Anti-abortioners BLFO

Anti-abortioners BLFO

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Dunoo Trevor, why do anti-gun faggots get to make laws about guns. Dumb fucking nigger.

I agree, using sunscreen is the same thing as ripping babies out of the uterus.

Fuck off, you fucking savage.

because sunscreen isn't murder

Because the majority of the electorate (it's women dumbass) voted them in

Why do poor people get to make laws about rich people's money?

Sure, I'm totally for a segregationist policy management. So the white men can be over there deciding their laws, the black men over yonder, the white women, hispanic women, indian men; we'll just live in a big ole separated society legally. Nothing could possibly go wrong with that.

(This isn't even that bad for the daily show; I remember my biggest cringe was when the military leaders were meeting with congress to decide the new sexual assault, ect laws/reactions within the military and Stewart works off a pan around to them all and yelled "who better to decide how things should be for women...THAN A BUNCH OF OLD WHITE MEN!")

both republicans and islamist need to be cleansed

You guys ever notice how every lefty argument somehow contains
>that's like if
Not even joking. You'll notice if you pay attention to it. I wonder why that is.

>being pregnant is a health issue

when are we going to cleanse all of these faggots

There'd be literally no one else, you coon.

>implying women don't vote for the Representatives that are anti-abortion

Black people can sunburn, what racist.

the baby is male + female


>Women can decide to kill a baby to get out of raising or paying for a kid
>Men have no such right

See why this is unfair? If you're going to have a liberal country, then act like it.


why? youre literally pro-murder black children. Do people know why Planned Parenthood started? It's negro population control

Because you elect them. Absolute retard.

The underlying argument is that it is always unjustified for a group of people to make up laws about another group of people. This is bullshit.

>black people think babies come from sun screen

>Putting on sunscreen
>Aborting a fetus

Wow, this is a valid, and fair comparison.

Because anti-gun faggots can still get shot but men will never get an abortion.

Why do non killers get to make laws about murder?

When suntan lotion is made of dead babies, then you can make this argument.

Black people still should wear sunscreen

Yeah, if sunscreen murdered unborn babies every time you used it.

Reminder that abortion kills mostly niggers and other minorities.

Reminder that abortion kills more niggers than the next 5 causes of death combined.

Reminder that "pro-life" is just codeword for anti-white.

>mfw straight white men don't let me kill my baby

Well, aborted babies usually have fathers.

because women, on a large scale, are incapable of making decisions that benefit them.

but strange liberals are for abortion but liberals also say that a girl can identify as a man so technically to them they can get pregnant

UMMMM transphobic much bigot?

You're right. we should wait till the child is 18 and then ask if he wants to be murdered. He's the only one that has the right to decide.


Anti-gunners by definition know nothing of firearms so when they make gun legislation it is always inefficient. You don't have to be an expert on anything to know killing unborn children is wrong. And men are victims of abortion if the baby is a boy or the father doesn't want his child killed. Nice shitpost.

reminder that abortion laws will make it possible for shillary to sacrifice children en masse to moloch

no = yes
man's rule
man's worth more...

the phallocentric faggotry is strong in burgerland

And the gold medal for most cucked post goes to shitpostland.

ok, sure, it's immoral to kill a baby, I agree.

but... at what point do you consider it a baby?

Is it immoral to try to prevent a child from being born?

Is it immoral to use condoms?

I agree that abortion should not be treated as another contraceptive - at a certain stage of development the child is a veritable human being, or at least has the potential to be one, and if a pregnancy wants to be avoided, abortion should not be one of the main methods a couple should consider. But abortion is definitely preferable to bringing an unwanted child into the world

>only affects the woman's "health"

Why do people pretend that the abortion debate is more simplistic than it actually is?

Is the left this stupid? A child can destroy this comparison by pointing out that women vote.


>Careless action by female leads to pregnancy
>"Women's health issue"

That's some great mental gymnastics used to explain away the creation of life as a health issue.

Precisely why you can't trust a single liberal ever. No matter what the rules of the game are, they'll always try to change them and claim some nonsense for validation over their degenerate choices instead of ever owning up even once.

Does this guy understand how democracy works?

>women's health issues

when did a man and a woman having a baby become a woman's health issue? last i heard, you need a man and woman to make a baby so each should have a say in the life of the child

I think abortion is murder, and I support it. Why? Because I'm thankful to any cunt who realizes she would be a terrible parent and has prevented her bad choices from making the world a shittier place.

Good parents who would raise good children choose to have children and therefore abortion laws will not affect them.

anti-abortion policies make it so retards who don't understand cause and effect procreate.


The niggers on tv are making it to obvious now

It's clear to most normies now that blacks resent whites

>but... at what point do you consider it a baby?
At the point it fucking enters the egg and gets both sets of chromosomes.

>wanting careless people to have children
You are poisoning the future with more dumb people.

>comparing different races with sexes

i shiggy your higgy

>I have an idea, let's use white guilt against prolifers!


really makes youiugriurogdfdfbmlxkmcvl kmxl

It's clear to any person (white, asian, or mexican) who has ever lived in a ghetto, that literally every black person just sizes you up to determine if you're a possible mark or not.

>why should I have to take birth control pills if I want to prevent any responsibility from my irresponsible lifestyle with all the regular casual sex I have with strangers I only briefly talked to for twenty minutes at a bar around closing time?
>misogyny! patriarchy!
>I'm being oppressed!

It's a woman's health issue?

I thought it was an unborn baby's health issue.

>woman's issue
>relates it back to niggers

why does this coon still have a show?

>we're progressive!

Didn't they just change the draft to allow women to be drafted?

