Do you think there should be laws that punish people for adultery?
Do you think there should be laws that punish people for adultery?
t. Muslim
No, I think there should be unquestionable acknowledgement of infidelity clauses in a prenup.
punish the man involved and it will end. same as with prostitution; don't punish the whore, punish the john.
t. Degenerate
Or you could just legalize prostitution.
If there are tax benefits to being married and those benefits exist to create stable families for future generations, you have basically defrauded the American people out of money both in what you saved and in future cost for contributing more fucked up kids to the system through your degeneracy.
and her tits are just way too big. the french have a saying, that the perfect breast is the size of a champagne glass.
t. t
tiny penis bitch spotted
Ban no fault divorce.
Not a Muslim.
i'm usually against any government intervention into my or anyone else's love life.. but considering the detrimental effects broken homes and single motherhood is having on the degeneration of society, I'm inclined to consider it.
>making sex illegal outside of marriage illegal
Why are you biblethumpers so fucking moronic
>Tfw in Italy it's not allowed to make prenups and you get fucked by the judge.
Feels bad.
yea no
i like cucking
>in france, its literally illegal for a father to get a paternity test to find out if his son is actually his
Europe needs to burn
>Low test beta
Fuckin millennials.
Isn't adultery a crime in the military?
I know there's a few countries in the world where if you commit adultery, you automatically lose any right to alimony and if there are children involved, the custody is given to the other parent.
I'd be fine with that.
The problem in most 1st world countries is that the innocent party suffers for something they didn't do themselves.
Yes but only for the spouse that is in the service.
only a law that states if you commit adultery then the only assets you receive are those you can prove you earned, and that you don't get alimony, and custody of the child defaults to the other party
No jail time, but stop giving women money for being whores
No, I'm not a muslim goat fucker or a virgin christcuck who hates women because they wouldn't touch his 300 pound ass with a flagpole.
The french are faggots
No, but the individual cheating should have no money given to them upon breaking up.
No. Don't rely on the government to solve your problems for you. Man the fuck up and control your woman or take responsibility for your failure to do so.
For married women? Yes. For men? No as long as he has enough money to support his family and mistress.
>Do you think there should be laws that punish people for adultery?
YES. I would revolt for that, among other things.
I'd punish her tits with my mouth
and this
Literally this
The French are gay and you're fuckin gay too
Matthew 5:32 "But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery."
Laws like adultery were critical in maintaining marriage's power in society. It basically punishes people for trying to 'game' the system.
Likewise child support, alimony, etc.
They have REASONS for existing, but we've tossed away so much regarding marriage without even questioning why we had these laws to begin with.
Yes divorce rates would drop massively since you could cheat with Chad and then take the poor beta males shit.
Cuckoldry should be banned
I think you should post more Anri Okita
Rape followed by stoning.
Yeah why not. If the state is gonna take alimony and child support from you no matter what, might as well have a fine for adultery or something.
My guess is you're a loser manchild that likes to sleep with 50 year old married women who come to your country on vacation.
Marriage should be more like a concrete legal contract that a couple enters into and can customize to their individual situations, and adultery should be handled as a breach with explicitly defined penalties, etc.
What the US at least has now with a mishmash of murkly Common Law and precedent based law combined with extreme discretionary power of judges is a complete mess.
Whoever does it, will allow the cucked partner to get divorced without having to pay for child support or any bullshit,since they were victims.
If it's the woman who does it, the man who fucks her will be the one who will pay for the child support and all that.
That's really good, actually. Make the child support mandatory for the man who fucked her. That way, the children won't suffer from her mother's whoredom if it happens and it should serve as a deterrent for fucking married women.
If it's the wife who cheats, why would you let her get child custody in the first place?
the wronged party should be offered custody with the offending party and his/her outside partner being liable for support.
Divorce with fault.
We are so gay that we fuck your little slutty girls when they come here every summer while you masturbate on your cuckold porn.
I even did anal last summer with a 17yo virgin qt from Austin, how does it make you feel Ryan ?
Marriage is a legal fiction that provides for inheritance and plural ownership of property, real and otherwise.
A cheating spouse should instantly forfeit their ownership share of the property, nothing more.
Child support is a common obligation to a third party, so it should not be subject to negotiation.
>AllahuAkBOOM detected
Of course. It's the deepest betrayal someone can commit. Give them some consequences and the whores won't do it. You get married, that's it. You forsake all others.