Feminazi landwhale beaches herself on the set of FaceFucking and shares her bloated-ass thoughts on sex, feminism and society.

>pic related

Other urls found in this thread:

This might be the most disgusting thing I've seen on the internet.


>the hammer drill

full link pls

Really goes without saying
What a stupid fucking dumb cunt

Do you think she's serious ?

wow this is fucking disgusting

So, anyone got a link to the whole video?

Oy vey, they're watching porn
They don't realize that they're degenerates

taura slade

I came btw

hahahahaaha lmao

I've seen children beheaded but this crosses the line.

>we are taught by society, especially western society, that we are objects
Didn't know the Orient was so progressive.

should have started this thread with a more benign screenshot, OP
there is no way i'm watching this

What the fuck ?

it's not even from the video

Im 12 and what is this?

Whale harpooning.

It's forbidden in non-japanese countries

Just finish the video. My sides

a video of your mom


The absolute madwoman.

Good lord women are retarded

Wait isn't scooby in Sweden right now

Scooby? The bodybuilder ?

what is her name? or the ep number?

wanna make sure this isn't fake.

If you like that you should look up the clips on Efukt named "trolling of wannabe pornstars"

only way she can get the D

There are more than one SJW feminists doing facial abuse porn. They are fucking retarded. They do it just so they can brag about it later.

Feminists have a huge rape fetish and everything they say they hate about men make them wet as fuck.

>Star Trek tattoo
full autist


>i'm giving it all she's got, we're running low on dilithium crystals

she actually seems pretty chill

If I got an erection does that mean that she proved her point?

>wanna make sure this isn't fake.

>women are treated as objects, especially in western culture
>not realizing in a mudslim country this video would get you stoned and raped before and after said stoning.


Taura Slade

No scooby the fuckin doo

Scooby is a married homosexual man

Did she throw up a gummy bear? Or was that nuclear waste?

When I think in the internet this is the kind of stuff that comes to my mind

The thing he's fucking doesn't look female

pron industry is amazing sometimes

Doesnt look like Jeff Seid either

she literally puke while getting throat fucked

that's disgusting

Bet it feels good on the tip of his penis tho, to feel that macaroni and cheese in mucus just fly by massaging him at incredible pace as it exits that fat whale's throat.

"I'm giving her all she got I'm running low on dylithium crystals"
My sides

We should just send them all to enlightened, progressive China.

It would be cheaper in the long run.

Even if we flew them first-class, it would be cheaper.

So empowering and sexually liberating!


Was feminism created by men?
It seems like it sure tricked this woman into thinking she's empowered.
But the reality is, she's just a colostomy bag for cum.
I'm betting by the time she realizes she fucked up it will be too late and will inevitably die alone.


I thought he died


I took a break from Sup Forums for like a month and i come back to fucking this?
Christ women are fucking stupid.

This is so ridiculous that I almost want to say it's a farce.

>keep spiting on that
fucking kek