There, thank me later.
I fixed Europe
Germany doesn't exist.
How can European nationalism exist without Germany?
You mean you fucked up Europe?
>gave the French caliphate more land
>Sweden still exist
>Scotland independent
>"""Ottoman Empire"""
>gave the Russian khanate more land
>gave Italy Slovakia and Croatia
>Belgium still exist
Only thing you did right was get rid of Germany
>letting us exist
Great map but Nice and Savoy is french clay
>gave italy slovakia
holy shit my sides
also saged
0/10 Fuck off, pasta nigger.
>Scotland is Independent
>Catalan isn't
>Flanders isn't
>Wallachia isn't
>no San Marino
>no Andorra
>United Ireland, despite the problem being insurmountable and Ireland wanting to join the Commonwealth
Your country has a long history of partitioning foreign lands and giving it to the wrong people.
Payback is a bitch.
jesus christ
even the great kosovo one that is clearly bait is better then this
holy crap SAGED
Give back Dalmatia, Fiume, Pola and Ragusa, you pseudo-race of Dinaric cocksuckers.
>Belgium still exists, no independent Flanders
>Ottoman Empire
>Ukraine became even smaller
>Italy pulls a Russia with some random piece of land somewhere else
>Poland ate Germany
>give back
it was never yours you 12 year old fuck
just because hitler promised you this means jack shit
fuck outta here
>Payback is a bitch.
>implying anyone will ever to dish payback on us
those that try usually end up having their country partitioned.
>Bigger territory≠Wealth/Power/Influence/etc.
It's more of an issue of quality over quantity. I mean sure you might think you want Albania back, but you get all the filthy mudslimes that live there as well. Same goes for Macedon, yeah sure, it used to be Bulgarian territory and the people there are essentially ethnic Bulgarians, but they are brainwashed retards hardly capable of independent though.
I think we are better off without them.
>Belgium still exists
This should be the first thing you delete.
fixed it
i can't find germany, you must have made a mistake.
no hard feelings bruh, you can fix this easily. we can safe you next time again if you fuck up in north africa, easter europe and litereally everywhere you can.
>Hurr durr le destroying Germany magically fixes everything
You know, the driving force of globalism isnt the German government itself, it's the Marxists sitting in the EU leadership. Germany not existing would change nothing at this point.
I meant the one where OP made his picture
>Belgium STILL there
kys lad
>Ireland wants to join the Commonwealth
Not after you spergs voted to crash your own economy. Brexit has legitimately made a United Ireland possible in a way that all the nail bombs in the world could not.
>Reformed Yugoslavia
What makes you think it will work this time?
whats wrong with belgium?
Finally German cucks removed
what's right with Belgium?
that isnt a reason to destroy a nation, i hate swedecucks more than belgians,also i added serbia to croatia for the memes
not that i think it would be any good
You haven't forgot about Crimea, good job Italy
Belgium is a non-country, put together with bits and pieces. Farage wasn't wrong when he said that in the European Parliament.
We're two different cultures brought together who don't fit together in any way.
We're better off independent as Flanders and Wallonia (two republics) or Flanders attached to the Netherlands and Wallonia attached to France.
Croatia, don't you want to destroy Ottoman Empire and become part of Slavic Union?
1. no i dont give a fuck about them when they are not here
2. slavic union, maybe with serbs but not with
Why are the turkroaches in?
Germans are subjects of a white-hating insane maniac and they need to be destroyed.
Making great serbia instead of yugoslavia. You disgust me.
Imagine if one day Britain came along and decide to take Dalmatia and Herzegovina and stick them together and make them be their own country.
Then imagine everyone went along with it as a joke.
Then imagine everyone jokingly decided to make a European Union filled with non elected officials, and make this meme country the capital of Europe give this meme country a disproportionate amount of power within the Union.
That's what Belgium is, a joke gone too far.
No one outside of bureaucrats wants Belgium. The Belgians don't want Belgium. Four fucking Belgians in this thread alone have said they don't want Belgium.
Even the most successful Belgian Formula One driver doesn't want to be Belgian and races under a Dutch flag.
Looks good to me desu
>Dalmatia and Herzegovina
pls no
But do belgians want seperation?
not bad
No I think you got it wrong there bud.
See pic related.
>No one outside of bureaucrats wants Belgium. The Belgians don't want Belgium. Four fucking Belgians in this thread alone have said they don't want Belgium.
>Even the most successful Belgian Formula One driver doesn't want to be Belgian and races under a Dutch flag.
that's mighty white of you, faggot
brits arent even relevant anymore
It's not even possible to make European map more Jewish than this.
