BOMBSHELL!!!Hillary Directed Her State Dept Staff to Research Parkinson’s Drug!

Hillary Clinton reached out to the NFL Commissioner in 2012 to ask for advice about dealing with her “cracked head” and head injuries.

But the details are even worse than that. It has been confirmed that the State Department staff, under Hillary Clinton, was told to research new drugs to treat Parkinson’s disease.

Just why would a government employee at Hillary’s State Department be researching this topic?
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Here is the leak so you can read it for yourself


bump 2

All of her supposed "medical issues" might be an elaborate psyops to distract people who don't wish for WWIII (the logical course if ever she's elected) from digging deep into her leaks and meme'ing the shit out of them.

People who haven't yet chosen a president to vote for, won't be moved by pissbags or supposed consequences of a stroke

It makes Trump supporters look stupid and vicious moreover

What do you think is worse, her corrupt and well-embedded network of psychopaths and small or large scale murderers, or that she might be incontinent?





Tjis was a direct leak though. they didn't want anyone to know about this shit. And it's not going to be Trump who says it, but us with our memes. This is just more ammo in the armory

It's nothing. This conspiracy will wither like the rest so you may as well make up a better one.

Sure thing shill.

high lel fuck that bitch

Bump for confirmed mentallyhill

No one wants to be led by someone who's old and dying, thats just a fact of reality. Why do you think the shills are shilling so hard about this and trying to make it out to be a "conspiracy" that a really old person might be sick

> why is no one picking on the back facials

Sorry but any threat about Hillary is going to end up about her undocumented criminal record

Bitch will stroke out within 3 months, you can count on it


We can use both. The psycho murderer stuff is too tinfoil for some people, but the thought of a president with degenerative faculties may get them. Plus president pissbag is hillarious.

This is Donald Trump's statement of health from his 'doctor'. Notice anything odd?
>'doctor' is a gastroenterologist rather than a GP or internist
>no mention of condition trump is seeing a gastroenterologist for
>"To Whom My Concern"
>"medical examination showed only positive results". 'Doctor' is seemingly unaware that positive results in medical tests indicate medical problems
>claims Trump has lost weight when he's actually gotten fat as fuck
>fat 70 year old would somehow be "healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency". No mention of what other presidents 'doctor' has done exams for.
>"test results were astonishingly excellent", "physical strength and stamina are extraordinary". Come on, Trump, you're trying to be subtle that you're faking this
>Bonus oddity: Trump got his own 'doctor's' name wrong in the announcement for this letter.
>Double bonus: 'doctor's' 'website' is actually a malware installer page

Why is Trump forging a doctor's letter, and when will he release his real medical records?

Shill detected

What, all of us? Who you talking at bro?

Bump for interest while I read these articles

If she actually has parkinsons this will be entertaining to watch unfold

Oh shit, looks like she's in a bit of a pickle :^)

History of Hillary’s Health:

In 2009, HRC fell and broke her elbow. Little else was made public.[i]
On December 17, 2012, while Secretary of State, HRC fell and suffered a concussion.[ii]Later, a transverse sinus thrombosis was diagnosed, resulting in chronic anticoagulation therapy. [iii] Her post-concussion syndrome was declared “recovered” in about six months.[iv] The original fall was publicly attributed to dehydration following gastroenteritis.
An email from Huma Abedin (HRC’s closest advisor) on January 26, 2013, says that HRC “is often confused.”[v]
Photos show being assisted up what appears to be the steps of a residential porch. This apparently happened in February of 2016. On August 4, 2016, Reuters and Getty published the photos.[vi]
At a rally on May 2, 2016, HRC demonstrates classic PD hand posturing.[vii] She has no lectern in front, so she starts with her right hand pressed against her chest. At the 18:02 mark, she starts gesturing with her right hand, which is in a very unnatural position that is common in PD.
On July 21, 2016 HRC was filmed talking to reporters at close range when several spoke at once. Without warning, she started a bizarre head-bobbing episode that must be seen rather than described. After several cycles, she regained control and declared that the reporters “must try the iced chai.”[viii]

On July 28, 2016, during the balloon drop, HRC suddenly looks up with a frozen wide-mouth and wide-eyed stare. After a couple of seconds she regains control and a more normal expression.[ix]
On August 5, HRC declared that she had “short circuited”[x] a response to Chris Wallace in an interview that aired July 31 on Fox News Sunday.[xi]
August 6, 2016, at a campaign rally, HRC freezes with wide eyes in response to protestors. A large black male who commonly accompanies her leans in and tells her “It’s OK. We’re not going anywhere. Keep talking…” Shortly after, she laughs strangely and then says “OK. Here we are. We’ll keep talking.”[xii]
Several recent photos show HRC with an inappropriately exaggerated wide-mouthed smile and extreme wide-open eyes. Several videos show her laughing inappropriately and for extended periods. Numerous events have been interrupted by prolonged episodes of coughing unrelated to any infectious cause.
This discussion will not argue that the black male is carrying a diazepam injector, since there is a plausible argument that it is actually a small flashlight, and is seen in other video to be such. We will also not discuss the circular area on her tongue. It appears to be the site of a mass excision. Benign explanations that do not bear on chronic health issues may easily be proffered.

