"Flying saucer" aircraft is not alien technology, but rather Nazi technologies that the USA have been trying to remake since the 50's, 1000s of Nazis scientists where hired by the US to make technologically advanced military aircraft, and also for help in the US space program. The stealth bomber, for example, is based heavily on Nazi documents for the Horton Ho 229, getting to space wasn't as hard with the help of the V2 rocket, and the Avrocar was made after researching Nazi Flying saucer prototypes.
But the most famous flying saucer prototype was Die Glocke, or, The Bell.
The Bell was a prototype aircraft for verticle flight, it worked, SS scientists invented it in a research bunker in Poland, known as Der Rease.
The bell would shine a magnificent light whilst flying in the air, and could undergo magnificent speeds, they where used during the war for testing, American pilots named them "Foo Fighters"
After the war, the Americans never found the documents for Die Glocke, however, in 1963, a UFO crashed in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania and had striking resemblance to Die Glocke, it even had the same Germanic runes, as the Nazis where using religion in their science, as many Nazi scientists where members of the Thule society.
Hans Kammler invented Die Glocke, after the war he escaped without a trace, his body has never been found.
"Flying saucer" aircraft is not alien technology...
Other urls found in this thread:
>it even had the same Germanic runes,
looks more like a coexist sticker
I need /x/ to go
Nazi Ayy Lmaos Confirmed
the acorn uses different runes, and it looks like it's made of clay or something. either the description of die glocke is wrong or it's not that.
Eye witnesses claim it was made of a copper like metal, something that could conduct electricity.
The runes where never written down, no one knows what the runes looked like.
It was taken to a USAAF base, 6 years later flying saucer aircraft was being tested in the same base.
well if this is all real and the nazis discovered it on-site at some sumarian or indian ruin, do you think they left anything behind? i'm assuming the americans would have destroyed the evidence or put it into an "Indiana jones" storage hangar and classified it, so the only way to ever find it out or recreate the technology would be to find the unadulterated information first hand.
Friendly reminder that nazis invented the stealth plane.
This is where they tested Die Glocke.
No one knows where Die Glocke is being held.
Possibly in Antarctica.
yes but the implication is that this technology is based on ancient lost indian or other culture's technology, possibly "vehmanas" - and the nazis uncovered the tech or the basis of it in their expeditions to these areas. the whole nazis looking for the holy grail and the arc of the covenant thing was real (they actually went) , and if you assume they found some ancient knowledge, and this was it, it may still be repeatable if one undertook the same expedition.
the science behind it and the location of the original are inconsequential if you can find the source of the technology.
The Thule Socety believed in a civilisation that talked to each other using telepathy.
Allthough I believe it wasn't any "Religious power"
It is certainly powerful engineering, it flew because a allmost tornado like power from two spinning blades.
Is this that coal powered plane?
yeah, the only way to test that one is to grow really long hair, i'll get back to you on that one.
This is a psyop thread.
Is there any data out there on the kind of speeds it was able to reach? Or anything related to it's manoeuvring capabilities?
Reminds me a bit of Metal Slug.
Nvm, that was the other one.
You say that, but Die Glocke was a real invention, it never got through test stages though.
If Nazi Germany managed to turn these verticle flying bells into war birds, it could of changed the tide of the war.
You see, the reason Die Glocke was made was because German airfields where being heavily bombed by the allies, and the Germans thought verticle fight was the answer.
Not that I know of.
The Nazi documents where never found, they are possibly in Argentina, Poland or Antarctica.
>"Flying saucer" aircraft is not alien technology, but rather Nazi technologies
They got that technology from a downed alien craft in 1936 in the Black Forest. Some could be Nazis, but I think most sightings are aliens and maybe reverse-engineered aircraft that the government uses.
>I want to be lift .jpeg
Do you think that Operation Highjump was connected to Die Glocke?
There's claims it was a cover for a US Navy attack on a Nazi base in Antarctica, and that they encountered Nazi "flying saucers" there too.
>using where instead of were
You are silly -- these are ceiling light fixtures from the 1939 German Sears catalogue.
Seems correct.
U-Boats sent a lot equipment to Antarctica after the war, the original perpose of the base was to "build weapons for a resurgence"
The "last battalion" may have a armoury of modified Die Glockes.
I didn't know of this one, nice. This stuff almost makes me so sad and melancholic, that we lost :(
You haven't lost, the 3rd Reich has one last stronghold in New Swabia.
Yes i hope so, too, but even if it existed, we will never be able to join them.
But that battalion is probably long dead by now.
It certainly isn't, the Last Battalion is still active, a large base the size of a small city underneath a mountain, warmed by warm water vents, its population was originally a few 100, God knows how big it is now.
Admiral Dönitz, Führer of Nazi Germany for a month, once said that many loyal Nazis where living in a invincible fortress underneath the ice.
>implying they haven't been creating better ones
You guys would be living in the 23rd century compared to the rest of us.
So what could they be doing if they're still in hiding there? How can we be sure that the USA hasn't done some kind of secret op to wipe them out?
But if they are real, they must have some crazy tech compared to what we have right now.
>the pilot that test flew it crashed and died
german """"""""""""""""engineering"""""""""""""""""""
What is Operation Highjump?
Besides, New Swabia is in Norweigan territory.
>powered by fucking COAL
wow Germans really love black.
It's sad that people are figuring this out now.
Avoid the bluepill dispensary for once in your life.