>Germans are subjects of a white-hating insane maniac
>kill all germans not the maniac
But Jews love modern Germany.
>there's still a piece of ivan touching our border
It's shit.
fuck off! the uk stays united! fucking wop!
more like
What the actual fuck is that abomination.
Fucking leaves I swear.
>implying Jews don't like European infighting
>implying giving more clay to the most cucked European country is a good idea
Say that to USA irl not on the Internet and see what happenes you poofter.
>imagine europe without "syrians"
I thank you now kind OP
>he kept france
>majority of Poland is now German
>majority of Czech Republic is now German
fucking idiot
Did you you just put it on the map like an ink spot and think "well this is legit"
kys my man
Yea, why not.
I really love the Netherlands, but i don`t want to be part of it
>ottoman empire
What is this brit/irish fascination with the worst, filthiest and most regressive and destructive empire in history? Contemporary Turkey is literally 99.9999% a disgusting islamofascist ghetto. Oily faggot sodomite wrestling is their national sport for fuck's sake.
Ottomans never created or preserved anything - they only raped, burned, destroyed and built minarets on top of churches.
We were here since the 7th century. Come and take it, manlet.
Why is Belgium still on the map?
>Latvian Lithuania
>Lithuanian Latvia
jesus christ this is amazing
You won't be. We'll use mid 20th German technology to get rid of you and create glorious Dutch levensruimte :^)
They won wars after wars on European soil, proving their military might. The Ottoman Empire, despite countless recorded atrocities, was a great power and one of the most important countries of its time.
Not like modern day Turkey, which mixes Western degeneracy (German-style) with Islamism.
*mid 20th century
I'm 6'0 x 220 lbs.
I could tear you a new one in a nanosecond, yugofaggot.
Perfect if eugenics and sterilization of the lesser were applied universally. Why does """Muslim civilization""", Ottoman and Caucuses exist?
>being this assblasted
No Byzantine Empire?
What the everliving fuck is this abomination, just nuke that already
You do not deserve our land. Your nation flip flipped twice during 20 th century. You are a nation of cowards.
Also Russia should be pushed as far as possible.
I would be okay with being under Austro-Hungarian empire that would take a part of Croatia too.
Serbia should take Bosnia, a part of Croatia and Albania
>be pole in germany
>nothing changes
>United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Middle Ireland
Because each race gets their own land/ quarantine zone
>red India for native Americans
>ottomans for turks
>abyssinia for free Africans
No Israel though
Why not to exterminate lesser races? Darwin Will It! At least eradicate Islam and Judaism to zero.
>remove Germany
>remove 50% of all the money
nice try nigglet
>brown eyes
Is the girl even German? Looks slavic to me
Yeah because Italians are known for their blue eyes. Retard
Yeah, these aren't Germanic features.
> Giving Luxembourg to Belgium for no reason at all
Shit map.
Fuck yeah. Now we just need hotter climate, and we would be perfect
Shockingly Islam makes sand niggers more civilized. Their women cover up for a good reason because they are natural whores and their men are horny rapists,
Without Islam sand niggers would be fucking each others like niggers
>belgium still a country
Not really my forty, I'd give diffrent (problematic) cultures and religions their own lands. However I would relocate the Russian mussies in the caucus' to sheiitstan and sunnistan and give them to you. I simply did that to stop chechnian terrorism m8.
I will adjust the map soon.
>giving land to fucking belgium (lol) , France and NL
i'm really curious about your country because i'm coming in 2 days for like a month and i will convince myself if those we wuz Sup Forums memes are true or you're just another caliphate
also saged
So, is your map supposed to be a contemporary reflection of your fetishes or some past perfect daydream?
Military might of a country is not an absolute and fixed value. It is, by neccessity, measured by comparison to the strenght of enemy countries/factions. When Ottomans started fucking with Europe, the latter was already heavily divided and drenched in internal wars.
And, as it was expected for an empire of it's size, the Ottoman state was ultimately brought down by the thing which was it's greatest initial strenght, namely regressive islam and the devshirme system.
They undoubtedly flourished once upon a time, but quickly fell into corruption, turmoil and chaos. The sick man of Europe being the only "emipre" in your map only goes to show that your hairy muslim ass probably immirated to beautiful Christian Ireland some time ago, abandoning your homland of yore - just another muslim shithole which proved to be ultimately incapable of supporting a decent standard of life.
Looks like sharia is destined to be a failure, which explains why slimes come to Europe not to wage jihad but to exploit it's welfare scheme, undoubtedy based upon Christian benevolence.
Yes they are?
Here in Northern Italy half of us have either blue or green eyes. Stay mad, slovenia. It's all you're good at.