I seriously think Hills gonna die soon. CTR shills btfo by the almighty

Oh ben, you so laff

Here's Martin Shkreli's take

Cartoon bump


This shit is the best they pay you to promote?


Now lets talk about the visible observable symptoms of Hillary Clinton.

Nootropics can treat Parkinson's and we know she has been recommended the drug Provigil, which is a Nootropic.

Tremor we should be watching for her to have tremors and bad balance, as well as muscle freezes.

stages of the disease.

Stage one: During this initial phase of the disease, a person usually experiences mild symptoms, such as tremors or shaking in a limb. During this stage, friends and family can usually detect changes caused by Parkinson's, such as poor posture, loss of balance, and abnormal facial expressions.

Stage two: In the second stage of Parkinson's disease, the person's symptoms are bilateral, affecting both limbs and both sides of the body. The person usually encounters problems walking or maintaining balance, and the inability to complete normal physical tasks becomes more apparent.

Stage three: Stage three symptoms of Parkinson's disease can be rather severe and include the inability to walk straight or to stand. There is a noticeable slowing of physical movements in stage three.

Stage four: This stage of the disease is accompanied by severe symptoms of Parkinson's. Walking may still occur, but it is often limited, and rigidity and bradykinesia -- a slowing of movement -- are often visible. During this stage, most patients are unable to complete day-to-day tasks, and usually cannot live on their own. The tremors or shakiness of the earlier stages of the disease, however, may lessen or become non-existent for unknown reasons during this time.

Stage five: In the last or final stage of Parkinson's disease, the person is usually unable to take care of himself or herself and may not be able to stand or walk. A person at stage five usually requires constant one-on-one nursing care.

Found this article from 2009 - while she was head of the State Department.

Maybe her cracked skull thing is actually when the implanted this thing in her head.

Here's something a little more humorous:

Molochs coming for you bitch



We'll just make another, if worse comes to worse


So much fucking shit has fucking piled up against this sick bitch, sick in the mind, body, and spirit, and yet this possessed demonic bitch still fucking continues, as if she serves some fucking noble cause, what a fucking abhorable despicable fucking bitch. Why anyone votes for her in the first fucking place show how fucking stupid and Wicked America has fucking become.

You shills are getting desperate

I know the feeling bro

I honestly don't think you see the irony. Or you do and you just don't care

More Hillary health info. I'd say the evidence was overwhelming at this point.

That's completely normal you idiots.

if you knew what the Clinton Foundation does to help the human kind you would have known they regularly promote and commit research on various kind of diseases.

I'm a clever boy

Provigil is basically a brainboosting agent, known for a while. A lot of people use it, but it's sad that hillary has to use it to bring her brain power to normie level.


So you're trolling?

There's so many levels of intellect on this site. There's the base level of sub100 IQ trump shills that will believe anything someone posts of its against Clinton. There's Clinton supporters pretending to be trump shills and vice versa. It's just too much at this point

lol hiv/aids yeah 100% totally got that from genetics

And she'll just continue to deteriorate. Can't let the kooky cunt win

I'll take Trump over Clinton, but then again I'd take a half rotten weasel over Clinton.

As for the gif, I'm aware that there are a lot of shills here, but as a community we take it to far and assume everyone who disagrees is a shill.

Pretty much any doctor can take vitals, do a general physical, and order some blood work.

the polls say she will win no matter what no matter what yet the polls said the dems would win in pic related

Meh I take provigil for narcolepsy. What's the big deal. Also the "stroke" she had may very well have been catatonia. I get them from time to time.

(Not supporting Clinton here)

>those 3 things are enough to determine that someone is the "healthiest" person to ever run for president
>at 70 years old and obese

Can trump shills even pretend to be objective?

Yeah, I think Clinton will lose by a fair margine, but we'll only know for sure when the debates come around. If Trump curb stomps her (and I think thats quite likely), Then there is no way he can lose.

>Why would she make them research it
Because Bill has parkinsons, that nigger is twitchy as fuck these days.

Well you see, It doesn't even matter if it's true or not (and I think that it is). It's mostly so we can build up ammo for our meme warfare and make Hillary even more undesirable to the public.

I take it because sometimes I don't sleep that well and still need to function the next day. It's illegal and unwise, but I do it anyways! :)


I thought the problem was neurological, not bladder related. Stay on message you Russian shill.

All hail president pissbags!

Жиp Aмepикaнcкий Prick вы бyдeтe вcтaть нa кoлeни пepeд Пyтиным

anyone have sympathy for shillary?

she is on death's door knowing she will spend the rest of eternity in hell

she has lots of health issues. the message is #sickhillary.

No, she is as terrible a human being as they come. She deserves what shes getting and so much more

>notice that tongue
also, hillary had to take a private jet flight 20 miles, because the drive was too risky

this is her getting off the plane... a heavy coat. y?