>mfw the Nazis should have won in Europe
>more science, better economy, more unity, safe hold against other shit nations.
Do these look like Nazis to you?
Wow Norway, look how technologically advanced you were during the war.
this holy shit
No, they look like goverment made lies.
The government popularised aliens in order to stop American citizens realising the truth.
Here: en.m.wikipedia.org
There's allegations that it was a cover for an attack on an alleged Nazi stronghold on New Swabia.
>a fucking RAMP
>Largest Antarctic mission ever,
>13 ships.
>A ton of soldiers, 3 task forces.
>A few people admit it was a last ditch effort to try and end the Reich for good.
>Still "just Americans taking some territory"
From what I have seen about a lot of Nazi tech, is that it's insanely sophisticated, but without guidance computers they can't fly
>looks more like a coexist sticker
Underrated post.
What's with the /x/posting lately?
>I want to believe
>x files theme
But we actually have an aircraft carrier. What do you have? A fucking penguin.
It's not really paranormal, it's just an interesting topic.
They're probably becoming more powerful and waiting for the right time to strike.
>How can we be sure that the USA hasn't done some kind of secret op to wipe them out?
They tried that with Operation Highjump, but we're attacked by flying saucers. Their technology is probably way more powerful than our secret technology, and the stuff we have is pretty fucking crazy.
Any sources to read about this new Swabia? I want to learn more.
>A brit talking about ww2 german guidance
what is gyroscopes
It's a good time as any to strike, if they're still around then they should hurry up and take over.
Already read that.
When the fuck is the Reich going to resurface and save us from becoming third world shitholes? Maybe they have a whole new society down there and just said fuck it to us upstairs?!
Thanks m8
FYI that penguin shot down 3 German aircraft battle carriers.
>yfw britain's best pilots were poles
Where can i send my application? Want to join and help make world better place
Flying wings are notoriously unstable. Without onboard computers they're effectively unusable. The fact they got any successful flights out of it using mechanics alone is impressive in and of itself.
It might be possible.
Neo-Nazi writers say that deep underground, they are waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
Possibly when we start to wake up.
Who knows, they may have connection to the Internet and recon us, and the news.
>designs an unstable flying wing without onboard computers
What did they mean by this?
>connection to the news
Like trying to purposely destabilize countries!!
Those guys.
I bet the teleporter is based on Die Golcke.
The map is named "Der Reise" so that would explain the Die Glocke.
These topics need to stay within one thread at least.
I understand /x/ is no place for any sort of intelligent discussion anymore, but posting regarding Swabia and Nazi UFO's, along with other fringe topics needs to stay within set threads.
Before OP claims this is what has been done. I am referring to the references and posting, that I have seen in about 8 threads today.
Careful mate, you dont want to go to war with fucking flightless birds. Cunts of things.
Because you have to start somewhere......
What you think everything works off the bat and there is no trial and error moments in production?
You do realize that many things, such as aircraft, have improved over time from their original construction right?
>8 threads today
Really? I didn't expect they'd be so much support in the subject.
Der Reise was a real complex from what I understand. Apprantly there are still sections blocked, flooded or buried.
I'd assume it was a 'because we can' moment, they had a lot of those. Not the best use of resources when fighting half the planet.
I've been wondering forever what this thing is
Der Reise was a project.
Die Glocke was built in Der Reise.
They had a lot of very interesting technological developments.
It's more people posting within other topics, hence why I would prefer a set thread for fringe discussion.
>Germans were too retarded to test a flying wing design in a wind tunnel
A project sure but wasn't it a massive underground complex?
Nazi concept again,
Die Glocke is the engine, if you will, mounted inside the craft. I know this because my name is Klaus Adler, Kommander of the Fourth Reich. We're based on the Moon. Ja Wohl!
yes, the teleporter is directly inspired from the nazi bell
Needs blasters.
>Sup Forums violates global rule all the time
>waaaahhh /x/ is invading us
Yes, a huge complex run by the SS Wunderwaffe department.
Many flying saucer prototypes where built in Der Reise, but the allies stole a lot of the technologies.
Except for Die Glocke, which vanished without a trace. Just the same happened to its inventor.
It's not a concept if they got it to actually work.
>implying the Germans didn't have wind tunnels
>not staying on point
This isn't about wind tunnels it's about you sounding like you think there isn't any trial and error or progress after an initial build.
Are you shit posting or actually autistic?
what makes it fly? surely it doesnt just have a propellor on the bottom
>Germans made an airplane that could literally explode when landing
m-muh flying saucers
I like to think that rather destroy the last Nazis, they cooperated with the Allies and are still there to this day, working off the grid from the jews and planning how they will retake the planet with the goyim military might.
Like Americans rolled into New Swabia, saw flying saucers, and said fuck it, let's just recruit these guys instead of fight them. It isn't SO far fetched considering the US military is constantly at odds with the politicians and hate the direction our country has been going since the end of WWII. US military is full of red blooded goyim.
The basis for the technology was a concept designed by Nazi's.
While you are right in that a functioning craft isn't a concept, as far as I know the designs were not put into practice / tested due to resource limitations.
Obviously following the war, the majority of scientists and schematics were taken back to the US, hence these tests.
Would have been cool to see the project finished, wish they had more documents about Der Reise.
They learned it from the japanese.
Die Glocke isnt even a flying saucer.
The flying saucer was a myth due to American secret aircraft testing, such as the "flying wing"