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it actually does

I come to Sup Forums every day and I still don't know what the fuck "alt-right" is supposed to mean? Alternate right?
Also I've never seen anyone identify themselves as being "alt-right".
Just another liberal buzzword that they can call people they don't like?

How is Alt-Right PC? It's just a descriptive term that is used to describe a people of an ideology that doesn't have any set of concrete beliefs.


When someone says white-supremacists people think about skinheads, and skinheads are probably worse than niggers.

Because WNs are alt-right but not all of the Alt-right is WN. Not a hard concept to understand, fucking retarded nigger subhuman pavement ape porch monkey pants up don't loot motherfucker.

We dont call ourselves Alt-Right thats some faggot term the media coined this. Fuck Yiannopoulos

>implying most people here consider themselves alt-right
How many nigger lovers honestly consider themselves an alt-right?

Alternate right.
And if you really want the post to make you think, the alternate of right is left so liberals are calling themselves white supremacists

The Alt-Right are just Russia-firsters angry with the current GOP because it's controlled by Israel-firsters.

They agree with each other on 99% of important issues.

It's true, though. You have your own little code-words that you get offended if people don't use, and that you use just to get a rise out of people. You do it because of your vapid political beliefs. Your buzzwords are no different from theirs, you coal-burrning, white-genociding, shillary-supporting cuck.

How can I be white supremacist if I'm not white

Alt-right is conservative nationalist right.

It was invented because "Conservative" is a poisoned term which means
>Give Democrats whatever they want, fuck our base, we hate our base, let's outsource all the jobs and give the Jews all our money
So "alt-right" is just a return to the nationalist values of the late 1800s, economically and politically, and rejects the currently existing paradigm in all forms.

And since you are from Finland, I will now translate this post into your native language of Mongolian for your brethren:
"Alt-зөв" кoнcepвaтив үндcэpхэг эpх юм.

Энэ нь зoхиoн бүтээcэн юм, yчиp нь "Хyyчинcaг" хopтoй хyгaцaaны гэcэн үг юм
> Apдчилcaн тэд юy хүccэнээ бидний cyypийг өг Зөндөө бид cyypийг үзэн яддaг, бүх aжил гүйцэтгүүлэх бoлoн иyдeйчүүд бидний бүх мөнгийг өг
Tиймээc "aлт бapyyн" 1800 oны cүүл нь үндcэpхэг үнэ цэнэ нь зөвхөн бyцaж, эдийн зacaг, yлc төpийн хyвьд, мөн бүх төpлийн oдoo бaйгaa зapчмыг тaтгaлзcaн бaйнa.

>Notice how BLM claims they aren't about Black Supremacy but call themselves Kill All Whites, We Wuz Kangz?

>white supremacist
No, i just think niggers are retarded.

When has anyone on here reffered to themselves as "alt-right?" It's just a catch all term created by the media for all the people on the internet who hate leftist faggots which is the majority of the internet and culture now.



Calling the "Alt-Right" White Supremacists is like calling the Axis Powers White Supremacists.

Some are. Some aren't.

>tu quoque


thats just like someone saying all black people arent to be trusted :^)

What, that they're smart enough not to destroy their own lives?
I speak in PC english IRL, and fucking hate it, but I like having a job, so that's what I'm stuck with in the current thought police environment. And alt-right is a liberal term to create division, just like neocon was. I've never heard anyone call themselves that.



alt-right doesn't even really make sense because not all of us are right-wing. In fact, a good portion are for stuff like Monarchism, which is about as far-left as you can get without stepping into NWO territory.

The KKK killed ~3960 people confirmed, how much white people the BLM killed...

BLM killed more white people in 2016 than the KKK has in 40+ years.

Who the fuck on the right uses alt-right? Silly nigger

I'm a reformed liberal. Voted for Obama twice. Still believe in most of the values of classic liberalism and American liberalism. I just want to gas every SJWer and socialist on the planet, but I still would consider myself somewhat liberal.