She is finally reaping what she has sown.

could be a defibrillator

Gotta look slim for them dip shit millenials

I wouldn't wish death on anyone but I just don't want Hillary as president

Gotta look slim for them dip shit millennials. shallow minded fools

Well im done. gonna get a burger

Here is a nice compilation of many(and there are a lot) of the things that surround #SickHillary's health.
>Needs help up stairs
>gets confused in the middle of sentences
>Her medical aide that follows her everywhere
>other weird behavior


He called it damn


since when does the state department research drugs


>Also the "stroke" she had may very well have been catatonia

But it was not. Confirmed for having a blood clot.

user, the contributions of the Clinton Foundation is work they do BY THEMSELVES, like giving people in need a better market access and sending medical workers to the field.

Of course they don't send alot of money to other charities, it's because they do the actions by themselves.

Also you don't even look at the audit which include the sub-sections of the Clinton Foundation, you look only at one part of it in your picture.

Charity inspectors confirmed 88% goes to their charity programs:

Dr. Rhonda Patrick talks about Modafinil at 26 minutes in. Not good... not good.

What about the Children and people of Haiti?

Your lying and shilling can't silence them, and theres videos of them talking about all the resources they lost after the "Clinton's Charity".

user, you've been a bad lying shill.

PDF pg 34, seeing a lot of salaries. Pg 54 that huge jump in the endowment is interesting.

The whole story with Haiti was a fluke with the clinton foundation not giving them help in time, but that's a fluke in an history of very good things.

Also, they redeemed themselves already by dedicating 30 million dollars to Haiti in 2015.

And no user, i don't lie, i tell the actual facts about one of the most impactful charity foundations in the entire planet

Also the very last page

>30 million dollars to Haiti in 2015.
The Clinton family’s charitable work in Haiti has been a mix of success, disappointment and controversy. As our Washington Post colleagues reported, some Clinton-backed projects didn’t come through, such as a $2 million housing expo for thousands of new housing units. The Government Accountability Office found poor planning and unsustainable outcomes for taxpayer-funded projects through USAID, such as a $170 million power plant and port for the Caracol Industrial Park, which the Clinton Foundation promoted.

Hillary Clinton’s younger brother had connections to a mining project in Haiti, raising suspicions among Haitians about the Clintons’ motives. Luxury hotel projects paid by the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund promised construction jobs — but for Haitians, it represented another disconnect between Clinton-backed efforts and the realities of one of the poorest countries struggling to rebuild after one of the worst humanitarian disasters in the Western Hemisphere.

There’s real frustration among Haitians over failures in progress promised to them, not just by the Clintons but from the international community at large. In 2015, Haitian activists protested outside the Clinton Foundation in New York, claiming the Clintons mismanaged hundreds of millions in taxpayer money through the Interim Haiti Reconstruction Commission.

Why do you dumbfucks keep saying parkinsons when it's multiple sclerosis? It's even in the document.

Jesus Christ..

Modafinil is a pretty weak stimulant. It's prescribed commonly because it has little to no abuse potential, unlike amphetamines.

Modafinil prescriptions are easy to get and it's not a very powerful drug.

If Hillary is taking modafinil to treat tiredness I'd be very surprised if she was on that alone. I'd wager she's on at least one other stimulant, a stronger one, and a benzodiazepine so she can sleep at night (stimulants + benzos are a very common combination. The stimulants prevent them from sleep so they need a narcotic like the benzos to bring them down enough to sleep).
Benzos are also used to prevent seizures. I'd be curious to know what she's actually taking and in what doses.

This is such a stupid thing to be pushing. It's really scraping the bottom of the barrel. Trump supporters look desperate as hell. In reality no one other than Fox news and Trump voters care about this at all.

Democrats and their affiliated stations don't bad mouth their candidate? Shocking revelation there.

Shill are scared.

Even if that was true, this is a state department staffer and using federal resources for the benefit of an outside entity without an appropriation is a crime.

> President Clinton will squader the greater part of US GDP building a device to extend life by literally sucking it from the marrow of the young
I want off this ride

Why are you picking on poor hilloli? Don't be an ableist bigot, it's the current year aftera all :~(

It's a non-issue. It's an invented controversy because the right can't come up with real arguments. This is a prime example of how the right operates based on feelings rather than fact.

>This is a prime example of how the right operates based on feelings rather than fact.
You're confusing the republicans with the democrats. Kind of like how the democrats think Donald Trump can't be a president because he says things that hurt peoples feelings.
I agree though in the sense that there is actually tons of much more important shit that can remove Hillary from the campaign, such as her increasingly long list of scandals and controversies.

There is no confusion. The rights opposition to things like climate change, welfare, abortion, education etc. are based on feelings and a hatred of intellectualism.

So monies go to charities which are part of the Clinton Foundation -- where can we see how those monies are spent on charitable works?

>During this stage, friends and family can usually detect changes caused by Parkinson's, such as poor posture, loss of balance, and abnormal facial expressions.

abnormal facial expressions

>abnormal faces related

wew lad
