"b-but islam is violent!!"

>"b-but islam is violent!!"
>"b-but islam is religion of terrorism!"
>"hahaha religion of peace amirite guys!"


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Y'know, because it's not like you could just add the words 'not' or 'don't' to completely debunk this

Where does Islam mention cousin marriages in their book, because they sure do love breeding with their family members.

"Oh fuck, a christian extremist! Run for your lives!" - Said no one ever.

Isn't the bible significantly longer than the Koran


One is epic stories of hardships perpetrated upon God's chosen and cautionary tales. The other is fanfiction written in a cave by a pedophile. 8/12 bait, roach.

What are catholics

Although catholics don't follow the bible so it's a moot point


wtf I love islam now

most of the ultraviolent stuff in islam is in the hadith/sira and not the quran anyway.

Ewww turkroach post.

Isn't the quran alot smaller than teh Bible?

>following any religion

Take out the Jewish part and I'm sure the Bible is a lot less hate filled

Christianity has been reformed and Islam is still a bronze age religion. I don't see many Christians killing for their religion, last time that happed was an abortion clinic attack and that was decades ago. The last time someone killed for Islam was most likely a few minutes ago. It could have been a beheading, throwing a gay off a roof or someone being stoned.

Lets compare the life of and teachings of the prophets of each

Muhammad was a literal pedophile and warlord
Jesus was just some carpenter kike who never killed anyone

Crawl back in your hole, roach.

New Testament bro.

Warlord vs homeless hippy.

Welp, You gotta tell this to You goatfucking brothers At Isis, boko haram and what ever the fuck else they call themselfes. Go ahead. Tell them. Post results, pls. Fggt!

How many times do you found the word "love" in Qur'an, sucker ? NONE. And all this horrible words are in the Jewish part, not in the christian one. You are able to say judaism was a religion of terrorism, but they are too weak yet. Tell me how many "hard words" you find in the New Testimony.

This. It's not the text that's a problem, it's the people who believe every single word of it is law and refuse to adapt to the times.
Christianity has been reformed and people offer interpretation of what the Bible says. They also ignore parts that are dated or contradict the laws of a civilized society. Muslims see the Koran as the word of God. It cannot be changed or altered, and if you try, your head will continue its existence separate from your body.
This is why there's a massive difference between American Muslims and Arab Muslims. The first sees Islam as their faith and personal moral code, the second sees it as their law and the only acceptable lifestyle.

wtf I love honor killings, child brides and murdering apostates now

>what is context?

>It's a Muslims proving themselves to be a bunch of ignorant cultists who worship a pedophile 5 times a day episode

didnt you literally just get suicide bombed like 2 days ago by muslims?

>54 killed
>half were children

sounds like the work of islam if you ask me

>having a say in anything actually Christian
Inb4 muh sola scripture

Bible is far bigger than quran


>Founded by a carpenter who said "look guys, be nice to each other"

>Founded by a warlord who said "go into their homes and sow terror upon their hearts"

only the hippie jew stories or also the jewish genocide adventures?

And also control for the fact that the Old Testament is Judaism and Christianity is the New Testament.

Old Testament: King X killed the Y
Islam: Kill the Y

>lumping reward in with hope and mercy
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck this shit.

Sure thing, you pig fucking cockroach.

I hope that faggot Mohammad gives you AIDS.

Guess it was a Christian driving the truck in Nice. And flying the planes into the WTC. And shooting up Charlie Hebdo. And Bataclan. And Pulse Nightclub. And in San Bernardino too. And at Beslan. And at the Dubrovka Theatre. And it was Christians who chopped off Lee Rigby's head and it's Christians who are beheading people in Syria.

Fucking Christians.

>Christians fighting other Christians
put your doctrinal differences aside, faggots. We're all brothers here

Bible has about 783,000 words, Quran about 77,000. Bible has 10.2 times more words.

Sven may be my moms son, but he's no brother of mine

seriously guys how the fuck are we going to get rid of these turkroaches?

>And Pulse Nightclub

Excuse me? It was clearly our repressive anti-gay Christian culture that pressured this repressed gay man into shooting up that night club.

Assault weapons should be banned.

