What are the best arguments against the official Holocaust narrative?

What are the best arguments against the official Holocaust narrative?

I have always assumed that the 6 million number was fake, but aside from that I have never really looked into it.

What's the truth about the Holocaust, Sup Forums?

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The tattoos.
Why would tattoos be needed for genocide?
More info.

>muh 6 gorillion

The holocaust is probably the best lie the jews have ever told

>best lie

How about Belgium being a country? Pretty close eh? :^)

shut up, german(?)

The Holocaust was real get over it

No the germans got exterminated after WW2 he's just some russian rape baby nu-male.

I was in Amsterdam once and fought someone in a bar because he said the holocaust never happened

Havarra program sent them to israel

Less than 1 million died mostly due to disease and starvation. Some were killed but not 6 million by gas and this shit doesn't matter the way they use it as propaganda


How long were you in hospital Goldman?


Eisenhower had real death camps after the war and called civilians/POWs "enemy combatants" to jew the geneva code

Wos host Du grod von mia gsagt Du gstingada kloana Saugrattler? Du woast fei scho dass I schon aus da Grundi im Hochzug bei de Gebirgsjaga ois Besta aussaganga bin, I war in am Hauffa saugeheime Raffareien mit de Mohammedana und hob über 300 obgraglt, garantiert. I bin a drainierta Untergrundkempfa und I bin da beste Scharfschütz von da ganzn Armee. Du bist nix für mi ois a zui mera, I blos Dir so prazis Dei Liachtal aus wie's die Welt no ned gseng hod, host me? Du glaubst Du kanntst davokemma nachdem Du sowas von mia gsogt host aufm Internet? Da denkst nummoi drüba noch, Oarschgsicht. Grao wie mia redn ruaf I meine Spionage-Spezln im ganzn Bayernland zsam, und dei IP werd grod im moment zruckverfoigt oiso richt Di scho amoi her fürn Sturm, Du Wurm. Der Sturm der wo des kloane Ding ausradiert wos Du rührselig Lebn nennst. Du bist aufgschmissn. Kloana. I kon übaroi sei, ollawei, und i kon de auf mera wia siebnhundad Artn dagragln, und des aloa mit meine Handerln. I bin ned blos gübt im Wirtshausraffa, sondern i hob a an zugriff auf des ganze Arsenal von der freiwillign Feiawehr von Olching und i werd des ois hernemma damit Dei gstingada Hintan vom schena Bayernland runtergspült werd, Du kloana Schoashauffn! Wenn Du gwusst hätts wos Dei kloana "schlauer" Kommentar auf Sup Forums runterreisst, dann hättst wahrscheinlich Dei voisoachts Maul ghoidn. Aba Du hosts ned kenna, Du host Dei Mei aufreissn miassn, und jetzt zoist, Du gottverdammta Troddl. I scheiss an grant üba Dir aus und Du werst drin dasauffa. Du bist komplett hi, Klona!

Why is this a thing that exists now?
It's the current year. No one lies about anything.

Dumm fotze. du sprichst homosexuell Deutsch

Magic oven and furnaces don't exist, the gas argument makes no sense (expensive, complex), most confessions were taken with torture, contradicting numbres, contradicting testimonies, death explained by tiphus, starvation due to bombres

I could knock a few teeth out of your australian mouth. I was boxing for a rather big part of my life

Hoit dei bappn du oraidiga preißn grattler. zu bled zum brunzn bist a.


do you honestly not know/understand the point of keeping death camps out of germany? just making sure it's not a troll post..

That's right

>What are the best arguments against the official Holocaust narrative?
Zynklon B could not be used as the deadly gas used to kill a room full of people in 15 minutes, as described in the holocaust survivors reports.

Therefore, the "murder weapon" allegedly used in said genocide is fake.

That raises an even more important question...

Why would they need gas chambers at all?

Could they not simply grab a knife and slit the throat of the prisoners? They didn't have a problem shooting them in the head in execution lines when they got too weak to work, so why go through all the trouble of building such a secret underground complex to do it?

Also, the design of the gas chambers was fucking retarded, something you would expect some guy with no actual knowledge in the field to draw...

You expect a German, that received the best education available at the time and is from a country with a deep tradition of engineering to do such a poor job? Or you expected the nazists to actually hire some guy with no actual knowledge or experience in the field to design it?

It just doesn't add up mate.

From the persoective of a christian with understanding of the christian govt, ethics that govern its peoples. Tattoos would have been considered unethical by any people calling themselves christian. If Germany truly had christian people they would not have tattoos. Tattooing was only done by govts that promoted atheism.

