to stick up for YOU
And I told you he wasn't, you autistic tiny dick Chink. You're the one who needs a better Chinese-English teacher.


I'm white, dickface. You eastern europeans are truly trash, you're no better than the chinks/japs or sandniggers who come to my country.

Im not Danish, have lived here since 2010 tho.

Umm not as cucked as you think. There are a lot of brown people but most Danish people do not like them actually. I've seen only a few couples consisting of a typical blond girl and some dindu.

Danish people are also imo closet racists.

Check this cool ad that was around from the Danish People Party. Transalted it means something like "Our Denmark. There is so much we need to take care of"

I'm just being honest here, no offense: no one cares what you have to say. We just want to see your tits.

>I'm white, dickface.

Post your penis with timestamp then, oh wai- you won't because it's a tiny 3cm yellow dinkie.

grzeczniej trochę

You're probably more mongoloid than me, slavshits got raped for an entire generation by huns/turks/mongols, you name it. Asiatic filth.

true, now post some tits!

My mother was telling me last night that she wouldn't care if I dated a girl who wasn't white. I said no, she MUST be white. She told me I was being silly.

bitch is playing pokemon go

>this constant stream of tiny penis butthurt

Man I'm gonna do this a lot more often when I see Chinks (Canadian flags) on Sup Forums

What if she's not white but also a caring mother, lifelong companion, buys you things and really loves you for who you are and also isn't interested in money?

You're the one with the mongoloid dick. You fucking dirty polack. Get raped by turks more, non-white filth.

Im ukrainian. Married to one. We are white. Our whole family is white. Our entire community is white. And 9/10 divorces or cheating related problems are always caused by the men (but even this is one out of every 250 couples or so). So yeah, my white wife is awesome. She cant even watch porn without feeling guilty enough to tell me.

What if an alien comes down from space and sucks your dick?

I'm a Slovak girl though and I have a bunch of my girl friends here with me as well and we're all laughing at your tiny penis, Yang Wang.

As a millenial hispanic male dating many women throughtout my years here are my findings.
White women: good for fucking, only good for fucking. None of them are interested at all in having a decent relationship. Maybe at 35/+100 pounds later with their Arby's roast beef vagoo but then it's too late.

Black women: There are some Oreos that I may see myself with but even then they still have white personalities. Ghetto black chicks is no man's territory.

Hispanic women: have everything a black woman has as far as that ass goes, know their place in society as women. Great for breeding when the time comes. I'm not talking about the Americanized slut. I'm talking about that Argentinian or Columbian who don't have high expectations.

I don't have much experience with other races, abyone care to chime in?

Fourteen words, faggots

Shart in the Mart Cletus

>this constant mentioning of chink dicks
I guess slovakian trash want more mongoloid genes in them. I'm white, you're not. The end.

If you were white you wouldn't get so butthurt over


(very small)

Canadians are whiter than Slovakia will ever be.

I ended up marrying a girl i met in 5th grade and we've been married for 13 years and with 3 kids we get along surprisingly well. If she does or has she would know to keep it above top secret because she knows id kill her and whoever was dipping his stick in a black rage and she'd be first..

fuck off chang
/r/asianmasculinity might be the place for you

Nope, a tiny yellow penis will never become white.

Not this shit again

Canada will always be more whiter than mongol/turk slovakian rape roaches.

you mean upper hungary right?

This is something I struggle with sometimes. Minus one crazy Japanese girl (she was born here, raised crazy) I've only ever dated white women but they're all fucking terrible. Best relationship I've managed is 9 months with a (then undiscovered, I thought she was good at first) lying whore that dumped me for someone else's dick because she was bored and didn't want a real relationship anymore. Atm I could date a brown girl (not a loo, way better looking) and honestly I'm so fucking sick of trashy Canadian chicks it might be worth it. I'm all for continuing my race but life has yet to show me a good way to get there.

Not if you chinks keep flooding in


u wot m8 i'll get me boots on stamp ur fookin head in m8 i swear on me mum m8

you mean western turkey right?
whatever makes you sleep at night
btw turks never got to Slovakia

Tits or gtfo

Stop being a bitch, OP. Be a man, don't take shit.

Boost your testosterone, especially if you're a fat fuck with one cycle of low dose testosterone (steroids, whatever) so you can have a bit of what it feels like to be a man, then lift and don't do steroids again.

Stop being a pussy and whining. Go hunting. Have standards and values.

Actually stand up for yourself, you fucking beta.

When the Muslims attacked your ancestors while they were plowing a field in Europe, did your great great great great grandfather sit and watch Ottomans cuckold him by making him watch them rape his wife, or did stand up for his values fight to the death to protect his family.

How do you honor your based ancestors' glory and death protecting their family--by watching porn and playing vidya and being too scared to get pussy because of your "feels?"

user, you're already dead.

Pic related is a reminder of what whites who stood up for their values to protect their families has to endure.