>women should be able to get abortions
okay, since the body of the woman is affected by the child, then she has the final say.
By that logic since the child, if kept, affects the mans wallet he should be able to leave at any time without paying child support.
It's only fair.
Her body, his wallet.

Here's the home for that.

>Why do men have a say in the fate of a baby that is half theirs?
>that would be like if black people were the only ones who could decide whether a police shooting was justified

Really made me think

is that the only way you'll ever have a child

then why do women get to vote on laws that effect men?

when will cuck noah be cancelled?

I hate how election season brings in the normies.

Never having kids.

>edgy eugenicists are better


did that bee sting the girl's dick?

Bad argument.

The better point to make is how pro-choice policies have been more effective than pro-life policies at reducing the abortion rate. You can have your cake and eat it too.

If only your parents had made the same decision

Or like if Liberals were allowed to write gun laws

black people aren't required for white people to wear sun screen, while men are required to make babies (with one historical exception)

I'm pro abortion because it mostly kills niggers and anyone who doesn't have a kid shouldn't be trusted with one

But this logic is fucking retarded. The reason that men get to weigh in on abortion laws is because both men and women can be aborted, you fucking retard. Additionally, and unfortunately, men don't unilaterally make the rules, so your stupid analogy about blacks deciding whether or not whites can use sunscreen isn't even valid in the most basic way.

Don't cut yourself on all that edge. >18 y/o senior btw

>Babies spontaneously manifest in women's uteri

I'm curious how you came to the conclusion you did, you retarded faggot.

I'm not completely anti-abortion, but I AM against liberal faggots attempting to rebrand it in other terms.

If you're going to kill life you created through careless action, at least man the fuck up about it and be okay with what you're doing. Calling it "pink fluffy bunny fun time" doesn't change what's being done, and retarded fucking liberals spend their whole lives trying to re-frame actions that are normally morally reprehensible into acceptability by changing perception.

Not buying it, and neither would you if you have half a brain. But, if you're a leftist, then that'd explain it.


If they did, how would I know? It wouldn't have affected me, as there would have been no "me" to affect.


at any point before conception, there is no individually formed being unique from the father and mother

abortion is the legalized killing of your own child to absolve yourself of the responsibility of having to raise it

you cannot say that using contraception such as condoms is anything like that, but it is still immoral, just not nearly as immoral as literally killing babies


Eugenics is better. And its all voluntary.

This isn't some edgy holocaust roundup or forced sterilization. You let stupid people who don't want children to kill their babies. The problem is solved, the stupid people don't have responsibility for their actions and you don't have a bunch of neglected fetal Alcohol syndrome children raised by retards.

There's no coercion, there's no bloodlust.

>trying to make it so abortions are payed by the government (taxes) because they were too lazy to ask for a condom.
We don't want to pay for cutting up babies. They need to pay for it themselves.

I'm sure that men have the right to decide over whatever growth happens within their own bodies though. Once the baby is outside the body killing it results in the same punishment for both sexes

Abortion should only be illegal for white people. For everyone else it should be free. Also throw in an Obamaphone and bucket of chicken with every dead niglet.

People are emotional faggots, so they need to believe whatever bullshit they need to get by.

Some people have religion. Some people believe in universal karma where people get what they deserve. Some people need to think the baby they murdered wasn't really a baby.

Let them delude themselves.

I'm not advocating atheism or fedora or whatever, if you want your religion, go for it.

>forced sterilization

Forced sterilization would be significantly more humane than killing babies.

How about: if you want to kill your own child, you can have the abortion, but forfeit your own reproductive rights in the process?

>expects stupid people to know not to have a(nother) child
Abortion shouldn't be used as a post-conception "contraceptive".

Genetic material from the mother or father isn't the same as a fetus with its own unique dna.

Im fine with abortion. It is definitely murder, but in the end, its another dead nigger. Dead niggers always make me happy

Why not offer any person (disproportionately minorities because they're poor and dumb) $5,000, one time for free, sterilization.

Preferably irreversible, but if reversible just make sure the reverse surgery costs $5k or more.

There, millions of niggers sterilized and they did it willingly.

I don't think there's anyone who considers abortion as a contraceptive, or if they are, those people would be such shit parents anyway that the kid would grow up to be a mentally fucked up psycho with 100% certainty.

Abortion is unpleasant but inevitable. There's been attempts to ban it in the past, each and every one has failed. Banning abortion results in mothers dying after botched back alley abortions and loads of mistreated kids on welfare. The best thing that can be done to lessen the amount of abortions is
a) increase sex ed in schools, so people won't get accidentally pregnant
b) make birth control easily accessible, also for the same reason
c) make being a single parent possible through govt benefits and childcare etc possibilities, so that even single moms have a legit chance of keeping the kid without it effectively ruining their lives forever

But abortions have always been done, so the humane thing to do is offer safe and accessible abortions so that people won't need to poke around their uteruses with clothes hangers or shit. All the talk of "murdering babies" is retarded, since those same people are very reluctant to pitch in with the costs of raising and educating those precious babies.

It's nice to debate about lofty moral principles, but the fact is that it's impossible and also immoral to force people to bear children and wreck their bodies and lives like that if they don't choose it.

Whenever I think "hey libs aren't that bad theyre just really compassionate" I think back to the abortion issue and realize that they've degraded their future children to the status of a parasite, valuing casual sex over family and duty.



Did he actually try to compare a life to sunscreen?

>Careless action
Birth control can fail even when carefully done right though

Pro life people obviously don't see it like that. They see it as murder so what they really see is men and women making laws to protect minimally developed humans.

>a) increase sex ed in schools, so people won't get accidentally pregnant
You should add "Abstinence-only sexual education doesn't work"