We find that during the 2012/2013 period, blacks committed an average of 560,600 violent crimes against whites, whereas whites committed only 99,403 such crimes against blacks. This means blacks were the attackers in 84.9 percent of the violent crimes involving blacks and whites. This figure is consistent with reports from 2008, the last year DOJ released similar statistics.

No mames, guey.

We didn't make up the word alt right. Normies made it up and Started spamming it

>alt right
this meme needs to die

>all negros are from the BLM

You need a professional help my sons


but herambe was an innocent black that got shot

Because they're not white supremacists. White supremacists want to rule over other races, the alt right just wants them out of their countries. This guy is a moron and so is OP

>all negroes aren't black lives

I merely wish to make the factual distinction between a reactionary like myself and a revolutionary like a neo-nazi.

White nationalism has nothing to do with white supremacy

What's the un-PC term for al right then?

>murders are always for racial motivations like the klan

Where did the label "alt-right" even start from?

I always imagined it was just some sarcastic post from an actual white supremacist forum joking referring to themselves that some shitty internet blog incorrectly reported on. It can't actually just be from some random moron on twitter can it?

Or is it something more sinister?

Here's what the alt right is:

Don't ask Sup Forums what it is, they don't know. Their knowledge of the alt right comes from the article written by milo which got it very wrong. Sup Forums only reads articles written by milo.


This too. Sometimes I tell people I'm reactionary but they only know it as an insult with no definition and if I explain it they think I'm some sort of crazy grandpa stuck in a young man's body.

>Where did the label "alt-right" even start from?
It's a normal political term.

Richard Spencer is credited with creating the term. You could have found this out on your own.

sounds like something a nigger would say

Straight from the source. Trump's new campaign manager is the CEO of Breitbart. No way to deny affiliation now.

Fashy haircut man coined it years ago.

Guess I've just never heard it before then. At least I don't ever remember it being used to refer to white supremacists before.

I don't really care enough to look it up. Thanks though.

Don't waste your time reading this.

Read this instead. Radix Journal is quite literally the source.

>At least I don't ever remember it being used to refer to white supremacists before.
Yeah, no. This is news to me.

Better article than I expected, to be honest.

What even is a white supremacist?


t. stupid nigger

Never heard of it until earlier this year

Taken off in reason months.
But alternate politics is nothing new. The term may be gaining new steam with a newer group still an old term.

Remember when we did away with colored person because it devalued the individual. Yet we now say People of Color as though that has a better connotation.

I'm not a white supremacist?

I'm a nigger hater.

You are essentially correct. However there actually is a small group of like 20 people living in Oklahoma who coined the term to describe themselves. The kikes at the SPLC follow them around because they have nothing better to do. Then everyone in the Leftist media treats it like a National Movement.

It's almost as if "alt-right" doesn't actually mean white supremacist.

alt right is a made up 'label'

it is used by neo-cons and 'liberals'

they dont know what to call a true conservative who isnt a bible thumping communist

the wording is also meant to demean, 'alt' implying its a small offshoot minority group of the right, and not the MODERN DAY REFORMATION of it.

what they are labeling the alt right movement is the new young internet savvy conservative base coupled with the older, die-hard, maligned conservative voter base. they have shrugged off the yoke of the neo-con schemers and they are coming to replace the old, dying, outdated, collectivist shills who took over the republican party

> (OP)
> Remember when we did away with colored person because it devalued the individual. Yet we now say People of Color as though that has a better connotation.

dont forget it used to be correct to call them 'black', or 'negro' or 'mulatta' now they are all HORRIBLE WORDS.

also, cant call a retard a retard anymore, and midgets arent midgets, and dwarves arent dwarves, they are all little people now.

political correct word dickering is the ultimate cenorship bullshit

I could say the same about BLM. Just a code-word for hating whitey and the police.