Come one
Nobody has posted this video yet?


>this shit doesn't matter the way they use it as propaganda
What did you mean by this? That this conversation is useless because most people are too brainwashed into believing it?

I would understand, yes, but what if it weren't death camps, I may be mistaken but I thing the soviets didn't let them be inspected

You're NEVER going to convince anyone that it never happened. The best thing to do is to merely plant a seed of doubt and have them do the work themselves.
The best way to go around this is asking the audience some very general and basic questions.

>Why would anyone willingly exterminate a free workforce?
>Why were only Soviet-liberated camps labeled extermination camps? Could there possibly be a conspiracy afoot?
>Why would Germans build entertainment facilities for walking corpses?
>Why would an efficiency-oriented volk like the Germans go through with a genocide so badly planned?

Conclude with something like:
>Why is "the most well known" historic event also the most undocumented and unproven?

Also, pointing out that the number 6mil is a base symbol of the Kabbalah is a great way to go about it, also this image of newspaper articles prior to the wars would plant the seed of doubt into the most shut minds.

Thansk, Hrvatska. There's also those pictures of the graves with '4 million' and '1,5 million' instead of 6 million, do you suggest using those?

I'd honestly suggest you use as little images as possible and base your whole argumentation on just enticing the person on their own research.
Whatever you feel is necessary, though.

Just be careful to look at your own sources as critically as you would at the holocaust narrative, there's all sorts of false claims on both sides, so getting debunked immediately diminishes your legitimacy.

What are the best sources, books, etc. to do your own research? How much research have you done yourself?

The camp inspection implies that academics ceded ground to the holocaust deniers


official red cross death count

1. Initially, was a misunderstanding of the difference between a death camp and a concentration camp.

2. The death camps were built in the Generalgouvernement (area of occupied Poland controlled by Hans Frank, no relation to Anne Frank) because of their remoteness, distance from the front lines (the closest Russians were hundreds of miles away to the East and Auschwitz, the Southernmost camp only came within range of Allied long range bombers and surveillance aircraft in mid-1944) and the fact that the Germans had far tighter control over the Generalgouvernement and could limit the knowledge of their activities from reaching the outside world.

>implying the death count was based on woefully inadequate data
>believing the claims of the German Red Cross, which as full of Nazi Party members
>implying 200,000 dead civilians killed by a policy the German government created is in any way, remotely acceptable

you shouldn't bother with trying to debunk the whole thing, because there are a lot of fucked up things that happened which a normie can't wrap their heads around. focus on the amenities that the detainees of Auschwitz had, swimming pool, brothel, movie theater,post office, etc. in reference to anne frank, her father otto was treated properly in Auschwitz. " It was at Auschwitz, in September, that Frank was separated forever from his wife and daughters. He was sent to the men's barracks and found himself in the sick barracks when he was liberated by Soviet troops on 27 January 1945."
there are thousands of taped interviews with survivors from the shoah foundation , most of which have nothing to do with death camps, a fraction of people who survived have the death camp stories. also focus on the events that led up to germany wanting to remove the jewish population from germany , the economic war declared against germany by the international jewish community. the importance of '6 million jews' that has been referenced dozens of times from the 1850-60s up to 1945. the half century attempt to form the state of israel pre-dating the league of nations , and finally solidifying with the united nations post ww2

Zyklon is a cyanide-based pesticide (the same stuff Himmler and Goring killed themselves with), it most certainly can kill a human.

Also, a large number of the victims were killed with Carbon Monoxide gas from captured Russian tank engines or modified Volkswagen trucks (this method was abandoned because it wasting gasoline and took too long).

>Could they not simply grab a knife and slit the throat of the prisoners?

Soldiers in the Einatzgruppen detachments (death squads) started going crazy after the first few thousand victims or so. Himmler himself became violently ill when he witnessed a mass execution for the first time.

Gas both limited the number of necessary participants and could kill far more people.

the misunderstanding is that there were deaths in the camps, not that they were death camps. those deaths were mostly from typhus and being malnourished

treblinka is the camp that used the tank engine. the co2 emission from diesel is much lower than a gasoline engine and is generally considered safe.

Lastly, an extensive literature review produced no scientifically reported cases of fatal CO poisoning attributed to diesel fuel exhaust.

try again.

nazis hated jews for good reasons most of the time.There was a plan to exterminate every single one of them but it would take many decades to accomplish that.The six million number is of course fake.Around 260.000 jews died.Stormfags claim that the genocide against the jews never happened,but it's a lie.I definitely support it,but nazis were criminals themselves,too.

