Can we settle this once and for all Sup Forums?

can we settle this once and for all Sup Forums?




ITT: how do you discern

you can divide anything up as much as you want. truth is we're all 99% genetically the same. so arguing over a fraction of a percent is silly. we can all breed with eachother, we're all the same. we're all just humans. shitty people exist in every group.


Kill yourself racemixer.

>reading comprehension

We share about 70% of our DNA with worms and about 50% of our DNA with bananas.

Aboriginals are very distinct from Africans
Slavs, Arabs, Turkic peoples are distinct from western Europeans
Indians etc.

Don't you dare group all that filth with Europeans

Abbos, mongolians, arabs, egyptians.

I am 50 % percent pure white and 50 % percent pure black ( true african not descendant of a slave of this kind of bullshit )

What i am ?


What race are native americans?

There are at least in Asia alone

what is most dominant


*at least three

arabs are far closer genetically to caucasians than they are to chinese people so are arabs caucasian or asian?

They dont have the same facial structure,skin color or eyes.How are they asian?

Typically French.

Australian Aborigines are a different thing entirely. You could almost classify them as a different species of human being. They were one of the earliest separated groups of humans, and became genetically isolated in Australia from the rest of the human race. Humanity evolved without them.
They are genetically what the people of Papua New Guinea are culturally. The Tasmanian Aborigines did not even know how to make fire before the Europeans arrived.

The Aboriginals are like alligators. There genes are ancient, much more ancient than you or I. Fascinating, really.

humans are 95% similar to chimps and orangutans
or black according to politically correct America
inbred desert gypsies

They have the same skull shape and bone structure, though. That's all that really matters when determining the different races.

My dad is the white one. My mind is more white than black but i love black peoples more and africans values more ( i'm talking about respectful africans, not filthy niggers )

what about your phenotype

Arabs are caucasian, and so are poo in loo.

Looks like him.

you're african

how do you say you have a white mind but you have more african values

All animals on earth are about 95% similar to each other, thank animal cells.

Let's say i'm more of a conservative in comparison of standart westerns values and i recognise myself in african ones.

At the same time, i receive a white education.

Fucking nigger

What is with Snow Niggers?

Take a cue from the Spanish Happsburgs, mixing is bad. Keep the bloodline pure.