>Verses in the Quran: ~6 200-6 600
>Verses in the Bible:
>Old Testament: ~23 000
>New testament: ~8 000

Really made me ponder.
Get fucked with this retarded shit. This is not even worthy of being called bait.

Don't worry. Erdogan will declare the Internet haram soon

they're starting to think shut it down

The bibles ten times longer roach shitty b8/ 10

Uh, both of these books were never written in english, only translated; the words were up to the translators, and everyone knows about the serious amount of money going into peacewashing muslims, so it's no wonder they'd dumb it down for the westerners. No real muslim reads the Cockran in english.

You got us there mehmet. So how many bombs did the good people of isis inrich you with this week so far?

islam the only truth

Let me guess: You counted the old testament and the new one together and the dune coon paper roll seperate.

Christianity doesn't ever leave it opened ended on going out to kill people who dont agree with you or say you should be killed if you leave the religion. Or tell you to take up sex slaves

"thou shall not kill."

OMG the word Kill is in the Bible! Violence! STFU.

While I do think you have a point about when people make statements about which religion has more origins of violence it is best to actually see these kinds of discussions as distractions from what is actually driving violence in the modern day, what people see in the news may not be a good indicator of forces that drive this perhaps just a symptom which will not give you the full picture. It is possible that on both sides you have what people call islamic extremism but it could actually be driven by money from a christian or you could have what people call christian violence or right wing violence and this may have been initiated or planned with money or instruction by someone who is atheist or simply criminal in nature.

Like if were to look at say that fifties people did not talk about islam in such terms even if they disagreed on religious grounds and it may actually be a far more modern phenomenon of political figures using things like arms deals and what people describe as terrorism can often be gangs like when people talk about protection rackets and far less of the time divided along lines of faith but can be a cover for often people looking for self-enrichment to use intimidation by saying a person did something to offend a group when even the people in the group were just following orders. Sometimes it is less interesting and much more depressing and about individuals rather than along sectarian lines and even media outlets and politicians who appear to be neutral or enemies of these things can be using these simplified explanations to cover their own interests with what is happening.

No it is not, but you are fucking rare.

Never mind about words printed on a piece of paper.

270 million people have been killed in the name of Islam. 270 MILLION. In JIHAD specifically.

In 1400 years that averages at 197,857 people A YEAR.

the number is probably even higher when we consider the 120 million slaves that were taken from Africa. They were then CASTRATED and many of them died as a result. That's why we don't see their descendants in Islamic countries, and consequently no one even talks about the Islamic slave trade.




Get fucked roach, why don't you try a little experiment : tell everyone you are leaving Islam. Then you'll see how violent Islam is.


literally crawl back under the fridge roach

or someone getting stoned for being stoned

or a woman getting raped for being raped

can Islam even into modernity?

Who's chopping off heads? Who's immigrating to Muslim countries? Who's causing shit in western countries?
Go fuck yourself.


nice flag

(1) let young boys watch him clean his private parts (Bukhari 1:4:152)?
(2) sucked the tongue of a boy (Musnad Ahmad 16245)?
(3) dressed up in little girl's clothes and women's clothes (Bukhari 2442)?
(4) slept with or had sex with a dead female body in a coffin or grave (Kanz al Ummal 34424)?
(5) was a pedophile (Bukhari: 5:58:234,236; 7:62:64,65,88)?
(6) said to consume house flies (Bukhari: Vol. 4, Bk. 54, No. 537)?
(7) commanded to drink camel urine (Bukhari: Vol. 8, Bk. 82, No. 79)?
(8) admitted to having a devil (Muslim: Ch.14, Bk. 39, No. 6759)?
(9) confessed to being demon possessed (Ishaq: 106)?
(10) told false revelations (Tabari VI: 107, 110; Ishaq: 166)?
(11) encouraged adherents to lie and break oaths (Ishaq:365; Tabari VII: 94; cf. Ishaq: 519; Bukhari: Vol. 7, Bk. 67, No. 427)?
(12) sex with animals (Abu Dawud 38:4450)?

God hates this dirty religion.

A big part. The bible is part history book, part song book, part law book, and part philosophy treatise. Finding bunch of records of people killing (or people having visions of people being killed), particularly against God's will, is nothing but expected of the bible, specially since it contains like 10 times more material.