Why aren't there any high IQ people supporting Trump?

Why aren't there any high IQ people supporting Trump?

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Must be a shit ton of Petroleum Geologists then, huh

I'm smarter than the average bear, and I'm supporting trump.

~3/4 neurosurgeons are republican

I don'y know.

Colleges are infamous for being liberal havens.
Who else would ever want to be a professor?

People with money carefully pick where they live.
The place where they leave influences their views.

Geologist master race here

because your criteria for being a person with a high IQ is large amount of time spent attending bolshevist indoctrination camps


Unless there's an absolutely MASSIVE amount of Petroleum Geologists, something is very off about these figures.

Gee, i wonder why.

Pic related will explain to you why. trump himself is retarded.

>medical physicist

>visual arts

These people are not high IQ. These people have degrees. Literally anyone can get a degree. Its a simple matter of regurgitating information you memorized in class. The rest of science is pretty much trial and error. The only bit that needs a high IQ is a Physicist.

Proof, you 1 post, CTR faggot

And what in the everloving fuck is a 'biostatistician'?

Smart people keep their political opinions to themselves.

A biostatistician is someone who uses or applies mathematics and statistics to varying categories in biology. They design biological experiments primarily in the field of agriculture and medicine; they collect, dissect, and summarize the data, and release information based on the findings of that data.


because you are a dumb nigger who only clicked the sciences section. Show the business section of this data.

meh, I'm in bioinformatics and pretty right wing

seems most people i work with are pretty left wing. most conservatives ive met/worked with seem to push the whole "manly" thing a lot so they end up doing jobs that are more physical and not desk based
You never set foot inside a college before or something?

>scientists are good at science therefore they're good at everything
this meme needs to die along with this thread that gets posted every day

This guys got it. Political opinion can be used against you. The real redpill is having no opinion ESPECIALLY in a high position of authority.

fucking this!

Nope. Straight to university, m8. And i don't recall the topic of 'hack-sciences' being part of the curriculum there, m8.

Buttblasted bio-medicine-math-whatever-guy lol. Didn't know types like you even existed in real life.

>t. first jewgle search result

>I-if they disagree with me, they are stupid and should keep their mouths shut

The true redpill is realizing Sup Forums is just the right wing version of what SJWs desire - safe spaces. Both sides are convinced they are correct and don't want to hear anything else because they deem all countering opinions as false and bad

Literally none of those tweets are actually bad?
I mean literally in the most serious sense... What did you think was bad about them?
The only one that seems especially questionable is about vaccines but if you look deep there is certainly a potential for a powerful-multi-disease vaccine injected into a 6 month old infant to cause problems. Vaccines probably don't cause Autism but a massive over reaction by the immune system to the body being flooded with deadly infectious agents and going into a massive over response to it easily could. High fever in children can cause brain damage.
You do realize this right?
We should space out immunizations so there is time to recover and the immune system isn't BTFO.



I don't think the stem qualifies as a part of the leaf

College means the same thing as university in the US, guess you guys had a language gap there

Biostatistics is sort of like a quant heavy epidemiology, it's a field at Oxbridge, Harvard etc. It's just an applied statistics degree with a focus on things related to disease and medicine and so forth

Why does this shit thread keep popping up? Fuck off canadian shills. I am a physicist working in Illinois and me and most of my coworkers are Trump supporters. The ones with careers support Trump.

it's a pretty big field. even shows up at eth zurich



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So you're a scientist who thinks that your personal anecdotal experience is more correct that what has been statistically demonstrated? Really makes me think about the quality of education here in murikkka, glad I get to go back to europe soon

The people with the highest IQs support Trump. He does have some lower IQ supporters too, but that's his appeal, he's all over the intelligence spectrum. But only low IQ retards support Hillary.

Mining Engineer checking in.

We're the non-retarded geologists who can do math.

Because only retards would support Trump for real. Memes aside he's a pretty bad choice for President (so is Clinton)

Are you legitimately retarded? I attend numerous conferences full of people from many sciences. Everytime politics has come up there's a 90% chance these people are supporting Trump.

>The people with the highest IQs support Trump.

No, the graph clearly shows that they literally all support Hillary without exception.

Jesus Christ, how many of you biostatisticians are on Sup Forums?

That's a niche-field at best, holy fuck...


People in science don't discuss politics. That's the quickest way to be discredited and ostracized.

It's hard enough to get funding when $30M is being given to well-connected pricks doing goldfish studies... last thing you want is someone holdings your political thoughts against you.

Well fuck, I'm earning a degree in agricultural and soil sciences and I support trump + have an IQ of 136. But I guess that makes me a white minority.


>Most of Sup Forums is bunch of neckbeards in basements

Mostly poo in the loos

you're fucking deluded and have no idea what you're talking about.

>agricultural and soil sciences

you're literally a farmer with a college degree

go kys

Kinda serious question:

Why do most wealthy, successful, educated whites tacitly agree that the white race should be destroyed?


Why do you think?


Outside of the Black science guy and the kid's tv show host, how many other scientists have you seen publicly speak their minds about politics?

PoliSci and other meme-"sciences" don't count.

Wait, are you serious?

>Literally none of those tweets are actually bad?

That's because you're stupid. People with higher intelligence would find most of those tweets retarded, childish, or just flatout wrong. But since you're one of those dumb fags that takes Sup Forums seriously and gets his information from infographics and dubious youtube videos, none of that shit seems particularly stupid to you. Because, again, you're a dumbass.

Where do they get these numbers? How does someone poll a group of people about their 2016 voting preference, give them an IQ test and even come close to a logical conclusion that less educated people are voting Trump?

Pro tip: They BS everything in the media, including their made up polls. Nice try leaf.

I am in the sciences and going to bar with other scientists and discussing politics is a common occurrence.