You are already dead.

Britain, you're our mommy. You're not gonna stick up for canada and let slovakia say slander about us?

>white women: only good for fucking.

While I've seen the same, I have to say, it's not from their skin color or culture, they're just brainwashed little fools. Having grown up in the Seattle area, I was brainwashed into my mid-20's, and that's as a man. What chance do you think our innocent little lambs have to escape Jewish teeth?

Ultimate proof that the Canadian poster is a Chink - Magyar's 6th sense got triggered that a fellow Mongol overseas is in danger, so he's joining the fight!

post a pic of your hand and I'll think about it

We got this under control, Hungary.


Gee I wonder who could be behind this post?

>implying over half of the people on this board aren't butt fucking faggots.

Do you really think straight men like Milo?

>canacuck police

>western turkey
Atleast say something more accurate like western mongolia tót

>cycle test
>go hunting
>honor and glory

holy shit i love these kinds of posters, they actually think they sound cool.

I hate these threads. The moderation on this board needs to do a better job. So I have two qts who like me and are in invested in relationships. The white girl is 18 and going off to college and is staying with the security of her current guy. The Puerto Rican girl is 24 and already cheated on her bf (who she claims makes 6 figs) with me. Im a lowly grad student. Get bent OP you don't know shit.


we could have been friend Lajos
does this make sense btw?

dogolo meg te ferde hereju ivadek

You got probably with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police there, turkroach?

>but in the end you will end up a cuck with a black baby
Same shit if you race mix.

I just go for asian woman
>not brainwashed by feminism and gommunism
>not fat cows
>cute as fuck
>they know how to make a man feel loved and wanted
>always interested in what I have to say

Now some might say I throw away my good genes (tall, white, big cock, green eyes etc.) but harmony and a good family life is more worth to me than just marrying some used up slut just because shes white.

its also mind blowing how much hatred I get whenever I show of my Asian gf, the white roasties get seriously buttblasted whenever they find out.

/r9k is that you?

this isn't really useful against western Slavs, you should find some new spicy insult

I don't bother with white women.

Instead, I got myself a desperate black qt3.14 gf. Because she's so used to black guys being irresponsible fuck ups, she views me as some kind of superman because I'm kind/respectful/loyal to her, I'm not an active criminal, and I have have solid prospects. My white dick is also the perfect size for her tight pussy, so the sex is great for the both of us.

She worships the ground I walk on, and does whatever she can to keep me locked down. Cooking, cleaning, romance, doing the things I like, super enthusiastic blowjobs, you fucking name it. This girl's doing everything she can to keep me around, but it a good way, by making herself as desirable to me as possible, not trying to trap me or some shit. And it's working. My girl is fucking great.

You guys should try it out. Next to black men, we're like fucking superheroes just for having a job. Any black woman with two brain cells to rub together will bend over backwards for us because they don't want to go back to Jamal.

Are you going to impregnate her?

I'm sorry m'lady about this stupid childish polacks. They just don't know good women when they see one. I'm not like them though, I know you're not degenerate, and deserve respect. I frankly only date [spoiler]WHYTE[/spoiler] Polinas like you, never waste time with those (((asians))). Come on, they gotta be pedos for liking that right?

>I've got a fickle teenager stringing me along and Puerto Rican girl who's a proven cheater.
>Things are going great for me.

Only if I end up marrying her. Because I'm not some hood rat, I'd never knock up a woman without being dedicated to helping her raise the child as our own. Nobody should have to go through single parenthood, man or woman. It's not fair for the parent or the child.

Will I marry her? That remains to be seen. We get along great, but there are still things we need to handle before we consider settling down. Mainly material stuff, like money and jobs, etc. I only just finished school and still need to find a job, and she needs to stabilize her own financial situation. But emotionally and sexually, we're very compatible and very into each other. We just don't want to make the marriage commitment until we know we can provide for each other.

How can White women even compete?

They can't.

>Wallowing in a world of low expectations

Your god is dildos.

Nothing worth having is easy to get.

If you cannot find a based white woman, then redpill one yourself.

Would berry dick

I'm plenty happy with my black chick. Also, being redpilled is stupid. It's just a bunch of conspiratorial nonsense that makes you mad at everything, but you guys have convinced yourselves that you're somehow enlightened or well informed. I don't believe you are. I believe anyone who declares themselves "redpilled" is just an angry little person who likes to blame scapegoats and boogeymen for their problems. Enjoy hating so hard you burn out your own emotions, I'm going to go get a blowjob and live happily ever after.

>How can white women even compete (with black women)?
Sure, look at that woman: Semenya, for example.

This guy gets it.
Currently got a qt from taiwan, it is possible to hold a conversation of more than 3 minuets with her, something i can not say i experienced before.
Imagine, being able to sit down and talk for a few minutes without your girl starting to mess with her phone and don't give a shit about what you say.