I just found out Russia actually has more murders than the United States

I just found out Russia actually has more murders than the United States.

What gives? There aren't even any blacks in that country.

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There are a lot of russians though.

Russia is bigger

It's just Putin getting rid of any opponents.

Have you ever seen Russian videos on jewtube?

It's a fucking miracle there are still any Russians left.

google says there are more than twice as many americans.

this is interesting. russia has like 3 times the amount of violent crime as we do, but they have way less rapes and drug crime

we don't make drugs part of our culture by glorifiyng or normalising it. War on drugs works.
And the rapists have the tough time in prisons.

whats with all the murders though
do russians do a lot of revenge killings?

No man no problem.
And there in Russia are so many problems.

not sure if statistics are right.
>homicide rate at approximately 11.2 deaths per 100 thousand individuals in the country.

well, violence at homes is very high as i see the news everyday. But in my city never saw a corpse of a man killed man. Saw only dead relatives and people from the hospital.

Russians are just more efficient

>War on Drugs works
>country of people who inject flesh eating drugs and drink Vodka from the bottle

I wonder if the violence is more in rural or urban places

"Russian is like black but wrong skin"
-Japan user, 2012

if that was really true they would have more rape and drug crime
still, they do seem savage.

>Russian life
>without meaning and mercy

It's a hard fought war, especially considering the US is actively supporting the creation of heroin in Afghanistan and the trade of it across the border through central Asia and into Russia. It's not enough for the CIA to prop up Mexican drug lords and flood their own nation with cocaine, they have to flood ours with this shit as well.

niggers aren't smart enough to capitalize on their violence

Eh, I don't know too much about covert CIA operations for obvious reasons but I wouldn't put it past them filling your country up with drugs.

Still though, you guys are FUCKED even without the drugs.

>Not niggers

Pick one

krokodil meme is outdated. Find any flesh source of these news - you can't.

Russia's been a shit hole since Dostoevsky wrote about it being a shit hole. Russian culture is kind of shitty honestly, not a very productive society after the USSR fell.

I don't know what you were expecting.

Well more densely populated areas tend to be more violent and crime filled right? I'd bet it would be the same for murder too.

We dont value life as much as you do

Nope russians are niggers

yeah, but there are russians

> youtube.com/v/yVf9HxAmwYo

t. shart in mart

Part of Russia is a 3rd world shit show. Russia forbids anybody that isn't Russia to go into those places.

1. Slags are untermenschen
2. Muslims in russia

tneckbeard with russian flag hanging in his mom's basement

Murder rate is so high because the fucking slav niggers drink way too much vodka, get drunk, and become angry drunks.

It's filled with slavs which are more violent than niggers, look at the crime rate in Poland. It's way worse than anywhere that all these refugees come from, which is why they have no intention of going to Poland.

Slavs aren't white so there are way more non whites plus it's like 20% Muslim

Holy fuckin shit

Really must be a terrible place to live

Any context to this besides the obvious "its Russia"?