
Aku is a weird villain.

In one episode, he can be a light villain with a trolling sense of humor, but in the very next, he can act like some alien parasite that acts like Fear & Evil incarnate. Why is his/its personality so unpredictable Sup Forums?

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Bad and inconsistent writing.

It's not human

The episodic nature of the show means the Villain is whatever you need him to be at the moment

Its funny because he has shapeshifting powers too.

Pretty much this.

I imagine with a clear ending in mind, the final season will show Aku being far more malicious and focused. But when the show was episodic without a planned ending, Aku didn't necessarily need to be hellbent on killing Jack every episode. Just needed to provide proper motivation for the individual episode's plot.

An overwhelming sense of complacency. He doesn't need to be serious all the time because he feels he is so above mortals.

Evil has many faces, and Aku represents that with his unpredictability.

he's literally primordial evil and most of the time he's just doing shit for his own amusement with varying levels of trying to protect himself from Jack and the sword.

I haven't watched the show in about a year, but it feels weird that the same villain from the first three episodes that makes every race he encounters extinct or work slaves, is literally a parasite that corrupts or destroys matter around it. (the black forests and black tar pits), Vaporizes a random civilian for the slightest provocation with no sense of remorse, Turned the entire planet into Fallout/Mad Max, and does horrible punishments to people who try to resist him - is the same entity who can be extremely incompetent to the point its comedic, and mostly just tries to harmlessly/playfully troll Jack on episodes that are not setup-ing something important.

Most invincible, yet entertaining villain yet.

He only loses battles because the writing says so.


Because it's a children's cartoon


He isn't actually incompetent.

And he is petty, he can't KILL Jack, so he makes his life hell.

This. OP is just a retard.

one of the best evil laughs in a bit.


Not really.

I don't think Aku is inconsistent. He's always stupidly evil, like when he tricked some fish dudes into killing Jack by promising them something and he goes "lol actually I won't keep my promise, tricked you suckers!" BEFORE Jack is dead, so of course the fish dudes free Jack and Jack kicks Aku's ass. Or when he asks a scientist to make him super robots to kill Jack and then proceeds to destroy the scientist's city. Guess what happens next.

Can a villain not have more than one personality?

Aku is a demon. Demons shit over the mortal realm for FUN.

I want him to turn into a girl so I can fuck his pussy.