What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

what the fuck is homonationalism?


>us faggots kill nationalists

Pretty sure the nationalists have a decent head start on the numbers killed there.

A gay nazi state?

They meant
>I want Ahmed to throw me off a building
and I will fight you to achieve my dream

They really want to experience the workcamps.

>Claim to be Anti-Fascist
>Employ Fascist tactics
>"It's okay when we do it because we're the good goys, I mean guys."

>implying ANTIFA isn't fascist
>implying fags would go out and fight people
>implying fags weren't the first voluntary fascists after they were lead by a humongous fag (Ernst Röhm)


They're probably referring to Milo, a nationalist homosexual.

There it is. The stupidest thing I'll read all day.

>queers against cops...
they'll be crying for the cops to save them when the mudslimes start beating them to death

Do you mean " of the same nation"?

I dunno, maybe this?

Gay nationalist here. I guess I'm a homonationalist now. While we are at why not add a new board. Instead of /hm/ we will have /hn/ where we worship white cock and Milo. We could use a gay content board that is red and not restricted to posting porn. Get this to nipmoot.

Wtf i hate leather now.


Was hoping somebody would post this


It's actually true. There was no movement more homosexual than the SS.

wow he was cute. Definitely looks gay (thin skin, stretched tight, shiny) but would husband/10.
>tfw no Nazi husband to raise surrogate white bbs with

Damn, the cartoon guy on the right is hot, I hope he becomes a National Socialist. Would fuck him because I don't have sex with men but he could spawn some glorious Aryan babies.

patriotic homosexuals

my guess is guys like Jack Donovan

>ywn never slaughter the brown hordes with your qt nationalist bf on rope day, then adopt some white children after the war.

Good stuff

Sauce? I've never been able to find out where this shit comes from

He sounds fucking retarded. You can be gay and nationalistic and patriotic without having to be some cheesy macho stereotype or a self-hating masc4masc gay. "Its fine if you are gay as long as you aren't/don't X" people are the worst. Either its ok to be gay in your eyes or it isn't.

It's mostly ironic guys.

So is Sup Forums.

Try using reverse image search

What the fuck

>these antifa faggots think they stand a chance against homonationalist fags

JS I think Milo looked WAY better with darker hair but I went through a dyeing my hair blond phase too. But then, Milo is older than me and still stuck on twinkmode.

i only ever find this shit when im on mobile where i cant. just got home and looked this shit up

holy fuck

I feel very insulted at fucking reds coopting homosexuality. Homosexuality was always for alpha males, not for fags and limp-wristed antifa junkies.

On the plus side I see actual straight guys, granted its always nu-males who I don't actually find cute, wearing short-shorts again.

Nobody appreciates masculinity more than gays and communism is such a feminine thing. Guys lets all share! Fuck off and die niggers.

Wait wut? Donovans a chutney ferret? Damn. Next theyll be saying ragnar redbeard played the pink oboe.

I'd love to know how anarchism became the bastion of political correctness. Was is hijacked by SJWs?

>tfw when you are gay
>tfw you are not beated by skinheads because you are a fag but because you are an antifa


Gaystapo !!