
Sup Forums is with her now.

youtube.com/watch?v=3JMLO07645s [Open]

We're with her because believe the world needs a defender of liberal democracy and human rights and that the US is still in an exceptional position to be that champion in the 21st century. Hillary Clinton's smart power approach to IR and her strong attitude towards protecting the post-WW2 liberal international order will make sure that America will maintain favorable diplomatic relations with traditional allies and be tough on its foes that seek to undermine US strength and leadership.

We are supportive of both intranational and international free trade and open markets, we believe in a regulated but strong financial sector that helps to stimulate growth but reigns in on the excesses of greed on Wall Street. We believe Hillary Clinton's plan to overhaul US infrastructure will create millions of good jobs for US workers and bring about the long overdue modernization of American infrastructure that will guarantee competitiveness in the 21st century. We are not mindlessly opposed to big business or globalization but instead recognize the benefits that global capitalism has brought the world in terms of generating peace and propserity for a large number of nations.

Lastly, we can not accept a Donald Trump presidency, a person who has proven himself over and over again to be a utterly ill-informed and braggadocious carnival barker with zero intellectual curiosity and no indepth understanding of history, politics and governmental policies or even the US system of government. This is a person who bases his opinions about events and policy on what he happens to see on TV, he even said he gets his ideas from "watching the shows", not policy papers from respected think tanks or consulting with expert advisors or reading books written by academics who have studied the topics they write about for years and decades. Nope, just TV. That's all he needs. Well, it's not what the world needs.

Other urls found in this thread:


My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because your post gave me cancer anyway.

Have a (you) on the house.

Hillary Clinton is unfit to be president. She has bad judgement, poor leadership skills and a very bad and destructive track record. There is nothing on earth that could persuade me to vote for Hillary Clinton.

Vile, ugly, globalist Bitch:

Pro-Black rioters
Pro-free trade
Pro-mass immigration
She is AIPAC/Israel/Saudi's bitch
She is one of the most corrupt politician in America
Democrats = NeoCons

Reminder hillary takes donations from ISIS, is dying of a blood clot, cannot stop lying, defends child molesters and laughs, is incapable of understand empathy and emotion due to brain damage, rigged the democratic elections, puppets the FBI, hates the secret service, is incapable of handling stress, and sells political favors and power to middle eastern countries and whoever is the highest bidder.

Experience... with invading Iraq in 2003
Experience... with destabilizing Libya in 2011
Experience... with arming Syrian and Iraqi terrorists that destroyed democracy in Iraq, allies of ISIS, Al-Nusra, and child-decapitating "moderate freedom fighters"
Experience... the experience she needs to invade Syria next year and Iran in her second term

Hillary Clinton: the most experienced at ruining the world and spilling blood. the most experienced at empowering terrorists across the world.

Any Americans that votes for Hillary must have some serious self-hatred or an IQ of 60.

Hillary Clinton will usher in the North American Union for her globalist masters, there will be no more United States of America if she becomes POTUS.


Never Hillary



>liberal democracy

Nah fuck off m8

Hillary Clinton - "The Israel Wall is a fantastic idea!"

Hillary Clinton - "The Trump Wall is an awful idea!"

Hillary Clinton says US need to secure borders, and illegals should be deported

Nobody gives a shit who you're for, Mohammed. Back to North Africa with you.

Donald Trump had some similar policies from the Dominican Republic, the famous one is to deport all Muslims and Mexicans. He is going to make the United States into another Dominican Republic, a racist, Apartheid country that has history of opposition, persecution, and genocide against innocent Haitians, now the Dominicans are doing it again. Trump sees it and he think he want to do a same to all Muslims and Mexicans. We need Hillary Clinton to kick Donald and his racist family to the Apartheid Dominican Republic, so she could carpet bomb the country for justice. Hillary want to help Haiti, the Dominican Republic steals the charities and blame it on the Clinton Foundation.

>all of these butt hurt drumpf fags

face it racists, we're taking this board over

Good Goy!

Merkel go home, you don't have to defend her, just because she kissed your Hintern

how likely is it drumpf fags kill themselves when Queen Hillary gets crowned?

Official queen of Sup Forums

hilloli a cute

Who is this torpedo burrito?

Who is this fap wrap?

They pay you too much, the proxy is worth more than you

Epic meme

Not an argument. Sage

lol you guys always have awesome arguments