I'm a Finnish-Portuguese white male and I have been harassed several times during the last 3 months in public for no...

I'm a Finnish-Portuguese white male and I have been harassed several times during the last 3 months in public for no reason for being "a sandnigger" even though I'm not.
This has never happened before in my life.

Can't we Europeans even tell the difference between sandniggers and southern Europeans anymore or is it just because Finns are ignorant and secluded from Europe?

Finns are pretty dumb people in my opinion so I was wondering if this even happens in other European countries?

Other urls found in this thread:

static.ylilauta.org/files/0n/orig/h8kvge2h/Ylilaudan Toivot - Lyhyt Oppitunti.mp3

stop acting in behavior consistent with those that are niggers of sand.

why are asian(mongol) people so racist?

I was sitting quietly in a train browsing the web with my iphone and some old woman started talking shit to me, how is that sandnigger behaviour?

kys moor

I've asked countless sandniggers if I look middle-eastern and they all have told me that they would never mistake me for one.

How about you post your face here so we can tell you

Probably has something to do with their genes

I prefer not to, what you post on the internet never leaves the internet.

Now, I want you to realize that a (race) war is really coming, and you'll have to pick your camp

Shave your dirty arab beard off and stop dressing in fucking rags. If that doesn't work, then get the fuck out of Finland dirty nigger

I usually wear dress shirts and I shave my beard and moustache.

I dress more formally than an average Finn.

I don't believe you
You are trolling

I swear to god I'm not, I actually have a Mexican friend who's mistaken for an Indian.

So ur skin is brown?

Sorry shitskin, it's difficult to tell sometimes.

for your average Sup Forumsack or skinhead race is skin deep

But Arabs and Asian-Hispanics look very alike

portuguese people aren't white

they're jealous of your finno-ibero-germanic genes

t. shitskin

yup, glad to be one

>tfw Iberian people created the concept of whiteness.


>be genetic foreigner
>get told to leave
>does not

portuguese people aren't white

Nobody cares nigger

>white male
>harassed for looking like a sandnigger
must be b8

i have known italians that moved here as children/second generation and consider themselves "tanned" rather than white
not surprising when you are in a group of 6 and all but yourself have blue eyes

Maybe you should tell your people to pay their fucking debt, nigger.

static.ylilauta.org/files/0n/orig/h8kvge2h/Ylilaudan Toivot - Lyhyt Oppitunti.mp3

You'd do better job fitting in anywhere other than Finland.

Finns aren't Europeans so your Western features look as foreign as Turks and Somalis to us. At least you get offered free weed by hippies and arabs.

Other than that you should stop caring about the ramblings of crazy old women in public places, they are most likely insane.

Top kek. It's your distant negro genes. Sorry buddy but you aren't pure white and deserve all the shit you get.

hello you autistic assburger Sami Leon Eerola of RASMUS-yhteisö

Look up pictures of your typical refugees and try to not look like them.

Do you tan easily? If so autumn/winter is coming so you have time to become pasty white then keep it that way.

If you have black/dark brown hair either grow it long or have buzzcut, arabs have neither.

Shave often since you southern Yuros can grow beard quite easily.

Or just cause a ruccus and shout how you Portuguese hate arabs.