>muh cultural IQ

Spoken like a real Trump nigger

because Trump supporters are usually retarded

Leftists will kill oil, it's simple


Holy shit, hes autistic as fuck

Change the old faggot holding a sack of cash with a general BOOMER.

Boomers are the reason behind almost every ill that plagues the US.

I'm as big of a capitalist as anyone else but I would honestly impose a wealth tax on Boomers and use the proceeds to pay off some part of the debt or fund their liabilities.

Also, I would segregate social security and Medicare so that GenX or millennials don't have to pay for those fags. If they die, good. They lived long enough, fuck those leeches.





>posts graph depicting literally any amount of Trump support in every field

How many posts would a leafshill shill if a leafshill could shill posts?

Most Hillary supporters on this board are computer scientist liberals who have an extreme superiority complex. Clinton, by nature, draws in the support of those who believe they are inherently smarter than other people.

>going to bar
>same thing as a conference

r u retarded? When you're at a bar with other scientists, it isn't the same fucking things as spouting how great Trump/Clinton is at a fucking conference full of department chairs or research chair, who btw decide who gets how much funding.

>everyone I dont like is a shill

IQ 140+ here, supporting trump.

Im an electrician and Ill take HillHill over T-rump

Go to bed Chaim.

You got work in the morning... Those foreskins aren't gonna suck off themselves

Eye Q


you're so delusional i'm just gonna say
and stop replying to you.

>implying your pic related has anything to do with your post

>not Electrical Engineer

Lelz. You're one step above a millwright.

Electricians For Hillary

Butthurt Amerifat


Based geology

At least we fact check, unlike sjw's.

Haha that was really clever

I like my job, I get paid good money, and you should be thankful there are people willing to do it. Besides, its common knowledge that electrical engineers are pansies and constantly make mistakes that actual electricians have to figure out how to solve.

Oh here he goes again.

Look at you Canada, posting on Sup Forums thinking you just said some smart shit.

Out of all countries that post here Canadians are the ones that piss me off the most. Their entire fucking culture makes no sense. What exactly is it that you do? Wear flannel shirts and slurp syrup?

If I think of America I think of guns, pop culture and freedom. Sure, lots of ignorant baboons but at least they wear their retardation like a badge of honor, use it as a cultural identity, their flag promotes the unity of the country with all these stripes and stars.

Germany is orderly, a country that prides itself on its rules and their citizens who follow them. It's also the country with the biggest responsibility when it comes to destroying Europe with its two world wars and government sanctioned refugee crisis. Their flag waves strong colors, black, red and gold. A dominant flag for a dominant country.

Russia is strong and stubborn to a fault. They live hard lives and don't complain about it. Obviously the entire country is pretty much a shithole but it breeds strong people who can take care of themselves. Their flag represents the cold, the white, the blue but also the burning passion in the red, it all comes together to signify that their country is bleak but there is strength in that.

But Canada, what are they fucking known for? Being "nice", i guess? Is that your role in the world? Being fucking nice? That's not an achievement. Everyone can be nice. It's easy to be nice. You just don't have to say anything bad.
So what did your fucking country decide to put on their flag to show the entire world what Canada is all about? A leaf. A FUCKING LEAF. You decided that you like to slurp your shitty syrup so damn much that you might as well put the fucking leaf that it's made of on the flag. You don't even respect your own country so why the hell should I.

136 IQ actuary here. Trump isn't perfect but he's pretty good. The liberals who tout themselves as being more enlightened for voting for Hillary are the same kids who thought they chose nice cool friends but in reality their friends always used them/made fun of them.

gelogy and subfields confirmed for best science

>get to make mistakes and not get fired
>dumbasses who couldn't do math have to fix it up
>mfw I still make more than they do and jerk off all day long

I love self-righteous ppl. They're honestly hilarious. They'll bitch all day long about how tough their lives are and do absolutely nothing about it.

Learn to play the game. Or get left behind.


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Very underrated sciences.

Geologists can make north of $80K starting, and with 5 years of experience, can make 6 figs easy.

Downside is you have to enjoy being around rocks all day long.

>Sauce: Mining Engineer (We're Geologists who can do math)

Intelligence is not the same thing as knowledge.

>get to make mistakes and not get fired

Ladies and gentlemen, a leaf

Because smart poeople are stupid too. Remeber the guys from highschool who went directly to med school? Did they ever impress you?

It's because 'unemployed' and 'french fry preparation specialist' weren't available titles to cover all the Trump voters.

Intelligence is a racial characteristic that is borne out by the civilizations created by various peoples. "IQ" or (((IQ))) is brand of credential, a type of cultural product, and when your (((culture))) is (((controlled))) by certain (((gatekeepers))), expect the style of (((IQ))) to have a twist on it.

Dem racis IQ tests, I knew it

>Literally none of those tweets are actually bad?
you serious m8?

Climate change is an existential threat to our species. Denying it or claiming that it was a conspiracy theory engineered by the chinese is pretty fucking dangerous. There's a reason that OP's pic shows most ecologists and oceanographers not supporting trump.

Russians have high IQ, comrade. No one poll them.

> mfw math and voting trump

this is basically saying that poor people support hillary and rich people don't have a clear bias towards any

>having to clean up your superior's mistakes and having to be grateful for the chance to do it

ladies and gentleman, a cuck
and a fat one at that

Hello, how is your first year real analysis course treating you?

>Intentionally take out business majors because they all lean right
>Put petroleum geologist near the top because something something something global warming
>Don't include source

russians don't have high iqs and they aren't citizens. nice red herring though

>business majors

even undergrad economics is more rigorous than that.

I fucked a Canadian girl in college. I literally cucked your country

Swing state Trump supporter

t. Chemistry Ph.D.