Rare Saddams

Rare Saddam thread
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Too soon...





He killed terrorists, now Iraq is Harvard for terrorists.

Trump? Why are you in Ireland?


Northern Iraq, Northern Syria and South-Eastern Turkey belongs to the Assyrian people.

A land is for who fights for it and takes it for him or back

Muslim logic. Assyrian's worldwide are in diaspora. They are some of the wealthiest and up-and-commers globally. A combined political and financial power will ensure the Assyrian dream of an independant Assyria. Assyrian's too occupy some of the wealthiest land such as Tikrit, the second wealthiest city in Iraq.




Canada belongs to penguins and inuits, not the french and gays

Hillbilly's in the south are mainly French. Northern States are mainly Anglo and Germanic. Canada is mainly Indian, it's dog shit out here.


the hanging was fucked. he's dead got decapitated . Why the fuck did he get hanged too was stupid. A politician that surrendered and they killed him? Fucking jews

Good. He did bad things to his own people. This is the least they could get could in return.

Every time I try and download a Saddam image to this thread, it gets hung up.



Kys jew

Can you imagine how insane the sensory deprivation and isolation made him? I imagine that he had regressed to an almost reptilian state in that hole and required medical care to become able to even stand trial. The hanging was a mercy at that point.


It's called diversity. Maybe you've heard of it? It is 2016 after all

How long was he in that hole?

I don't think we have an exact number, but I can't imagine he left for any lengthy amount of time. It would amount to a prisoner being in solitary confinement except for his daily yard break, probably.

that looks super comfy


I read that Saddam Hussein tried to free his country from interest slavery.

Is there any truth to this?

Couldn't find anything.
