Smoke K2 spice and become a degenerate.
K2 Spice
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i smoked this shit for two years when i was on parole
glad i quit while it was jwh series going around
He means overstayed visas who no longer belong in California, or the country for that matter.
My mom smoked it when it came out. It fucked her mind permanently, sadly.
I smoked K2 a lot in highschool
it was fun at first but it got so damn strong. I quit a few years before my friends. One of them ended up having a stroke while we were fishing because of the shit. don,t do it.
wtf they have people just living on the street in their own filth. Fix your society liberal wieners.
They put zyklon b inside the K2.
Its been around a lot in my area for like 5 years. Back In high school some of my druggie friends started doing it, I was fine with just weed. I read up on it and its basically just random herbs with not effect at all sprayed down and treated with random chemicals. It causes lesions and holes in your fucking brain. This chick I knew was really smart, in all the AP classes, did spice for about three months, and had to drop out of high school because she became mentally retarded. She couldnt even speak whole sentences anymore.
People are fucking stupid with what they do to their body without any research whatsoever.
>on parole
you need to leave
>mfw it's being given to then homeless by a governmental body in order to study the affects of chemicals that it's laced with
Could explain the differing OD behavior
this one girl got braindamage and blind + paralyzed from smoking this shit
i think people have actually died too
>if its so bad why does it costs so less?
jesus I spit out my cranberry juice when he said that
Reminder that this was invented by American academics. It is a homegrown crisis and now the Chinese manufacture it because they don't give a fuck. Its a full agonist at CB1 whereas THC is a partial agonist so it causes full psychosis.
why is that guy's head blacker than the rest of his body?
>"It's hurting people!"
>They're all trash-tier minorities
Remind me again why we're not injecting this into their communities like the gov't. supposedly did with coke in the 50's?
I mean, shit, for $1 a bag you could help fight back against the hordes.
holy fuck its paul giamati in black face, the news is rigged
Spice side-effect.
>If it's so bad, why's it cost so less?
>They only want a dolla for it
Father works in the medical field. According to him, there is a psych place filled with people who smoked themselves literally insane on spice. Please, avoid it.
Spice must flow!
Because you all ready do. It never stopped.
I gave some spice to my dad because he was aching hard and all of my dealers weren't picking up. He hit me before, but he never hit me that hard. I had to call the cops on him. I've smoked this shit for about a month straight and I don't really have any side effects, it just feels like the inside of my head is clicking sometimes and it's irritating. When my mom brings her biker friends over I'm glad they do old school drugs like blow or ice because I do not want to be around people on spice again. I actually came back from surgery today, my dad through a chair at me and it literally cut open a gash on my arm pit. Doc said I wont be able to put on deodorant under that arm for about a year.
What is the active chemical currently?
Yes they have. Here in sweden it's like 10 cases directly related to spice. I used to smoke the stuff alot and it's really addictive.
Jesus Christ, get your shit together Canada. Do you want to be on the very bottom rung of society for your entire life ?
It's degenerate thing for junkies.
The only time I thought I was gonna die I was smoking K2. Half a hit does the trick.
Even 420chan looks down on this garbage.
Holy fuck dude. You'd think that'd be a perfect reason to not smoke spice.
Gotta keep up that family tradition, aye?
I tries it once expecting it to be like weed but it was insane, I ended up standing at a sink just drinking water for hours while the world was spinning, feeling like I could die at any second
My heart was beating so fast I thought I was going to have a heart attack
Let me guess. Winnipeg?
Probably because his head is exposed to the sun.
You and your family sound like the biggest pieces of shit and a disgrace to the human race. Please go gutterstomp yourself
>not being falsely imprisoned
must be nice not being oppressed by your racist govt
The insane thing is how little you need to smoke for it to completely fuck you up
this is a big problem in poland.
>trying spice
>as a self-respecting white man
Seriously before you do ANY drug, at least do some research into it beforehand. DO NOT "oh thisll get me turnt and fucked up". It will fuck you up. For life.
>Doc said I wont be able to put on deodorant under that arm for about a year.
I smoked this this when i was in tennessee a couple of years ago.
I thought i was going to fucking die.
My vision went orange and i found myself walking in circles around the livingrooms. Never again. Fuck spice
My dumbass brother got dropped off by his friends after he had smoked some K2 and had a freakout. I had smoked some weed myself not too long before, but when he came home freaking out and babbling like an insane person I called an ambulance and had him carted off. My parents were pissed, and in retrospect I probably overreacted, but I didn't want to take any chances. Told his friends to stay the fuck away from my house, and that next time I see them that I'd hammer them in the nutbag.
That's nothing!
Guy smoked spice then ate his 3-month old daughter's heart. Don't worry, her body is mostly censored ;-)
Used to smoke this in HS (6 years ago) so we didn't fail drug tests. I don't ever remember it being this fucked up. Never really liked it since it always gave me bad headaches.
I swore off any drugs the day I tried that shit, and I wouldn't say you overreacted, I was barely able to keep myself together, I ended up sleeping it off but even when I woke up 8 hours later I was still high, that was half a hit, if you tried smoking it like weed I can't imagine the side effects
America is such a shithole top lel
Isn't that synthetic cannabinoids?
I'd rather do fucking cocaine to be honest
>jwh series
yeah they should have never banned that shit, that was the ok stuff
can you buy it online?
Smoked spice twice. The first time, whatever. I was an idiot to try it again.
It's like all the concentrated negative sides of weed amplified. If you're smoking this shit, you have a lot of problems you need to work out. But you're smoking spice, so good luck with that. At least weed doesn't absolutely fucking ruin you.
There's seriously people out there who think LSD is more fucked up than spice.
