How're ya holdin' up, Sup Forums?

how're ya holdin' up, Sup Forums?

I took pills last Sat night and the post-pill depression just hit me. Seriously feel like killing myself.

What kind of pills are we talking?

go to the next pharmacy and get 5htp pills. it helps replenish your serotonine storage and shortens your down phase

Cat might have cancer. Can't even deal with it. This might be the thing that pushes me over the edge.

Gonna be homeless by the end of the month.
If anyobe has any tips, please share.

Wow, you guys are pussies.

I'm great, how are you?

Quit smoking, stop doing any drugs/ alcohol, locate local homeless services and work on rehoming yourself immediately. Stay clean both ways, nobody is going to hire a filthy person.

Everyday's the same as the last.

>boohoo my kitty cat will die a year or two before she would actually die
Fuck off faggot, you're extremely lucky if that is your biggest current problem in life


I'm kinda used to it now, but I'll try next time.

Be glad it isn't opiates.

24 years old with no job......yeah not good...not good....

>feel bitter towards parents for raising me how they did
>barely talk to them or my siblings
>at the same time can't look at them cause every time I do I notice how old they're getting and they're still working really hard for us
>hate self

Quitting smoking is gonna be a bitch, but you're right.
I live in a smaller town, would it be easier to try and relocate or just work within an area I'm relatively familiar with?
Thanks for the advice.

I'm a 23 year old neet virgin and have no idea what to do with my life

but other than that I'm actually fairly content

I've had to deal with a fair amount of shit for my entire life so I seem to be able to enjoy little things more than others. I don't need to chase some grand life or have money rolling in to my bank account like most people I know to feel okay

I'm screwing around with everything except opiates tbqh. Too worried about physical addiction.

You should be.
Be very, VERY afraid.

Suck dick for money, you even get some free nutrition.
Get a dog, people will feel sad for you and you'll get more charity if your dog is eating and you're not
Prison is three free meals and accommodation if you get desperate

25, might need braces. You tell me. I hate wisdom teeth. I can't even smoke weed because it took two hours to take the tooth out and now I'm stuck with this hole that just won't heal already. No friends. No job. Can't talk to my younger brother about my anxiety without coming off like a mental case. Parents are stressed as fuck. I've been browsing Sup Forums all day just so I can avoid laughing.

I'm doing pretty damn good

Do you have a job? I was kicked out of my house and lived in my car for about six months. It wasn't nearly as hectic as I thought it was going to be and was honestly a humbling experience.

>get a full time job after being unemployed for 5 years
>finally don't feel like such an outcast anymore around my friends
>am making money and getting my life together

If I can escape the NEET life then so can you anons.

Only downside is that when I get home I screw around on my PC for a few hours before just wanting nothing but sleep.

Hardy har har

you sound like a massive pussy dude

just fucking lmao at your entire life.

Nope, I've only had one job about half a year back. It was retail, I hated it and it made me miserable, so I quit. I'm 22 if that helps.
Got no car or friends.

>made sure to mention enough details to confirm I'm mentally ill
Boy, do I feel silly now.

well maybe you shouldn't have quit your job as an adult with responsibilities. how are you even going to be homeless if you haven't had a job in a year? are you living with your parents and they're throwing you out? maybe being homeless will put your life into perspective and force you to turn it around and get a job, friends, a car, or a gf/bf so you can have something to fall back on even when you think you don't. good luck bro

how long have you been working?

I have a repeat exam in two days and I'm browsing Sup Forums instead of studying, so not doing great

Fair enough, man, fair enough.
Just wish life wasn't so cruel, but there's always someone lower out there, I guess.

im honestly not trying to be a bully. a lot of people hate their job but the people around them (coworkers) kind of make up for it. You can't just bail out on something so essential for basic adult life because 'i don't like it', because that's how you end up in shitty situations like the one you're in. I really wish you the best and if it's something gay like you're in a tiff with you're parents and they're throwing you out, just fucking get over it and try your hardest to make up with them so you can get your shit together and move out, and become your own person. it's never too late to turn things around my man. 21 is still super young.

Man you'll make it. You're still young so get those braces now and you'll thank yourself for the rest of your life. I'm 24 and in the same boat as you, my dude. Getting my wisdom teeth pulled out this weekend.

Have you ever had a job? Nothing wrong with being unemployed if you're actively looking. If you're not looking then it's not too late but you need to get off your ass and do something now.

I know you weren't, you were being honest. You're right.
I'm too damn compulsive and now I'm paying for it. I wasn't thinking since it was my first job.
I threw myself down a hole, now I gotta climb out.
I'm scared shitless but I gotta go through it. For my sake.

I used to have it all. A qt gf since high school, an apartment, a puppy, awesome friends, studied what I loved in school, and went out to do cool shit all the time. Things have drastically changed since the beginning of the year and now I'm slowly becoming a NEET. How the fuck do you other NEETS make it? It's been about five months for me and I'm fucking suffering. I have more money than ever but I don't care about that. I just want my old life back.