Reminder that if you drink anything but American coffee you support terrorist and drug czars

Reminder that if you drink anything but American coffee you support terrorist and drug czars.

>No American flag
I've already reported you to the Department of Homeland Security

>100% aribica


Kona is Arabica too bro

Kona is Hawaiian senpai. Maybe the beans are Arabic but so is all coffee ever. Proudly grown in America by Americans.

>drinking coffee

>thinking your superior because you don't drink coffee

>drinking the coffeeJew

>drinking the caffeinated jew
No thanks

Please explain to me how coffee is jewish

i drink water and fruit juices on occasion

>fruit juices

There's the chemical jew. Have fun with your artificial colors and HFCS.

>implying i dont own a juicer and ram fresh fruit through it

>Drinking american coffee
Fucking pleb

And if you drink American coffee, you support not only the patriarchy but white supremacy as well. What do you have to say for yourself, shitlord?

>Buying American anything

>white supremacy
Feel pretty good senpai, also

>the only place in America with the climate to support coffee growth is Hawaii

1/10 for making me respond

>not drinking fair trade, shade grown, organic and sustainable coffees from other countries

Enjoy your Hawaiian bullshit, cuck.

>not living on ale

Probably starbucks or some shit

>Giving hard eared American dollars to terrorist and drug cartels

Even if the money doesn't go directly to them,you're supporting the economy of countries that allow these things to take place.

Please, tell me who the cuck is again

>aribica grown coffee

Not in this lifetime senpai

I'd rather support south american drug lords than OP, at least they're not on Sup Forums being faggots

Ever stop to think that maybe people just don't fucking care? Hawaii is a piece of shit.

>Live out in rural america
>shit food because shit town
>once a week however theres a farmer's market
>one stand just started to sell his own grown coffee
>amazing aroma, pleasant taste
>he's comes up with different roasts every few weeks
>i been buying beans from him all year since

I'm gonna have to buy a whole shelf of his beans before october.

>not drinking fair trade, shade grown, organic and sustainable coffees from other countries
>Ever stop to think that maybe people just don't fucking care?

Sounds to me like you care a lot about your coffee.

Ya True. But If you drink american Coffee you support zionism, multiculturalism and Everything that is evil.

>all american coffee is grown in hawaii

Eastern Washington here, i'm it's gonna trend up with farmers who understands the hipster.

this tbqhwyf

I worked at a couple of places in the past that sold the type of coffee I mentioned. Even worked in a coffee factory for a while. I care about the coffee I drink, just not where it comes from. Never had a cup of Kona I liked. Give me some dark Sumatra.

Wonder if they have something like that around here. I'm near Portland.

Reminder that if you aren't drinking Faygo by the gallon, you're a wannabe and can't be down with the clown..

>American coffee
May as well just take a shit in my coffee mug.

Goddamnit, I'd love to find something like that. I don't think many people are growing coffee in Missouri though.

isn't it poisoned with roundup?

>coffee is anti inflammatory and negatively linked with several types of cancer
>but I'm not going to drink it because I'm a mormon
Enjoy your esophageal cancer.

>if you drink American coffee, you support not only the patriarchy but white supremacy as well
Seriously? I'm going to exclusively buy American then.

Fuck you, it's all about that Vess.

Or a shart in your mart


Island nigs to be exacr.

Exact. This coffee got my hands jittering.

My parents got me into Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee. The only other type of coffee I'll drink is Colombian. I want to try ethopian coffee though... I hope it doesn't taste like slavery and genocide.

not drinking coffee is unamerican

Top kek. Have you ever even been there, lad? Outside the tourist areas, I mean. The place is a fucking third world country and is definitely not America.

Arabica is just a strain of the beans, doesn't indicate the region other than the idea of where coffee was first grown. Almost all coffee you drink is going to be Arabica, putting 100% ARABICA on the bag is just a marketing gimmick.

>I want to try ethopian coffee though... I hope it doesn't taste like slavery and genocide.

Well it certainly won't taste like food.

Jokes on you. I only drink heavily polluted local water.

just to clarify, the beans are more or less the same out of the plant but how it's roasted varies with these regions.

You can buy local coffee that is Sumatran, Ugandan, Colombian, so on. if you roast it as they do it over there, you can call it such.

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