You're saying that like cocaine is le scary boogieman drug. Almost everyone I know does it, and we all have jobs.
That's interesting.
So it's like heroin vs. buprenorphine
Yeah, I realized it was a bad example.
Let me rephrase; I'd rather do meth
its like a strong chemicalized version of being stoned, people smoke way too fucking much and then wonder why they are mega fucked up.
>It causes lesions and holes in your fucking brain.
Hating on loli lovers, dude you're on Sup Forums.
so its like when you smoke weed and you mong out for a while and everything slows down?
no shit sherlock that stuff is a fucking strong chemical version of weed.
fuck the psychoactive substances bill banning this shit.
Well, the THJ series is god tier
Just saying...
the first few synthetic canibinoids were fine but then the government stepped in and now they are all shit
Naw, the negative effects being strong diminishment of mental clarity, heart racing, panic attacks, paranoia, all that shit.
I don't remember exactly what it's like, but it's just a terrible drug in general. The high is shit.
>User was banned for this post
User was banned by: Synthetic
Reason: Smoke and snort random chemicals, plug nutmeg, smoke microbe odor strips, huff poppers, take unknown partypills,
420chan is just a better Sup Forums desu.
Smoked it a few times when they first came out. (JWH-018, the original compund was still legal) and it did not even get me high at all. Shit sucks so much compared to normal weed
Used to smoke Spice Gold back in the day, 60% of the time I had panjx attacks and some kind seizure where it felt like I couldn't breathe, then the high kicked in which was never as good as weed.
its because they make it illegal so the people making it change the chemicals over and over again. as fucked up as the shit we smoked was(i used to do it also years ago) the shit now is even worse.
Some of it probably is not even the intended compund, who knows what's in the random plant material, alot of the shit is not even designed to be smoked, but to be used as vaporizer air freshner or some shit like that, there is no legal standard for quality control that they have to follow that you would expect for something that is being smoked.
I smoked this shit called time traveler a few years ago while helping my friend move.
I bugged the fuck out and my legs and arms started to go numb. I had to drive the moving truck and I couldn't see shit for some reason. I took off a car's side mirror and kept driving. I really thought I was going to die.
i know a shithead who got in trouble with police due to his own shithead attitude and decided since he couldn't smoke pot for 2 years he decided to smoke spice instead.
he was already dumber than rocks, so i dont think it made him even more dumber than the Nos he was already inhaling.
best part was i met him thru this jewish chick who seemed tight but then started dating him and so because he was on probation for 2 years, she'd come over to my house to hangout and she try to get me to smoke spice because he convinced her to smoke spice because he couldn't smoke weed MEANWHILE i just got off probation for the last year and started smoking weed again and oh man best feeling of my life was laughing at those two idiots.
y'all niggas need to stop ignoring my horrific Russian crimes
nose tip is not dark
i'm not watching that senpai
the point of this post is.
>>smoking K2 spice is degeneracy.
if the world slows down 5x on a spliff of skunk, 2x on a spliff of weed, is spice like slowing it down 15-20x?
once read a drug advisory thing that you should use a match heads worth in a spliff? is this correct?
Fucking sad man...kind of fucked up my day
This shit made me gay, not joking. I smoked a joint of spice, then watched an erotic hypnosis video loaded with cocksucking suggestion because, I like to play with fire.
The videos which try to hypnotize you into being gay by showing how fun it is to have your cock sucked by a girl are decent to watch before you get your cock sucked by a girl.
What's it about?
>kind of fucked up my day
Let me guess, you're either a woman or were raised by a single mom? Men don't let their "day get fucked up". I only heard that from women.
some shitty faked video where they pretend some retard ate a baby but really its just a guy with strawberry jelly on his face.
this unfunny faggot keeps posting it.
kill yourself, seriously. please. and take out your trailer park with you.
Not even sure they know. This is there main excuse why they can't criminalize it is because the chemical make up is always changing, we know they just mean different doses of the same shit.
>Implying I live in a trailer park
when my parents die I get to own the land I fucking live on. I'm going to own land near the biggest oil fields in North America, and where will you be? Poor and judging others on Sup Forums.
>banking on inheritance
Keep at least one egg out of that basket you silly sod.
You'd sell that land and the oil under it for a crack rock, leaf nigger.
The ones that pull a switcheroo are good. Like videos where you watch porn clips of girls getting fucked and sucking cock. Then, gradually the focus is changed on the man's cock.
Hypnosis is a top tier fetish.
fucking homeless beaner scum, we should just leave them to die
I totally lost my shit too. They way he says it,plus his logic to boot.
I really hope this is a joke.really.
Seriously. Last time I smoked it I thought of suicide and thought I was going insane. Also you can smoke more and just keep getting higher. Glad I saw through it and just dropped it right then. Had a friend fuck up his whole life on the shit in uni.
Fuck that shit. I smoked it once and completely spaced out of my head like an out of body experience. I seriously saw myself from an hundred feet away. Felt like an hour but was only 10 minutes.
I get how homeless people desperate for a cheap high go for this, but why do normal people? Sure, the early varieties were not as bad as most now are, but people have known how shitty spice is for years and there are still those who choose to try it. It's petrol-huffing-tier retarded.
Since the stuff that actually worked is banned now does anyone know of an alternative
Sup, howie Benatovich?
Weed, dude. Lmao.
Shame they attached melange to such a shitty drug.
>but why do normal people?
"it's legal" and "if they sell it in nice packaging how bad can it be"
but yeah, it's fucking stupid.
GTFO nigger
You're right about one thing maple nigger, I was raised by a single mother. But I have a baby of my own the same age as the one that got eaten, so I can't help but to feel sad for it.