>Wos host Du grod von mia gsagt Du
>pleb dialect
fucking dropped

my (bavarian) sides

>That I'm an autistic virgin
>That I have a calculator and the numbers don't add up because I counted them
>You can't prove anything from the past anyway so it didn't happen
>Documents are always forged
>Butthurt white males are always right
>Conspiracy theories are fun because evidence-free irrationality is very hard to refute

The best argument for me 8s the fact that it's literally a jailable offense in over 20 countries to deny the holocaust. That makes no fucking sense if it actually happened.

The second biggest thing for me is how there's literally zero forensic evidence of it happening. All we have are (((eyewitness))) testimonies and a bunch of old black and white photos, half of which have been found to be cropped photos of other human travesties that actually did happen.

thank you for separating the facts from the fiction, chaim


>not a single argument

Zyklon B is needed in massive amounts to kill one person, and it takes over an hour of exposure

do a little research yourself into biochemistry

In fact, the field of anatomy and physiology pretty much by itself debunks the holocaust. Pretty much nothing of what (((they))) claim is scientifically possible, not to mention logistically improbable.

Do some of the calculations that he's claiming to have done yourself. I dont believe in the official figure but this video is bullshit

The joke is with modern ovens is, that the bones are then put in a tumbling machine too grind the bones too fractions, using rocks.

My personal opinion:
Jews and other groups considered against the German state were put in labor and detention camps (like other governments, such as the UK and Russia did before and after). As the war turned against Germany conditions in the camps deteriorated and rations/material were drastically reduced. This led to malnutrition and disease, particularly typhus. This is the reason for the majority of deaths and large piles of bodies seen in postwar footage. Was it inhumane to keep these people locked up without adequate means to sustain them? Yes, but the German government feared that if they were released some would immediately go to work sabotaging the war effort and causing Germany to lose in a repeat of the 1918 "stab in the back" myth. Since so many German soldiers had already died for the war effort, the deaths of these people who were already considered enemies of the state were insignificant to the German high command.

That is the reason for all of the deaths. I have not seen any compelling evidence of gas chambers, and the 6 million figure is way overblown. In reality is was more like several hundred thousand (closer to the Red Cross estimate) although it is not really possible to come up with an exact figure. Extermination camps and lampshades made of skin etc were all inventions with the purpose of villifying the Nazis.

However the Einsatzgruppen existed and their crimes against civilians in German controlled areas occurred and are well documented. They killed thousands of people, mostly by shooting.

Did Jew win?

>Muh Rheinwiesenlager
>Remember 666,666,666,666 Brave SS POWs goy- I mean untermensch

Fuck off, they should consider themselves lucky they were even taken prisoner at all and not shot on the spot like armies of previous eras would have done.

The biggest fact that convinced me that the Holocaust is a shame are all the european thought crime laws erected to protect it.

I heard only 300,000 died in the camps.

Ask for volunteers. Either they already are insane or are immune


>Ask for volunteers.
>"Oh hey, I know you don't really know anything about engineering or construction or chemistry or anything, but would you like to design our top secret extermination camps gas chambers so we can genocide a whole lot of people?"
Yeah, nah, I don't see that happening.

Zyklon B is cyanide based gas. That'll definitely kill you.
There were definitely cases of face-to-face killings. The Germans avoided too many of them because it was psychologically and physically more taxing for the executioners. However, up-close killings continued en masse in Axis-controlled parts of Yugoslavia.

M-muh 6 gazillion

>Zyklon B is cyanide based gas. That'll definitely kill you.
Yeah, after several hours of exposure, not in 15 minutes as claimed by the holocaust survivors.

You literally break chunks of it with your bare hands and drop around the house you are vermifuging, it takes at least 8-10 hours for the gas to dissipate from solid form into the air to a concentration in which it would kill a person.

Get your facts straight.

>The Germans avoided too many of them because it was psychologically and physically more taxing for the executioners.
You mean the alledgedly sadistic overseers of the camps? I imagine they would simply love the executions...

>You mean the alledgedly sadistic overseers of the camps? I imagine they would simply love the executions...
No, the einsatzgruppen. Different Krauts, monkeyfucker

>jew jitsu
You mean you and your lawyer kicked his ass with legal fees for anti semitism?

>No, the einsatzgruppen. Different Krauts, monkeyfucker
Same shit different name.

It doesn't make the gas chambers any less badly designed, this is obviously not the work of German engineering.


Don't fool yourself, the nazis had some of the best scientists and engineers of that time, they would not have built such a poorly designed system if they were actually going to do it.

All those dead prisoners died from the typhoid fever epidemic that was spreading throughout Germany during the war.