He is here

He is here.

I know.

Nuda orat ne.


it's getting cold, isn't it?

Is he?

it's getting built, isn't it?

What is this meme?

What is this spooky meme? It seems familiar, but I can't quite identify it.

What you call a meme, is the future.

I believe, in this timeline, it was originally posted by an albanian poster with either "its getting cold" or "hes coming" as a thread.

Out of all the things I've seen here over the years, I have no clue why this pic creeps me out the most. Not the gore. Not any of the guro. But this pic in the OP.
Also sage.

It's the void, soulless look on the eyes imo.

It's because you see him when you sleep.
Whenever you feel it getting cold.


>ay lmao

post the (((you)))tube video with the creepy sounds

.doog kool meht ekam ot eno on evah dluow won ohw ,slanigirobA nailartsuA rof tpecxE .uoy ssim dluow eno oN .ogeiD ,eiD

.ylimaf a rof dedivorp "nam" nainitnegrA na emit tsrif eht eb dluow ti ,yllatnedicnioC .elttac nayaugurU .flesruoy ot roirepus yltsav sgnieb rof doof gnikam boj a evah uoy ,reggin ,efil ruoy ni emit tsrif eht roF .efil ni rof epoh nac uoy tseb eht sti ,sesproc seilimaf ruoy dna uoy htiw sapmap eht esilitref oG

.aciremA htuoS fo eromitlaB eht era uoY

.noitasilivic fo nocaeb a ekil kool aiviloB ekam uoY

.reggin uoY

.egatireh naeporuE fo smaerdyad ruoy sa aedi na fo lanoisuled sa tuoba s'tI .etihw uoy ekam lliw gninrom yreve ecaf ruoy no debbals ruolf taehw dna lio evilo fo tnuoma oN ..rotsecna derahs desoppus ruo fo yrekcom uoy ,niaga seiceps namuh eht tuoba klat reven dna ,draobyek ruoy ffo sregnif yriah kcalb ruoy ekaT

.stluda ni s'remiehzlA tes no ylrae dna ,nerdlihc ni msitua fo ngis gninraw ylrae na htob si nainitnegrA orgen egareva eht ni tnemitnes SANIVLAM SAL HUM ehT .dleif lacidem eht ot edam sah anitnegrA noitubirtnoc elihwhtrow ylno eht sti yllatnedicnioC .das tub suoiralih si citnaltA eht ni sdnalsi tpewsdniw wef a htiw noissesbo snainitnegrA .dlrow eht ot esu elos ruoy ,ecitcarp tegrat emos rof ecnahc a treboR dna legiN eviG .dah reve uoy yssup tsetihw eht eb llits dluow tI .erutan seorgen eht ni si sa ,peehs emos epar dna sdnalklaF eht ot piks srehtafdnarg ruoy lias ot ediced uoy epoh I

.natugnaro laretil uoy ,fo tuo emac uoy elgnuj nailizarB eht ot ni kcab lwarC .repsorp reve nac aciremA htuoS taht dlrow eht ot epoh on sreffo enot niks dna ytilanoitan ruoY .dekcom dna dedired ,desipsed yllasrevinU .anodaraM ed nwahSeL enoryT ogeiD ,hsart namuh era uoY

htuom gnillems etteragic lohtnem ,detsurcne mir ,deppil gib ruoy nepo uoy erad woH .yeknom elgnuj yhtraws uoy ,kaeps uoy erad woH

.reggin laretil uoY .noobab namuhbus uoY

.nam ,tihs taht daer ylerab nac I

Its cold.


If you don't know which country created this meme then you are a newfag

He is only awakening.

And when he does, the frogs shall reign, forevermore.

It's getting cold out isn't it.

When the spoop gets spoopy

33, all-seeing eye, marks from some sort of plague...

Yup. It's the end times.