Why have I never heard about this on Sup Forums before?

Why have I never heard about this on Sup Forums before?




>Ultra orthodox jews beat gay black fashion student, also call him bad names, breaking his face.
>Connections (bribes) with the police let them get off with community service instead of 25 years for a gang hate crime
>refuse to do community service in a 'diverse' neighbourhood, will only do it for a Jew charity

And last but not least, Jews have their own patrols, called Shomrim - they literally patrol New York and London and Jews call them instead of the police.

Other urls found in this thread:


>bribery for gun permits

>NYC gives Shomrim $35K


Guess no one cares.

My feeling is more power to the Jews, but the Christians (whites) should consider emulating them.

I care just for the fact they bribed someone to get away with a crime.

Impressive they got away with it so blatantly, and then had the balls to request not doing their service for goyim.

This is no different than sharia police

Reform jew here. Orthodox, and especially ultra-orthodox/Hasidim are corrupt as fuck. They have 0 respect for secular law, their decisions are decided in a religious court "Beit Din" which allows tons of pedophilia and abuse to go unpunished and overlooked.

It 's funny that Burgers will carry on about non-existent 'Sharia patrols' in Britain but a paid official jew patrol is ignored?

I respect the jews on this one.

We should have death squads hunting muslims. Set them up in every country except sweden. Let sweden rot from the inside out. Once their country has fallen we should have the japanese take it over.

The problem with that or even just having a protection group is that the kike media will instantly call you supremacists and nazis and every other buzzword while bribing cops to arrest you the moment you step on grass with a sign that says "don't step on the grass".

Like Shariah courts then

All sand niggers need to return to the desert

I'll bet they did it in that whiny kike voice that made the judge just want them to go away.

Yes but a bit different in terms of rules. No corporal punishment. More shunning. A lot more like the Amish than a Muslim. Reform jews are as good as you will get. Circumcision optional, kosher optional, jew on jew marriage optional.



can Jews do nothing of productive value?

Not in terms of manual labor. Our talents are being creative and verbal.


There is something innately comical about jews being tough.


Like what ?

It's the beards and the silly hats that get me.

Because Jews are fucking holier than thou fucking parasites who hate non-Jews. Jews are also evil Wicked blasphemers and have a lot to hide, that is to say, a lot to hide from the local non-Jewish populace and police, particularly hiding things from Whites.

>jews beat gay black
i guess theyve used em for all they could, you know deteroration of western culture and all, and now there gonna let there true feelings come out about them.

also my pol/nazi brain just overloaded trying to figure out who im rooting for.

>Jews try to be tough
>toughest thing they can manage is a gang beating of an effeminate homosexual

Oh Shmule.

It's strange because I thought this is what people want to become the norm and then a bunch of jews ( the most deserving race in the world) go out and beat up some queer.

Weel, you know, goy, he was guilty of two crimes! Being black and being gay! Disgusting!
So, Jew Dredd stepped into action and demanded an eye from the gay, as it is written in some ancient book of fairy tales from the desert...

What's wrong with us protecting ourselves from niggers and shitskins white man imported?